So Pinterest Hashtags are alive on Pinterest. However, there have been mixed feelings on Pinterest about their implementation with questions being asked. In this article, I’m going to answer a few of the most common Pinterest Hashtag questions and by the time we are finished your understand everything you need to know about Pinterest Hashtags and how to use them.
What are Pinterest hashtags? are they different to regular hashtags?
Let’s start with a recap as to what hashtags are. Well, this story begins with Twitter who took the humble # sign and decided to use this it to categorize content and make it clickable. So for example, if you’re looking for content on Pinterest then you could search for #Pinterest and then you will be shown all the content that has been given that tag. So if you then share content about Pinterest you can then group it by adding the tag #Pinterest into the description of your content so that you show up on any searches for that tag. If you use tags you increase the chances of your content being found. If you don’t then your content is mixed in with every single post made. You are just background noise when you want to be standing out
Can you add tags to Pinterest?
If you have read my intro then you know that yes, you can now add tags on Pinterest. There was some testing of the system with hashtags, they were there then not, they were clickable then not. To put an end to the speculation the Official Pinterest blog put out this article to explain all.
Now hashtags work on Pinterest!
With hashtags on Pinterest, now it’s easier than ever for people to find the freshest Pins for the businesses and topics they’re into.
Starting today, when you include hashtags in the description for a new Pin, Pinners can visit a feed of all the Pins that share that hashtag. Whether those Pins are promoted or not, the freshest Pins will always appear right up top. Read More
So yes it is official you can add tags to Pinterest.
How do you tag on Pinterest?
You can tag on Pinterest in exactly the same way you do on any site that uses hashtags. You can tag pins in the description box when sharing by putting the # symbol in front of the word or phrase you are using.
NB if you are tagging a phrase then there should be no gaps in the text. For example, if you are using the phrase Addidas Sneakers then your tag should look like #AddidasSneakers (no gap)
How many hashtags should you use on Pinterest?
There is some controversy on this subject. Some Pinterest users say you shouldn’t use them at all others see the value and say you should. Here is what we think on Infobunny. Pinterest is as we know more than just a social site. It is as much an image search engine as it is a social site and app. Pinterest works with a very clever algorithm called Smart Feed that takes ranking factors into consideration and then ranks your content and shows it to members depending on their likes and habits. It works very much like how Google search works. SEO even comes into play when you talk about getting seen on Pinterest and it is the SEO side of how the Pinterest Smart Feed algorithm works that really determine how we should use Pinterest hashtags.
When you create content for your site you go through the process of adding valuable insight on your chosen subject so that your readers
Have something to read
Google has something to crawl and rank
Pinterest is no different. It is a search engine. You need to make the jump and realize it is much much more than a social site where you create content for your followers. With Pinterest you create content for everyone who likes what you like not just those who find you by accident and follow you, So you need to give your followers something to read and the Smart Feed something to rank or you are not really going to get any views or repins or grow your following.
Well, when you make a Pinterest post you can add a maximum of 500 characters, that’s quite a lot to work with and you should use as much of the 500 as possible providing what you add is valuable. Part of the controversy of Pinterest adding tags is that members fear that Pinterest will become more like Instagram. With Instagram, you have no clickable links in posts (however, I have come up with a clever fix for this for clickable links on Instagram) so users cram their images with up to 30 tags to appeal to as many users as possible. And the fear is that you could overuse Pinterest hashtags in this way and everything will start to look a bit spammy. But Pinterest is not Instagram. It is way more advanced. Pinterest hashtags are a big opportunity to tap into more Pinterest traffic.
So back to the question “how many hashtags should you use on Pinterest?”.
Well, you have 500 characters. Add a rich text description of your image. Add in keywords and longtail keyword phrases. Give the Smart Feed algorithm no doubt as to what your pin is about then depending on your description length add some hashtags. If you have written 300 – 400 characters then I would add 6 or so hashtags. If you have a headline and then add 6 you could start to look spammy. I would be adding just 3 in this scenario.
Your description is more important than the tags so use it wisely to get found by Smart Feed. Add the keywords and phrases, sell your image to those who see it and give Smart Feed what it wants. Hashtags are an extra bonus, they are a secondary way to generate traffic on Pinterest. You are simply categorizing your content so that those who search for that content then have the opportunity to find you.
How to choose the right Pinterest hashtags to use
Hashtags are your chance to get relevant. A chance for you to drill down on what your content is about and then tell your audience.
Let’s say you are posting images of Sneakers or Trainers as they are known here in the Uk. When you add an image and then type the # your start to see the popular hashtags on Pinterest. Take a look at the screen capture below.
You could use Fashion and style. As you can see they are very popular but popular is not going to get you found. The popular tags tend to be broad and cover lots of niches, define the tag “style” for example. You need to really drill down and find tags that have been used between 1000 and 10000 times. Your much more likely to be found because the pool you’re added to is a lot smaller, you’re in amongst the real content that matches your niche. Don’t be that small fish in the big pond.
Can I add Pinterest Hashtags to board descriptions or profile bios?
The answer is no to both. Pinterest Bio’s and board description remain areas where keywords and keyword phrases rule. If you add hashtags to these areas they appear but are not clickable and do not work. Same can be said of the new Pinterest Board Sections feature.
I hope I have answered some of your hashtags question. If you have a question that you want answering then please leave it as a comment in the comments section and I will come back and answer it for you.
Regards Dexter
Pinterest Traffic Generation Guide – How To Leverage Your Content
Pinterest Board Sections have launched
SEO Guide – My Simple Guide To Search Engine Optimization

Kathryn Maclean
Hi Dexter,
I think I’ve got it right now. Try to be as specific and descriptive as possible. Use relevant words that clearly describe what your Pins are about. “Depending on your Pin, hashtags on Pinterest work for everything from timely stuff (#olympics, #backtoschool) to evergreen ideas (#mealplanning, #homedecor).”
“Starting today, you can include hashtags in the description for a new pin. Pinners can view the feed of all the pins that have that hashtag.” Hashtags are a bonus. NO to the question of adding Pinterest hashtags to board descriptions and on profile bios. These are where keyword phrases rule. Ok, good information!
Dexter Roona
Yep, you got it. There is one thing that all Pinterest marketers do and that is to use tall portrait images, they shy away from landscape or square. Portrait by far gets the most shares and repins
Dexter Roona recently posted…Pinterest Traffic Generation Guide – How To Leverage Your Content
Marquita Herald
Very helpful. I must admit I’ve backed off of Pinterest this year for the very issue that you just pointed out in your reply to Kathryn’s comment – the fact that tall portrait images are the focus. That doesn’t work with my blog or anything else I do and I just can’t justify investing the time to create stand-alone images just for Pinterest. If I worked in a different niche, maybe, but if all of the research and studies are to be believed, outside of the ever-present inspirational quotations, there’s little demand for personal growth on the site. The funny thing is, I still get quite a few pins and repins each week just sticking with what I do. Now, I have not used hashtags at all, so I will definitely keep that in mind in the future. Thanks!
Marquita Herald recently posted…Nurture Mind, Body and Spirit with Periods of Solitude
Dexter Roona
I have a Pinterest tip that I am going to write about very soon that fits in with this nicely. I go the full 9 yards with images on Pinterest just because there is so much traffic there.
Hi Dexter,
I never used Pinterest hashtags even though they are the great options to drive traffic. Actually, I was not aware of the fact that we can add tags on Pinterest pins. Thanks a lot for your post and guidance.
Take care,
manoj recently posted…How to Secure Your Google Account with Advanced Protection Program
Dexter Roona
They officially went live in September just gone.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Pin It For Later Links – How to get Facebook shares to Pinterest
Hi Dexter,
Informative post! I am behind with Pinterest. We have a board and I’ve been posting, but have not used #. Your info is very helpful and will start to use.. thanks – appreciate it
Dexter Roona
Pinterest is a traffic machine, but it does take effort, it is not enough to just share images from your site, you need some strategy in creating them with the aesthetic and size.