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Latest UX Design Trends for eCommerce websites

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Infobunny returns, and we are talking about the latest UX design trends for eCommerce sites and how you can implement them into your web store strategy.

Let’s get started!

Online activity has seen a major thrust in recent times, thanks to the pandemic and the many restrictions it brought along.

People have begun resorting to the internet more than ever before for all their needs – study, work, shopping, cooking, traveling, communicating and so much more.

eCommerce websites and eCommerce marketing have seen a special leap, taking online shopping to an all-new level.

However, this has also brought to the table the need to focus on user experience while surfing the internet.

After all, a distinguished and interesting online experience is what can make you stand out of a crowd of similar services targeted towards similar audience groups.

This is what makes it so important to begin focussing on the latest UX design trends of 2021 for eCommerce websites.

We have compiled some of the latest UX design trends that are creating a whole lot of buzz these days for you to take a look at.

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UX Design Trends For eCommerce Websites

Responsive Design for Mobile-Friendly Websites

It is not surprising that 54% of all sales shortly are forecasted to occur through mobile eCommerce platforms.

This makes responsive design one of the most important trends for 2021.

Platforms that are smart enough to adapt to this approach can expect to gain the best leverage that the coming times will have to offer.

Responsive design for creating mobile-friendly websites will have to take into consideration a multi-device approach, because screen sizes and interfaces may vary from device to device.

The idea is to ensure a seamless experience for customers no matter what gadget they are using.

Taking help from an experienced UX design agency that offers responsive design models, you can easily ensure that your website incorporates this integral feature immediately.

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Wider Navigation Options

Now that we have talked about responsive design supported across devices, the next important trend to consider is navigation.

Your eCommerce website must offer seamless and glitch-free navigation experiences to the customer, irrespective of whether they choose to scroll or click or drag.

One key trend is to offer navigation menus to help customers locate points on the page easily and move to them without having to scroll endlessly.

Also, different pages on your site should be easily accessible any instant, no matter where the user is on your site.

Small considerations such as this go a long way in saving a user’s time and effort, which makes them prefer your portal over any other.


More and More Suggestions

Even though online shopping has reduced the time a customer takes to purchase something, it has also burdened them with a plethora of options.

After all, so many products from so many different stores are now available to them on the single platform you have created.

While this is great on one hand, a simple trick could augment user experience by miles – cross-selling.

Platforms like Amazon’s Web Store have been doing this for years – recommending what you should also buy when you browse a product.

Their approach is to show to the customers what others who have purchased this item have also bought, and what you should be looking at based on your recent searches.

However, you can modify this approach based on what kind of eCommerce platform you are setting up.

You could recommend a complete look to the customer if dealing in clothes and accessories, books based on the genre the reader is looking up, grocery items on sale today, or better hotel deals close to where the customer is browsing and so on.


Going Minimalist

The golden rule of a satisfying online experience is getting as minimalist as is possible and desirable.

Customers do not want to see hundreds of ads on the screen they are browsing, with tons of information none of which can be processed well.

Instead, a clean and simple interface with just the right amount of information works better.

A good UX design agency will give you a crisp product, ensuring that every visual element is in perfect harmony.

This means that you need not put in individual effort in deciding on every element on your website, yet this approach works wonders in terms of increasing accessibility to every feature on your website and helps your site stand out from the crowd.

You can focus better on products, ensure that the customer can spot offers easily, and also lengthens the duration for which customers are browsing your site – because it’s so easy and comfortable too!


The Dark Mode

There is a reason every social media platform today, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has already or are introducing a dark mode. People love using this trendy feature. It is so easy on the eyes, and want every platform they use to have this option.

Besides, the dark mode is modern and great if you want to highlight certain products or offers on your site.

Therefore, try introducing the dark mode option, which can be turned on or off by users as and when they want, for a much more comfortable user experience.

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The Right Words

One of the key UX trends which has so far not been noticed much by creators worldwide is the power of choosing the right words to convey your message.

For instance, “Wishlist” can prove much more effective compared to “Add to Bag” in terms of getting leads from customers. Similarly, “Check Availability” will make more customers click on the button compared to “Book a Room”.

Doing UX Writing right not just impacts the volume of leads but also enhances user experience, inducing them to believe that they have more flexibility here than on other sites. This can have a significant impact on your daily business figures.

UX Design Trends for eCommerce Websites - Latest Trends And Practices

The Takeaway

Impactful UX Design is much more than just good graphics.

A glance at the latest trends is sufficient to tell you how online user experience has taken center-stage in terms of web design and development.


That’s all for now!

Now it is over to you. Do you have an eCommerce site?

Have you implemented any of the ideas outlined in this article?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Regards Dexter

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UX Design Trends for eCommerce Websites - Latest Trends And Practices
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UX Design Trends for eCommerce Websites - Latest Trends And Practices
We are talking about the latest UX design trends for eCommerce sites and how you can implement them into your web store strategy.
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

2 Responses

  1. Ayushi Patel
    | Reply

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  2. Guzzbury Studio
    | Reply

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