I wasn’t going to post any articles today, I was going to have a blog free day and just spend some time working my social media channels.
But instead, I end up writing an article about adapting and expanding social media strategies and here is why.
My most basic social media strategy is to build extra traffic to my InfoBunny site.
I have come to the realization that I can expand and adapt this existing strategy, to produce more contact and engagement.
Generating backlinks, both dofollow and nofollow, and gaining more organic click-through traffic.
So here is how I came to the realization of how I can get better blogging results.
So I’m on my favorite social share site Facebook and looking at the shares that I have made from Viral Content Bee.
I’m looking at them, that’s what I usually do just look.
So I decide to click through on one of the VCB – VoralContentBee social shares.
No surprises there is some great niche content that is closely related to my InfoBunny site.
Content that is worth leaving a comment on.
The key point I have been missing is that I’m quick to share from sites like ViralContentBee but it never really occurred to me that it would be a good idea to follow up on what I’m sharing and the benefits this would bring to my engagement.
So Why Follow Up Your Social Shares
Well, really the keyword is Engagement. The content I am following up on is really all article and blog related.
Following up gives me the following
- Makes contact with the author
- Provides a backlink to my site and content
- Traffic from the follow-up comment. I make my comment a quality engaging comment that screams to the author and the readers Click Through To Me
It’s strange how sometimes you miss the simplest of things isn’t it or perhaps your already doing this.
Following Up On Emails
So I’m checking my emails. I’m seeing all the emails from Viral Content Bee telling me that my content has been shared.
Now I don’t normally really look at these, but after my Facebook social sharing follow up strategy breakthrough, I decided to check the emails out and as well as the Facebook Social Share Notifications I’m also seeing the Social Share Notifications for Twitter and StumbleUpon all with click-through links to the shares that ViralContentBee members have been making.
Now again I really don’t know why or how I have been missing this but again, why am I not following up on these social shares that have been made on Twitter and StumbleUpon?.
So I click through to Twitter and see the tweets and it occurs to me why not retweet? Would that bring in more value to my content? I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t as the action carries my Twitter handle (great for my Klout Score) and my article link.
I can even make contact with the Twitter Member if there are enough characters left, or I can add in a #hashtag or two.
Moving onto StumbleUpon.
I’m still working on expanding my StumbleUpon strategy but again it links me to some cool content and great bloggers so more opportunities for posting relevant engaging comments to build conversation, backlinks and clickthrough traffic to Infobunny.
Following Up On Comments
It is also a great idea to follow up on comments that you receive on content that you create.
If someone takes the time and goes out of the way to write a good kick-ass comment that adds value to your post then nit following up is a huge opportunity missed.
Good long comments that add to the conversation and add value are gold dust.
If you follow up and give a great reply you
- Let your visitor know that your listening
- Start to build a possible relationship
- Probably get a repeat visitor and so more engagement
- Possibly a new opt=in to your list or a sale etc
It is just a really good blogging strategy to engage in the conversation that you start.
The same can be said if you guest post on someone else’s blog.
Don’t just post for your backlink and never come back.
Return to the scene and reply to the comments that you receive.
You will bill more traffic if you do.
After The Social Shares Have Stopped
It happens to all content after publishing the buzz just dies down.
So in a few weeks, time don’t be scared to reignite the fire under your content and reshare your content again across all your social channels.
Change the call to action message so that your content appears as new and fresh.
Consider adding some new images, especially if you are active on Pinterest.
You never know you may well end up getting more traffic the second time around.
Update Your Content
If you are going as far as updating your social message as part of your social media strategy then why not go the whole 9 yards and just update your content.
Rewrite if required, add additional text to further qualify, maybe swap your external links to qualifying articles.
Mix it up and keep content and strategy fresh.
Social Media Strategies – Rethinking And Expanding Takeaways
I keep asking “how I missed this”, but I already know “how I missed this”. It is partly a time issue and for me. It’s about trying to be too clever.
I’m often too engaged in trying to create traffic and get comments rather than taking the time to comment which creates engagement, new contacts, backlinks, and traffic.
Sometimes we do miss the simplest things.
So it is often well worth taking a step back occasionally and rethinking your social media strategies.
To your continued success!
regards Dexter
Do you have any social media strategies to boost traffic and search rankings?
Let me know in the comments section below!
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susan trivelpiece moore
I’m glad you blogged. Thank you.
Oh, I have a problem. I can’t get any google mail. It just stopped. My friend was doing “something” with my lap top and then the mail stopped. I’m not blaming anyone but … Hmmmm?
If you have any suggestions on how to expand my social media on google please let me know. Maybe I need to start a new page?
I’ve been bothering everyone. A lot.
Thank you,
Susan Trivelpiece Moore (My name is terrible. Too long. However, I can’t change it because I have made too many changes)
You definitely seem like you know a lot about social media. I do not have Face Book. (It’s not for me)
Dexter Roona
Start by reading my Google Plus Complete Guide and Tutorial then move onto my other guides. Your Gmail can’t just vanish it must be a password issue in which case password retrieve. Social Media…. you need to ask yourself why your using it, im using it to make money and promote my articles here on Infobunny, your strategy really depends on required results your looking for. If your looking to make money, to start to blog and generally have tools to grow your social media then take a look at this article that i wrote https://infobunny.com/cashunite-review
Dexter Roona recently posted…Social Media Strategies – Re-Thinking And Expanding
Dexter Roona
Always a good idea to keep the conversation going.