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How to promote a blog – 8 Methods to Promote Your Next Blog Post

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In this new article, we are talking about blog promotion and how to promote a blog and offer you some easy-to-implement, working methods to promote your next blog post.

Let’s get started

Blogs have become the norm when it comes to educating people and spreading awareness about specific topics.

Apart from these use cases, there are several other very effective methods that are associated with blogging for your business or organization. 

No matter how good your blog is, you will never make it to the top of the web without a proper blog promotion strategy. This is something that you should endeavor to do, every time you publish a new blog post.

Here in this article, we are going to decipher some of the easy and reliable ways to promote a blog post.

But before we start discussing the vital things, it is essential to talk about the fundamentals first. 


Pre-promotion requirements 

This is the most important thing to care about. Nothing wonderful can be created out of faulty raw materials. This is the reason why you should pay attention to the blog first. There are certain things that you need to check out. 

No matter how effectively you promote your blog posts, you will not get enough benefits if your blog lacks the proper quality.


Managing your content workflow

Getting ahead of others in this field requires you to put efforts here in a consistent manner. If you think that uploading one quality content is enough to make you shine, you are wrong. You need to have a great blog topic idea and quality writing to go with every post you publish.

Once your blog goes live, you have to keep on uploading quality content at regular intervals. Don’t let the initial momentum fade away as time passes. Make sure you have proper plans to keep up with this pace throughout the process. 


Ensure high-quality content with visuals

A quality blog needs to be helpful and should be unique in many ways. Apart from that, you should try to make the blog easily relatable to a brand or product. If you create blog posts for instantaneous popularity, it won’t help you in the long run. Don’t entirely focus on how-to blogs, and focus on something extra, something more valuable. 

Visuals are a very important part of a blog. It has been found that people are not attracted to a blog if there is only text. Several pieces of research have revealed that consumers memorize 10% of the text as compared to 65-70% of visual content

In case you want to persuade more readers through your blog posts, you have to do something that resonates with them, such as implementing professional photography or enriching your blog post with visual information such as infographics. 


How to promote a blog - header

8 Fantastic ways to promote a blog post 

Now that you are aware of the pre-promotion requirements, it is time to go on with the promotion of blog posts.

Here are some simple ways to do it.

Let us see which one suits you the best. 


Use social media to share your blog posts

This might not be the first time you are reading the statement.

No matter how many platforms there are in the world, social media remains one of the most reliable sources to promote a blog post. But this way would work for you only if you have a strong social media presence that engages and then provides blog mentions.

Your ability to promote blog posts on social media is highly dependent on how many people you interact with.

One of the best ways to do it is by scheduling your job on social media. Make sure you reach diverse sections of society through social media. 

You will be able to grab the attention of those people only if you create diverse content based on their preferences. Social media acts as a nice platform through which your followers will be redirected to your blogs if they are curious.

You can save a lot of time and effort by using some social media automation tools for this purpose. 


Answer questions on Quora

Quora is the most easily accessible platform where people engage with each other. For those who are new in the field of blogging, Quora is the best platform to grow. First, you need to create an account on Quora and start answering questions about your topic. 

Remember you have to do it on a daily basis. But it is easy to get it wrong. Some just simply include the content from their blogs in the answers.

You have to avoid this practice and try to help people by giving them appropriate and genuine answers.

Don’t include the URL of your blog in every answer, it makes your answer look like spam.

Accounts get blocked on Quora due to this practice.

The best way to include the URL is by pasting it on your profile. 


Send out an email blast

Over the last few years in a number of blogs that I have managed, I have grown a great number of subscribers, just by having a subscribe form on every single blog post.

The subscribers who give you their email address or details, want to hear from you, so the least you could do is send them a regular email. I find that every 2-4 weeks is the perfect frequency. If you post more than weekly, then include a few links in each email. 

If you publish a brand new blog post every 2-3 weeks, then sending an individual email blast for each new post also works a treat.

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Optimize for SEO

Always ensure that wherever you write and whoever you write for, you always consider how you are going to optimize every blog post for SEO.

Search engines love keyword-rich, unique content that attracts and captivates human visitors and search engine robots alike.

When looking at optimizing for SEO, always ensure that your target keyword phrase is in the blog post title, in the first paragraph, and at least once for every two hundred words.

I always ensure that I add an image to both the top and middle of the article, and include the keywords or keyphrases in there as well.  


Add a link to your email signature

It is a very common practice used in marketing campaigns.

A clickable email is a really nice way to drive conversions from your email to the blogs or any other targets. Email marketing is one of the best ways to promote your business and other things. 

In case someone is interested, they will get a chance to have a glimpse of your blog right from the email. This clickable email lets you engage with the target audience on other channels like social media and blog posts. 


Try guest posting on relevant blogs

Guest posting has been one of the best techniques to promote a blog post and it is still very effective.

The way to do it is also very simple. Find blogs that belong to your category and then provide them with the best ideas for publishing. It is an equally beneficial practice for both parties. 

The blog host will get high-quality, unique content and you will get a backlink to your website.

But you need to send outreach emails to the bloggers. Apart from that, you won’t be able to guest post if you are unable to craft a high-quality guest blog post. 


Repurpose that content!

There are many different ways to use the content you have just written as well.

Consider recording a short YouTube video about it, or writing the key points into a presentation file that you can share on services like SlideShare. 

All of this content restructuring can help drive even more traffic to your original blog post and get it further attention. When you think about it, there are so many different opportunities to repurpose your content in other forms.

These include:

  • Audio formats, such as podcasts, interviews, or even voiceovers with music.
  • Visual formats, things such as infographics and Instagram slides.
  • Then there are also written forms such as quotes and slides, etc.

Embrace Facebook Pixels

I have had great success recently using Facebook marketing, specifically their Facebook remarketing pixel. I use these to remarket to previous blog readers over and over again. If they like one article of mine, there’s a good chance they will enjoy future articles. 

The pay-per-click cost is very low, and the work in setting up a campaign on Facebook is very easy.

It’s a very cost-effective method to attract a regular readership.


How to promote a blog – Takeaways

If you want to really promote a guest post, you need to be consistent with your efforts.

Blogging is all about consistency and most search engine algorithms prefer new content when it comes to rank websites.

While you focus on the points mentioned above, try to incorporate the principles of SEO in your content. 


Now it is over to you.

Are you a blogger or are you starting a blog?

Was the information in this article useful to you?

Let us know in the comments section below!

Regards Dexter

How to promote a blog - 8 Simple Methods to Promote Your Next Blog Post
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How to promote a blog - 8 Simple Methods to Promote Your Next Blog Post
We are talking blog promotion and how to promote a blog and offer you some easy-to-implement, working methods to promote your next blog post.
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

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