You know what popups are right? Well in this new article we are talking e-Learning popup banner campaigns and offer you a simple 3 step guide to optimizing yours.
Let’s get started!
What is a popup and what is a popup banner?
If your coming into this article with no marketing experience and have no real idea as to what popups and banner are then let me give you a very quick basic explanation.
In simple terms, a popup is a type of window that opens on the entry or exit of a page without the visitor clicking.
They tend to be timer based and open after a set period or can be set to open when a user goes to leave or exit the page, prompting them to stay longer with the use of a call-to-action.
In this instance you often see them offering a discount or some kind of free time-limited offering.
Popup banners are the same as popups, just a banner version.
So rather than an opt-in form or alike you are offered a banner popup, a static banner message if you like.
Types of popup content include
- Free Trials
- Reports – Case studies
- Products and services
- e-Learning and Business events
The 3-Step Guide To Optimizing Your e-Learning Popup Banner Campaign
A couple of quick questions:
Are you satisfied with your e-Learning popup banner marketing campaign results?
Do you think you’re making the most out of them?
If your answer to both these questions is no, then you’re on the right page.
It is painstaking it is to see your campaigns not perform as expected.
But when they fail, it’s not the time to give up.
Instead, you need to drill down and work out what is not working so that you can put an even more effective strategy into use by optimizing your existing popup banner campaigns with what you learn.
So with that said here is our 3-step guide to help you optimize your e-Learning popup banner campaigns.
Evaluate, Analyse, and Update
Once you successfully implement your popup banner marketing strategy, you have to wait for the results which are either satisfactory or poor.
This is the time to start followed by evaluating them and acting accordingly.
For instance, if you noticed people bouncing off your landing page directed via popup banners, you would analyse the reason behind your visitors leaving and address the problem.
They would more than likely be leaving your page because of a lack of engaging and compelling content either in the popup banner or on the landing page itself or possibly both the lading page or banner are not up to scratch.
Update your content strategy accordingly for both your landing page and popup banner and ensure they’re parallel to each other and convey the same message.
They need to work together.
For example, if your popup banner talks about the statistics relating a trending e-Learning course, make sure your landing page provides related information about the same course.
Additionally, you need to find and fix all related issues which might be weighing down your popup banner campaign.
We are talking popup banner campaigns. As always content is king with your visitors. Click To Tweet-
Your content copy must be compelling
Creating an engaging and compelling popup banner content copy is the second step to optimizing your e-Learning popup banner campaign
Make sure that your learners are able to read and relate with every single word of your landing page copy.
While it should be specific, don’t forget to keep it concise and clear.
For instance, if your landing page majorly talks about the highlights of Digital Marketing and Machine Learning courses, make sure not to distract the users by stuffing information on Software development and others such.
The idea is to be clear in regard to the message you wish to convey to your readers without adding any unnecessary information and compel users to take an action to sign up to your course or to opt into your list etc.
The main aim of any landing page is to convert visitors and popup banners can help you achieve this but only if you have a well-defined and interesting content strategy that appeals to your visitors.
Related reading
Popup banners guide for e-Learning companies
Choosing the right visuals is super-important
What’s any content copy without attractive visuals?
Visuals are proven to keep people on your pages.
Videos and images are key to keeping visitors engaged.
Did you know that around 50% to 80% of the human brain is dedicated to processing visual information and so good visuals make it easier to convey the message.
Creating infographics, videos, and other such content assets when trying to gain traction for your marketing campaign will help you.
The 3-Step Guide To Optimizing Your e-Learning Popup Banner Campaign – Takeaways
As you try to make the most of your e-Learning popup banner marketing campaign, you must keep in mind that optimization is the key.
Follow the aforementioned steps and you will gain traction from your target audience in no time.
As with just about everything in marketing, content is key and how that content is translated to its audience is just as important.
Take the time to work out what works and what doesn’t, what is appealing and what is not.
Try running your new improved campaign past friend and work colleagues and see what they like and dislike.
You can then easily see if you are making the correct optimizations and address some of the failings before you even go live.
That’s all for now.
So do you have any experience with popup campaigns, particularly e-Learning banner ad campaigns?
Let me know in the comments section below, making sure that you subscribe to the comments so we are notified when we reply.
Regards Dexter
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Michael jeson
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John Jackson
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james rawals
Indeed what you have written has helped me to comprehend this topic in a very concise way. Thank you
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