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SEO Tips for Page One Results

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In this new article, we are talking about SEO Tips for page one results and how you can stay on page one in the SERPs.

Let’s get started.

The battle for a top spot on Google’s page one is really fierce and sometimes it would seem that you do win that battle only to find out that later on you gradually lose the war as you drift down the rating.

SEO is not just about creating g great content, optimizing it for SEO, and then just moving onto the next article.

It is about nurturing and looking after the content that you create and keeping it fresh and relevant for today’s audience.

Here are 8 Google SEO tips that will put you on and keep you on page one of the SERPs.

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SEO Tips for page one results

Studies tell us that the click-through rate for a position 10 result (typically the bottom of page one) is around 3.11%.

That’s 3.1% of every 100 clicks the search term you rank for in position 10 gets or 31 or so hits per 1000 views.

That is very low. If you are on page 2 then you may as well be on page 10 as far as clicks are concerned.

The competition for a spot on page one of Google can be fierce for position 1 it is cutthroat but it is achievable if you have a plan and are willing to put in the work on an ongoing basis.

Here are the proven methods to put you on page 1 of Google and keep you there.


1. Improve your Internal Linking Strategy

You need internal links on posts to direct visitors to other pages on your site. Internal links are also crucial to help Google to navigate your site. If you are not setting up internal links then the chances are that you are creating orphaned pages and they won’t appear on page 1.

Internal linking is one of the easiest strategies to implement that can have a really positive effect on your ranking.

Strategically linking between your pages can really help you in you building better niche authority for your key topics, increasing the chances that you will rank for those topics.

Your internal linking strategy should link pages and posts together where it makes the most sense for your visitors.

When writing your content look for opportunities where specific pages add value to the information on the page a user lands on.

Visitors benefit from access to more relevant information on your site in kind of the same way that search engines try to give you lots of relevant search results.

Internal linking helps to convince Google that you have authority in the coverage of a given topic, giving them more confidence to send traffic your way.

Take note of the internal links spread out in this article, you will see that they are all relevant to the topic and help the visitor with their journey to answer their search intent.

This is probably the most important of the Google SEO tips for page one results that we will be sharing with you today.


2. Page 2 Threshold Pages

It is important to find your threshold pages.

Your threshold pages are the pages/posts that typically sit on page 2, within positions 11 through 20.

These pages show promise but typically produce very low traffic, less than 30 views per 1000.

Make these pages a high priority. With some work, they can easily move up to page 1 by improving the linking structure.

They are much easier to rank than new content, which takes time to index and find their feet.


3. Do your research

If you have threshold content that is stuck on page 2 then do your research and check out the pages that are higher than yours.

Compare the pages a d answer these questions:

  • How long are they?
  • What are they doing differently?
  • Is there a gulf in quality?
  • How Is the writing? Is it better than yours?
  • Is the external linking to the content of a higher quality than yours?
  • Do the pages contain rich content, videos, infographics charts, and tables?

By researching and answering these important questions you can quickly address any possible SEO weaknesses.


4. Adjust the Site Navigation

Contextual links, (tier 2 links) within posts are what we are typically talking about when we set up a linking strategy but we can also build in tier 1 links, (links from the menu and pages close to the homepage) to really make the point to Google that you consider the destination important. Simply add links onto your menu.

Google assesses the relative importance of a page by looking at its distance from the home page because typically the home page has the most external backlinks giving it the highest DA and PA.

Link juice flows from the homepage with those closest to the homepage receiving the most.

You obviously can’t use this powerful technique on every post because that would create quite the menu but it can be used on the most important pages to give them an SEO boost.


5. Make your Site Mobile-Friendly

With Googles Mobile-First Index your site has to be mobile-friendly.

If your not mobile-friendly then you are at a real disadvantage in the SERPs.

Mobile-friendliness is part of Googled Page Experience update and so Google gives preference to mobile-ready content.

Making your site Mobile-Friendly is pretty easy to do with just about all themes being responsive.

If your theme isn’t responsive then there are plugins that can change that but in all honesty, if your theme isn’t up to the job then you just have to change it.

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6. Earn/Build more backlinks

Google now plays down the importance of backlinks but there is no question that they are still incredibly important when it comes to ranking on Google.

Building links is a time-consuming business and the only real white hat way to build links Is to just create content that is so good that visitors link to it.

Guest posting is also seen as a legitimate way to build links.

But even guest posting is now becoming a bit of a grey area when building backlinks. A link gained as credit for writing a post is not an organic link.


7. Featured Snippets and Answer Snippets

Featured Snippets and answer snippets allow you to jump to the top of the search results page even when your content doesn’t rank high on page 1.

Grabbing a Featured Snippet or answer snippet is not guaranteed but there are things that you can do to your odds of making an appearance.

With Featured Snippets run some searches with related keywords to see if any snippets appear.

When you find a snippet review the structure of the snippet.

Does it show as a text paragraph or a bullet point list, or a table?

This will give you clues as to what Google is looking for with your search terms.
Keep in mind that Google is looking for clear concise information.

How can you improve what is already being shown?

Answer snippets are much the same.

Google search not only index’s web pages but now has the ability to index and rank passages within that page.

Basically, paragraphs within a post can now rank for given search terms that they may answer and appear as answer snippets.

We have already covered passage ranking in great detail in this article – What Is Passage Ranking? What Is Passage SEO?


8. Use the Update SEO Technique

Content has a lifecycle, new content grows in the rankings but after time the honeymoon is over and you may start to slide down the results.

Use the Update SEO technique to breathe life into your content and keep it fresh.

Update SEO is simply the process of keeping your content up to date.

Google loves fresh new content but it also loves old content that is kept up to date and relevant and evergreen.

So regularly updating old content and keeping it fresh and relevant for today really is a big win the search results


SEO Tips for Page One Results – Takeaways

SEO is not just about optimizing your content and then forgetting about it.

It’s about managing your content on a day-to-day basis and being prepared to update or make changes when the need arises.

All of the above tips, when implemented together will make a big difference to your chances of grabbing a top spot in the SERPs.


That’s all for now.

So have you implemented any of these SEO tips into your content strategy?

Do you have some of your own that you would like to share?

Let us know in the comments section below and if you found these tips useful then why not share the article with your audience or consider linking to us.

Regards Dexter

SEO Tips for Page one - Here are 8 great tips for 2021/22
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SEO Tips for Page one - Here are 8 great tips for 2021/22
In this new article, we are talking about SEO Tips for page one results and how you can stay on page one in the SERPs.
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

2 Responses

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  2. TKDigitals
    | Reply

    Hello Dexter, Hope you are having a good time! I have just read your article. You have done a great job on your post about SEO tips, it would surely help anyone to rank his website on search engines.

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