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Tweet This a great FREE WordPress Plugin

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How to get more Tweets on your blog articles with Tweet This (no affiliation with this plugin)

We all need social shares to are sites

Social shares help get our message out to our followers and fans. They bring us much needed traffic, more readers, and interaction and more engagement to our pages. They help our articles and blogs to get indexed by the search engines faster and get then ranked much quicker 

Social signals are very valuable to help us with our SERPS rankings by enhancing our SEO.

Social shares do carry huge value. The problem is they can be a bit impersonal. They are a bit cold in that you push the Twitter share button and the article title and the link are sent out. Your followers are left cold because sharers tend not to make the effort to put personality and interest into these types of shares.

The Tweets tend to be very boring. Of course, the sharer can if they choose to change the default message. With Twitter, you can add in tags for example and rewrite to add a better call to action. But it is hard enough to get shares as it is without the sharer then going further to make the share more appealing to their audience. Plus there are limited characters you can use, saying that the new 280 character limit is more than enough to create engaging Tweets from our sites that in turn generate more re-tweets.

How to get more tweets on your blog articles with Tweet This

So how do we change this and get more Tweets on our Wordpress site?

Tweet This is a great free WordPress plugin that allows you to take sections of interesting and engaging text within your articles and use them as Tweets.

Let me give you a couple of “Tweet This” examples

So this article is all about Tweet This and getting more Tweets using the plugin  so as part of the article I can write

“I’m having great success using Tweet This, you got to check this out this FREE plugin if you are a WordPress blogger” [tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]“I’m having great success using #TweetThis, you got to check this out this FREE plugin if you are a WordPress #blogger” …. #WORDPRESS #PLUGINS[/tweetthis] 

Now, do you see the small blue Twitter Birdy? Give it a click and see what happens. Instantly the text becomes a Tweet and is sent to Twitter.

You as a blogger have given your readers something much more interesting to tweet than a generic title and link. You have given them ready-made content to send to Twitter that their followers will like. It has interest to the sharer’s followers And it is ready to be engaged with. It screams click me I want to find out about this. And as a result, you get more Tweets. It’s no longer a boring title with a link back. It’s now something that works for you on member feeds and links back to the article

Tweet This can display Tweets in a few different styles. The above Tweet This Tweet is the button link version but you might prefer to use the box style shown or the default format that is offered.

How to get more Tweets


Tweet This is a great free WordPress plugin that will help you get more Tweets on your WordPress site. And that is something that we can all use some help with.

If you would like more information on the Tweet This Plugin then check out the creator John Morris’s Using Tweet This For The First Time Site

Now it is over to you.

Do you use Tweet This or is there another plugin that you use that will help you get more Tweets on your site?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Regards Dexter Roona

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Pinterest Traffic Generation Guide – How To Leverage Your Content

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Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

3 Responses

  1. Loretta
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing this handy resource 🙂 I like that there is more than one style option to choose from for the “tweet this” displays.

    • Dexter Roona

      i tend to just go for the Button as i find the boxes a little intrusive on the page.

  2. Nirmal Kumar
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter, thanks for sharing info on this plugin. I guess there are many Click To Tweet plugins like this. But, installing more and more plugins to WordPress will make your page load slow.

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