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6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Each Stage of Your Sales Content Funnel

In this new article, we delve into the world of video content and give you our 6 top-performing types of video content for each stage of your Sales Content Funnel, explaining what they are and how you use them.

Let’s get started!

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6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Each Stage of Your Sales Content Funnel

Online videos have changed the way internet users consume content.

In this digital era, they prefer to watch a video rather than reading heavy-text and bulky product descriptions.

That is what makes video marketing so popular and why it has become a must-have strategy for marketers today.

Not only do videos increase audience engagement but they also offer you a massive chance to move your prospects through your sales funnel.

Every savvy marketer knows that they need a different video for each stage of their marketing funnel.

After all, you can’t simply create one single video to achieve all of your marketing funnel content objectives, can you?

In each of your sales funnels, you will get unique prospects with unique interests and behaviors.

You need to match specific video types with each stage of your sales funnel.

You are now probably wondering, which type of video is ideal for each stage in a sales funnel?

Let’s give you the answers you need.


What You Need to Know About Sales Content Funnels

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, it’s important to have a better understanding of what a sales funnel itself is.

What are sales funnels?

Simply put, sales funnels are a map or path you create for your prospects to turn them into leads, then from leads into paying customers (sales).

More often than not, there are three stages of the sales funnel, including:

  1. Top of the sales content funnel; realizing awareness and discovery
  2. Middle of the sales content funnel; looking for solutions
  3. Bottom of the sales content funnel; making purchase decisions

As you can see, each stage of the funnel has its own objective towards prospects.

The key here is to tailor your message and content to where your prospect is in the buying or sales process.

The more effort to understand and match your message to the three stages of a sales funnel, the more prospects feel connected and trust your brand.

Videos raise the heat on your funnel as they are an engaging medium to attract, engage, and convert your prospects or potential customers hassle-free.

And with all three stages in the funnel, it is clear that having one single marketing funnel content video for a sales funnel is not a good strategy for conversions.

Creating specific videos for each stage of your sales funnel makes it easier for you to engage your more prospects and encourage them to travel down the pipeline.

This, in turn, will help you to improve your conversion rate and boost your sales as well as your revenue.


Best Types of Video Content for Each Stage of Your Content Funnel

Now that you understand what a sales funnel is all about and how video marketing funnel content can energize your funnel and be an ideal strategy for speeding up the whole conversion process, it’s time to break down some of the best types of video content for each stage of the funnel.


Top of the Sales Funnel

On the top of the sales funnel, you need to focus on building a solid brand presence and spread more awareness.

This is the stage where your prospects discover your brand for the very first time.

Therefore, this is also your chance to create a positive impression for them.

In this case, you need videos that are short but catchy.

Prospects only continue watching a video if it offers a solution to a problem or a need they are currently experiencing.

If you get them hooked, they tend to research your brand more so they can fully understand and put a name to it.

Here are the ideal types of videos you should create for the top of your sales funnel.


Brand Videos

Brand videos showcase your values, missions, and brand cultures to your prospects.

Remember, your prospects only move down to the next stage when they trust and are familiar with your brand.

And brand videos can show off who you are and how you can help them.

This type of video only focuses on attracting your prospects by showing your unique brand image and personality and avoiding hard-selling.

That is a crucial step to build a meaningful relationship right off the bat.


Story-Driven Videos

You can also attract more eyeballs with story-driven, entertaining videos.

This quick and fun style of content is most suitable for social media.

The aim is to create a short burst of emotion in your prospects so they can recall your brand easily.

You can create fictional stories or simply tell your brand story through videos.

The key in story-driven videos is to arouse emotions.

Try to think what techniques would make the video memorable to your prospects, and what could make it shareable, even with the potential to go viral!

When you tell stories that elicit emotions through videos, you make your prospects feel something; sad, happy, joy, inspired, motivated.

And when you successfully make them feel a certain emotion, they will remember what you said as well as your brand.


Middle of the Sales Funnel

The middle of the sales funnel is all about helping your prospects find solutions to their problems as they are now researching all the available options for solving them.

The types of videos that you need for this stage are those that purely show the benefits and advantages of your products.

It’s crucial to highlight what solutions you have for them to make their life at least a bit easier.

These two types of videos are ideal for this stage:


Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are well-known for their capability to break down even complex ideas into snackable chunks, helping prospects digest your messages better.

This short and educational type of video shows your prospects how your product or service works.

It represents your solutions, so prospects have a reason why they should invest in your brand without sounding too hard-selling.

And with a decent amount of valuable information it delivers, you can encourage prospects onto the bottom of the funnel.


Webinar Videos

As mentioned before, the middle of the funnel is pretty much about educating your prospects and making them more comfortable with your brand.

And when we talk about educating prospects using videos, we talk about webinars.

Webinar videos are ideal for providing your prospects with valuable information they want to know.

Not only that, though.

It also shows your brand that you are authoritative in your field, making it easier for prospects to trust you and move on to the next stage.

In this new article, we delve into the world of video content and give you our 6 top-performing types of video content for each stage of your Sales Content Funnel, explaining what they are and how you use them.Click To Tweet

Bottom of the Sales Funnel

At this stage, prospects are only a step away from converting.

You have successfully helped them become familiar with your brand and understand your benefits better.


Now, your job here at the bottom of the sales funnel is to create videos to encourage them to make a final purchase choice.

You need to address and answer their business-related questions and concerns through videos.

Here are the types of videos you need to convince prospects to complete the purchasing process.


Customer Testimonial Videos

Customer testimonial videos do a great job in convincing your prospects to complete their purchase.

This type of video features your satisfied and happy customers, allowing them to share their experience when using your products or services.

So, instead of bragging about your brand yourself, you let your customers do all the talking.

This kind of review and genuine thoughts from the previous customers about your brand make your brand less hard-selling.

People care about what other people think of a product or service.

When they hear a lot of good things about your brand from others, they will have no problem in making their final purchase decision.


Behind the Scenes Videos

Behind the scenes, videos show an authentic side of your brand.

It gives your prospects a walk-through of what actually happens behind the curtain.

You can also say that it offers a peek of the magic behind your brand by presenting your story and the team that is part of it.

With this type of video, you can show the steps of how your products are made, your team activities and routine, and more.

It can help your prospects to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of your brand and even your teamwork.

When they know what actually happens behind the curtain, they can be more sure to trust your brand and complete the purchasing process.

6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Each Stage of Your Content Funnel


6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Each Stage of Your Content Funnel – Takeaways

We live in the visual world where more and more people are demanding more and more videos to learn and be entertained.

And when it comes to video marketing funnel content, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all video.

Certain types of video appeal to certain marketing funnel content objectives better than others.

In this case, you better create videos for each stage of your sales process.

By doing so, your prospects see what they want to see when they want to see it.

Therefore, it would be much easier for your prospects to connect with you and develop trust towards your brand, encouraging them to complete their purchase process — even become repeat customers.


That’s all for now.

So have you ever set up a sales funnel incorporating video content?

What was your experience?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Make sure that you use a real name and have an avatar for when you comment otherwise your comments more than likely won’t be published.

Regards Dexter

6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Your Sales Content Funnel
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6 Top-Performing Types of Video Content for Your Sales Content Funnel
In this new article, we give you our 6 top-performing types of video content for each stage of your Sales Content Funnel, explaining what they
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

3 Responses

  1. Anar Rub
    | Reply

    Hey Dexter,

    First off, congratulations on this post. This is really awesome but that’s what you always crank out my friend. Great posts that we can sink our teeth into and really go to work.

    I love this bucket list and you know you’re right. Blogging can be very overwhellaing for a lot of people because there is so much involved but it’s like anything else. Everything takes time and we all have the same amount of hours in a day so put them to good use. We all have to start somewhere and your plan is perfect.

    World domination, huh! I like the thought and I’m still shooting for that list of thousands but I’ll get there. My time will come but I know I’m on the right path.

    Great share and thanks for the mention here, wow… How cool is that.

    Off to share this post now, I want all those new bloggers to see that if they don’t already have a plan than they do now!

  2. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    Thanks Anar for the great review of our post. Yes we work hard on the content we put out and try to make it as simple as possible for everyone to understand.
    Dexter Roona recently posted…How Customer Reward Loyalty Programs Can Help Your Business Grow FasterMy Profile

  3. Roger Howard
    | Reply

    Nice post, thanks for such a detailed article on video content according to sales funnel stages. This article is very helpful, keep posting!

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