In this new article, we are adding to our Quora Content Cluster and showing you exactly how to rank your Quora questions on search engines.
We will be covering:
- Examples of ranking questions
- Quora SEO
- Keyword research
- SEO considerations
- How to not upset members
- Encouraging conversation
And so much more!
Let’s get started!
With Quora putting a serious squeeze on the value of internal views on your questions in the Partner Program it is now more important to rank your questions in the search engines than ever before if you are looking to earn revenue.
With that said it is just as important to rank your Quora questions if you are looking for click-through traffic because if you can get your content seen then you can generate traffic with Quora very easily.
But before I show you to get your questions on page 1 on Google here are some examples of my own questions that are ranking really well.
Question examples:
Below is a screen capture from Google search that shows my question “Why can’t I save videos on TikTok?“
This question ranks page 1 no 1 and even has the featured snippet as well.
The next screen capture is for my question titled “What is the order of the Sword Art Online (anime) franchise?“
This question ranks on page 1 position 2.
My last example is my question titled “Why can’t I send messages on TikTok?
This question is on page 1 position 2
These are just a few examples of Quora questions that I have that rank on Google, and that is exactly my strategy, to make my questions rank on Google, especially now that the value of internal views has been squeezed so much.
Here is exactly how you put your Quora questions on Page 1 of Google
Ranking your questions is much easier than you might think it is.
The difficult part really is just being able to find questions that haven’t already been asked that are or will be popular.
To put your questions on page one of Google you will need to know some very, very simple principles of SEO, and once you do your know how to rank your questions easily.
So what do you need to know?
Firstly a quick explanation of what SEO is.
SEO or search engine optimization is just the process of making the search engines like your questions.
If they like your questions and they answer the search user’s intent then you get pushed forward and seen.
How do you SEO optimize questions?
Think of your questions just as text you would write into a search engine when you are searching for something.
Those words are the base of your question and your keywords.
Design your questions around these words and you have phrases that are searched.
If you then get relevant answers to these questions you have covered the search intent and you then have questions that will rank.
So how do you find phrases that will rank
Join the conversation - In this new article, we are adding to our Quora Content Cluster and showing you exactly how to rank your Quora questions on search engines.Click To TweetKeyword research is the next thing you need to know.
Keyword research is just the process of finding the right words that give you the best chance of being found, the words that are searched.
Again this may sound complicated but it really is dead simple.
There are no complicated tools or programs required. All you need is your chosen search engine and your idea for a question.
So here is exactly what you do
Grab your chosen idea for an idea and Google search or bing search the keywords.
Check to see if there are lots of results.
Scroll down and look for related searches and people also ask for results.
These are proven words and phrases that are searched.
Incorporate these keywords and phrases into your questions and you have questions that have a very good chance of ranking on Google.
More SEO considerations
Google likes your keyword phrase to be positioned at the start of the question, as close to the start as possible.
There is a max length to any question before it is truncated in the search results.
So long questions are bad because more than likely half the question will be missing from search when it gets indexed meaning you have reduced chances of being found.
Don’t upset Quora members
There is a danger that your short questions will upset the “go ask this on Google” brigade.
There are many who think that short easy questions have no place on Quora, but that is not the case.
Just because the question has been asked on another site doesn’t mean the conversation surrounding the answer can’t also happen on Quora.
If you go to a search engine and ask a simple question there is no reason why they can”t be directed back to Quora and for this to happen the easy questions have to be asked on Quora.
Just ignore the question snobbery.
Join the conversation - This is how you SEO optimize your Quora questions and get them ranking on page 1 of Google.Click To TweetHelping your question rank
You are going to need answers, good answers so you will need to send answer requests.
Search engines like keywords so once you get answers it is prudent to suggest edits to those questions and add in your chosen keywords.
Upvote the good answers you receive and down vote the bad and click the positive feedback button on answers when it shows as required.
If the answers you receive are not up to standard then answer the question yourself and control the content and keywords.
It is a good idea to answer your questions regardless of how good the answer are anyway to maintain a level of control.
Encourage conversation in the comments.
If you get a good answer then engage with that member in the comments of the answer.
Ask for them to clarify things or ask follow up questions that can come to mind.
Finally, social share your questions and any good answers.
Facebook, Twitter are your questions friends.
Wakelet, Pocket and Flipboard shares are shares that I particularly like to make.
And then, of course, you can share good answers onto your profile and within relevant Spaces.
Your questions are ranking on Google. Now what?
As you can see from my first screen capture at the top of this page it is possible for your questions to display featured snippets.
To get the featured snippet I recommend that you write great answers for your questions and within those answers include relevant images that Google can then display.
Make sure that you monitor the answers that you get and downvote the bad, short answers as these carry no value and will just weaken the SEO on your questions.
Try to keep your answers as super relevant as you can to cover search, user intent.
It is possible to get your questions on page one somewhere and influence Google to push them to position 1.
How to rank your Quora questions on search engines – Takeaways
So that is it, now you know how to rank Quora questions on the search engines.
As you can see there is nothing hard about the process.
Google gives you all that you need to know.
Regards Dexter
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Kenneth Khayyam
It is really helpful but i want to know how do I can rank my quora answer on the top of all other answers because some of my answers rank on top under the question on quora effortlessly but some after my all tricks never reach the top.
even google like my first paragraph, and show it in the snipet in its result on top but quora rank my that answer on 4th spot.
Nikola Roza
Hi Dexter,
Excellent post. I can see the branding potential of ranking Quora answers in Google.
And I think ranking Quora questions is not that hard.
It’s a combo of targeting a low hanging fruit keyword phrased as a question, then giving a meaty reply to the question.
The rest will be taken care of by Google as we know Google loves authority sites.
And Quora has a DA of 92.
pawan sharma
Good stuff now I will try to rank my Quora questions. Thanks for sharing such a helpful article.