3 Simple Methods To Generate Traffic Without Seo Or Social Media
We all need to generate traffic to our content. We require relevant targeted traffic to get the content we create seen by the people it is intended for. SEO and Social Media are seen as huge methods to grow traffic to your site and of course, they are. But in this article, we will show you 3 easy methods to generate traffic without SEO or Social Media
Let’s Introduce you to Google Alerts
We have already talked about Google Alerts in our guide to Google Alerts. Now we are going to expand and drill down on what we learned in that article and learn an awesome traffic generation strategy. Absolutely anyone can employ this strategy in just a couple of minutes and generate free targetted traffic to their content.

1/ Traffic Generation With Google Alerts
You can definitely generate traffic without SEO and Social Media with Google Alerts.
This method of generating niche targeted traffic is probably the easiest method there is to bring traffic to your blog site. All you have to do is find relevant blogs that are posting new content that is related to the content that you create. In order to do this, we use Google Alerts.
Google Alerts is a free Google Tool that sends you daily email alerts when new content has been published that may be of interest to you. Simply set the parameters on Google Alerts to find the top bloggers in your niche so that you are alerted to new content that is published.
When you find relevant, traffic generating content all you have to do to divert some of the traffic the content receives your way. You do this by writing a very good relevant comment on the article that asks questions and adds value. This puts your take on the subject forward. Make your comment engaging and insightful to get the attention of the author and the readers. Add your site link to the website box when you comment so that they can click through to you.
Remember your comment has to be good and offer some value to the post or it probably won’t get past moderation. So make sure you read the article fully don’t just skim through the post before adding your comment.
How Google Alerts Works
You now know the basic traffic generation strategy we use with Google Alerts. Now time to drill down and show you how to apply Google Alerts to boost your traffic.
Take a look at this very simple graphic below that I have created. It shows the settings required to enable you to find traffic generating articles.

- Search Query – Add in your Google Alerts Search Terms so in my example social media
- Result Type – On the Result Type pull-down menu selects Blogs
- Language – Select your language
- Region – Leave this in any region, but you can drill down and to country-specific if you require
- How Often – On the pull-down menu select as-it-happens so that you have every chance of being the first to comment, this means that more will see and read your comment
- How Many – Select Only the best results
- Deliver To – Add your email address
Click Create Alert, and you are done.
2/ Traffic Generation With Viral Content Bee
To put it simply ViralContentBee is a website where you earn credits for social sharing other members content. You then use the credits earned to add your own projects into the rotation for members to share.

Now I know I said there were no social media involved with these 3 traffic generation methods and you can argue VCB is all about social media, but all ViralContentBee really is, is a platform that shows your content to a community, there is no real engagement with members on a social media level. The only social media element is clicking share to earn points.
I have already written quite an extensive Getting Started Guide for ViralContentBee you can read more below.
How To Give Your Blogs Viral Reach – How To Make Your Blogs Go Viral Quickly
We are all looking to get our blog articles out to our readers. The main way to do this is via social media channels. Getting our articles shared means that we generate traffic. Our posts get indexed quicker and get found on the search engines.
ViralContentBee is a great site. You to add your blog articles to the Viral Content Bee sharing platform to be shared by the members. To add your articles you need sharing credits. You can simply buy these by becoming an upgraded member or you can earn them by sharing member content.
Once you have some credits apply them to an article that you want to share. Then let the members help to make your blog go viral.
ViralContentBee is a quality site with quality members. VCB checks all article submissions for quality. No affiliate programs or money-making schemes are allowed on VCB. The focus is very much on quality.
Traffic Generation Pro-Tip
[sociallocker id=4513]Make sure you check the articles you are sharing. They may well be worth adding a comment to and used to generate traffic.
If you do comment, again focus on the comment being of value to the post, to grab the attention of readers and the site owner.
3/ Generate Traffic With Just ReTweet
Just ReTweet is a viable alternative to ViralContentBee.
As the name would suggest Just ReTweet started out as a site that members used to generate retweets.Now it has moved on and now encompasses Facebook Likes and Google +1s as well. Simply share member posts and earn points and then allocate those points to your own projects for members to generate share for your content, you can also earn points for following members.

Related – Get More Traffic, Exposure and ReTweets with JustRetweet
How To Generate Traffic Without SEO Or Social Media – Takeaways
As you can see the finding high-quality traffic boosting blog articles is key to generating traffic to your site. When you then also leverage others on sites like ViralContentBee and JustRetweet you do have a powerful traffic generation strategy.
That’s all for now, if you have any questions then please comment them below and I will be happy to answer them.
Do you have any methods to generate traffic without SEO or Social media?
Subscribe to the comments and follow the conversation. You can also join our mailing list to receive the latest updates and new content direct to your inbox
To your continued success!
regards Dexter Roona
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Dexter Roona
Thanks Lesly, yes Google Alerts brings the content to you with no fuss just via email, then just review the content, if it’s of good enough quality just comment and engage with the author about what they have post and you should see some valuable niche traffic from your actions.
Justin Iskandar
Hey Dexter,
Nice article. I haven’t try using Google Alerts.
It is definitely on my to do list now.
Thanks for sharing this.
Dexter Roona
Thanks Justin yes it is well worth the effort, i say effort only takes a min to set an alert up.
Yup! This is a topic I love. Traffic without having to worry about search engines is a great soothing thing for bloggers.
Viral content buzz works really well for me. Although I am relatively new there, I am seeing great reach and good quality reach over there!
Thanks for the tips 🙂
Jane recently posted…Internet Marketing Strategies 101 For Home Based Business Bloggers
Dexter Roona
Yes VCB is a gold mine. You can get shares on some big followed Twitter accounts.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Facebook selfie image verification is here
Hi Dexter,
I have been using VCB and JustRetweet and both are really great tools to bring in quality traffic. Also blog commenting if done effectively can be a traffic mine that generate targeted traffic, however I didn’t though that I could use Google Alerts to be notified of latest posts about specific topic. Thanks for sharing this great tip.
Qasim recently posted…4 Genius Approaches To Making Money On Your Smartphone
Dexter Roona
Your very welcome, just wrote an article that applies to Viral Content Buzz the link is below
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…Social Media Strategies – Re-Thinking And Expanding
Dr. Erica Goodstone
I have used Google Alerts for quite awhile, but I do very little with them. Often, I don’t even look at them – just save them for the future. Writing blogs, reading and sharing others’ blogs, taking webinars, seeing cliens, creating videos and doing lots of other online stuff, makes it important for me to pick and choose which programs to use and focus on.
Thanks for all these details. I may revisit a few of these sites that you suggest.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted…When Stress Takes Over – Where Does Love Go?
Dexter Roona
Hi Dr Erica, yeah i think your right we do have to workout our strategy and apply what as valuable elements to everything we do because there is just not enough time. Google Alerts is a time saver as it finds what im looking for, so i see value with it.
Thanks for posting i will checkout your CommentLuv Link now 😉
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…Social Media Strategies – Re-Thinking And Expanding
Monna Ellithorpe
Hi Dexter,
I use Google Alerts already but I haven’t used them in the way you spoke about in this post. Great idea and I will be trying that today.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Have a great day. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…Cross Posting – 6 Part Social Media Series – Twitter #1
Dexter Roona
Your welcome Monna, let me know if you have any questions.
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Rachel Lavern@Online Biz Boomer Babe
Hi Dexter,
I do use Google Alerts to stay on top of industry news and trends. I want to thoroughly know my niche so I research it, read other blogs on the same topic, and stay up-to-date on related news. I have set up the alerts and I love how Google then sends the relevant articles to my inbox. When we know our niche well, we are able to write content that matters to our readers and they will see us as an expert–a go-to person in our niche.
Rachel Lavern@Online Biz Boomer Babe recently posted…Are Your Facing Your Fears?
Dexter Roona
Thanks Rachel i appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment on my article.
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Sue Bride
An excellent article Dexter. I still haven’t tried Viral Content Buzz but I’m going to check it out right now. Out of all of the like exchanges I prefer iboexchange.com which is part of IBO toolbox. I feel you can better target the right people to like your pages/profiles as well as find those that you don’t mind liking too.
I believe that quality is better than quantity when it comes to your followers.
I too use Google Alerts but need to update them.
Sue Bride recently posted…Coming Soon Team Site Traffic
Dexter Roona
Thanks Sue i need to look again at IboExchange, it was a bit buggy when i last looked at it had just started, i will have to add it to my IboToolBox Guide, i don’t think i have yet.
Regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social Signals
Really good article i have to say…
I will definitely try all of these!
Dexter Roona
You will get results if you do 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…How to get more Facebook Likes
Monisha Kapur
Hi Dexter,
Thank You so much for these fabulous tips on generating traffic! I have never heard of google alerts before so thank you for teaching me something new!
I’ll be sure to use these tips in the future.
Monisha Kapur recently posted…How to Wear Spring Clothes in Winter
Dexter Roona
Hi yes, Google Alerts is a great resource. You can send relevant content to your inbox without searching for it.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Social Media HR Recruitment Tips for 2018
Great article, I found it on Viral Content Buzz and shared it there. I definitely find the idea to use Google Alerts most interesting. I used it before, but just to find out mentions of my own company or my own name. But finding other blog posts related to my own offers is a great idea.
Dexter Roona
Hi yes VCB is a great resource nit just by getting shares but by also commenting on relevant blogs you find and getting clicks from the blog’s audience.
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Pretty Please Passive Income
I like your idea about Google Alert. Generally people use it for up to date information about their niche (current niche market research). Your idea about using it to generate website traffic is very clever.
Pretty Please Passive Income recently posted…14 Easy Ways to Build High Quality Backlinks
Dexter Roona
Yes, I spotted an angle to help me generate traffic.
Dexter Roona recently posted…The Easiest Way To Increase Your Pinterest Views And Followers
It looks like I’m a little late to the party on this post, but still wanted to add my 2 cents.
I’ve gotta hand it to ya Dexter, that Google Alerts tip for blog commenting is pretty sharp! I intend to file that one away under ‘street moves’.
And although I don’t personally use VCB, I do make use of CoPromote & Crowdfire. From as far as I can tell, social boosting sites pretty much accomplish the same things. Personally, I think it depends on your goals for using a particular one & your preference for a particular site/community that matter most.
But my takeaway from this post isn’t even about the subject matter here; it’s how you link to your other posts.
Straight up Dexter, that is the most unique, original method I’ve ever seen somebody use to internally link their site! At first it threw me off, because I just assumed that you were quoting a screenshot. Then, upon closer inspection it hit me. That’s a pretty boss ass way to accomplish linking to a previous post.
Props man!
Otis recently posted…Learn How To Add Value Blogging (The RIGHT Way)
Dexter Roona
Check my CommentLuv link I lay it all out in that post 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…SEO Guide 2018 – My Simple Guide To SEO
Wow great post, very informative about generation of traffic. When people cannot do coding and bring results this guide can help a lot! Infobunny is a rockstar blog.
Dexter Roona
Thanks BlueTechno.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Instagram adds two new Instagram features
Hi Dexter,
Actually i am searching great & Smart way of content spreading across multi places, finally i got solution from your article. These wonderful ideas help us to do effective content marketing in this fast growing world .. I need to Implement these steps for my website.
Every startups should follow these sneaky ways to build their brand awareness.
Thanks for sharing.
Dexter Roona
Your welcome.