Are you using Quora to drive traffic to your site? If you’re not then you are missing a great opportunity to increase the views on your site.
Infobunny is quite a niche and we don’t get what I consider to be big traffic but just recently I have been using Quora the question and answers site to drive traffic and have been getting some pretty impressive results.
Take a look at this chart taken from Alexa showing the upward traffic trend that I now have as a result of building traffic with Quora.
In this article, I will be showing you how I use Quora to drive traffic to my site and at the same time make money from Quora.
But before we get into this we need to recap what Quora is for those who don’t know
What is Quora?
Quora describes itself as “A place to share knowledge and better understand the world”
It is a Question and Answers platform where you can ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers.
In other words, you want to know something then you ask the question on Quora and if you know the answer you can contribute your thoughts and ideas to answer the question.
If you search for something on Google you will very often find Quora answers popping up on page one of Google and this is really good news to bloggers and site owners who have asked those questions or contributed valuable answers to those questions
Quora works so well because it is SEO-friendly. The title of a question asked becomes the URL and so by adding your keywords into your question you produce content that Google instantly recognizes and understands.
When you then mix in good contributions from site authorities and replies that link to authority pages and that help answer the question intent you have quality content that is long in words with good external linking.
How to write Quora Questions that rank on Google
This is very simple really because Quora actually helps us do this by the way the site is set up to work.
When you ask a question on Quora your question becomes your posts URL. so in order to rank your questions on Google, you need your keyword phrase to be in your title so that it is then in your URL.
So let me give you an example of a question that I wrote on Quora that is currently doing very well.
I wrote an article a while back now that showed a workaround that I had developed that gives clickable links on Instagram called How To Add Clickable Links On Instagram.
This article ranks on page one on Google so it is a well-received article.
But if you google for clickable links on Instagram you will also see my Quora question – How do I add clickable links on Instagram posts? And this question ranks number 1 on Google and extremely well for a number of related keywords. So it is outperforming my own article.
So why is this a big deal?
Well, it is a big deal because it is driving a lot of traffic to Infobunny.
You can see my current upward trend on Alexa in the screen capture above.
This one Quora question is helping to significantly boost my traffic plus it provides a pretty authoritative dofollow link to my article.
So how did I get my Question to rank on Quora?
Well, first of all, I wrote a question about a topic that I knew would get traffic based on how well my main article ranks.
Quora then applied their very friendly SEO approach by making the question title the URL and making the title an H1Tag
I then added my main article link as the source on the question giving me a dofollow link back to my article.
And then finally I invited 25 Quora members to then answer the question to start the conversation and that is pretty much it.
And that is pretty much it.
Keep Reading there is more.
All of the above is enough of a reason for any blogger or wanting to boost their site traffic and their authority to join Quora.
But there is another very, very good reason to join Quora and that is because of the Quora Partner Program.
The Quora Partner Program
Valued members of Quora are invited to join their Partner Program and basically, the Partner Program monetizes your questions and you are paid against the ad revenue that your questions generate.
There is no sign-up form for the program.
To be invited you just have to use the site well and wait for your invite. You will see a text link appear asking if you want to join, just click it and follow the prompts to complete your Partner Program sign-up.
So let’s look at again at my Clickable Links on Instagram question and see how the Partner Progam influences it.
Take a look at the screen capture below.
My question was asked on Sep 25.
There are around 150 members following this question and in total so far I have requested that 100 members answer this question (you can request 25 per day)and have so far we have 75 answers.
Then we come to the big stat. This one question has earned £126.05 in Pounds Sterling and that is around $160 Us Dollars currently in just over 1 month.
Each question that you write is monetized for 12 months.
Potentially this one question will pay $1700 over the 12 months and that is just one question.
Of course, not all questions will perform like this one. but if your regularly asking good questions then you have a pretty good income stream that is generated while you build traffic and authority to your site.
Getting paid by Quora
If you are a member-based in the USA then when you reach $5.00 in earnings you will be prompted to create a Stripe account.
When you reach $10.00 you can request payment.
Quora pays their Uk members via Paypal and we are happy to share with our readers that we have received our first payment as shown below.
Are you using Quora to drive traffic to your blog? If you're not then you are missing a great opportunity to increase the views on your site.Click To Tweet
Quick Tips to build traffic with Quora
1. Ask questions related to search users intent.
In other words, write questions around the related searches and people also ask questions that you find on Google search when you are looking something up.
These are terms and phrases that Google deems important enough to show and so we know they get search traffic.
They are shown to help you discover the information that you are looking for because sometimes you don’t know how to phrase what you are looking for so these suggestions are there to help you join the dots.
2. Answer Questions
Answering questions are BIG if you want to boost traffic. Just like with blog commenting you need to really take your time answering questions fully.
Link to good sources to qualify what you are saying and also incorporate one or two of your own site links for click-through traffic.
You can also link into your own related questions which is good for internal linking within Quora.
If someone writes a great question that is related to the one you have written then go answer it and link to your own related question and channel some of that question traffic and juice to your own.
When your answers are valuable your receive upvotes and this helps you get seen by more people and so your traffic can snowball.
3. Optimize your questions
Quora is very SEO friendly so make sure your questions have your keyword phrase well positioned within the title. As you now know this also translates into the URL.
To further emphasize what the question is about you can be the first person to answer the question, making sure that you fully qualify your answer. Spread in lots of related keyword phrases into your answer and produce something that Google will really like.
4. Social share
Quora questions are indexed and ranked so it makes perfect sense to share and promote them.
Facebook and Twitter are great options also you can use Reddit or anywhere where you have a following.
How to drive traffic to your site with Quora – Takeaways
There are 3 main reasons to become a Quora Member
1. Improve Authority and Reputation
This something that we should all be doing to improve our standing with Google.
2. Traffic Generation
Masses of traffic awaits your site if you answer questions well by adding value to them. You should be aiming to add answers of at least 300-600 words as a very minimum.
But the bigger you go the better for Quora and how the te members view you.
3. The Quora Partner Program
Like I said earlier reasons 1 and 2 are enough to make any sain person join Quora but when you mix in the Partner Program as well then you really do have something very special with Quora
That’s all for now.
So, are you a Quora Member?
Are you in the Partner Program?
Let me know in the comments section below.
Make sure that you subscribe to the comments section so that you are notified when I reply.
And if you would like to contact me directly then you can leave a message via my Contact Form linked in the menu above.
Regards Dexter
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Simon Abolaji
Hi Dexter,
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tips with us. You are really a genius when it comes to creating epic piece of contents.
I am implementing this strategies right away.
I will let you know how it goes.
Looking forward to get more great stuffs like this in the future.
Thank you.
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Simon Abolaji – MoneyPedals
Dexter Roona
Make sure that you follow me on Quora.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Is your backlinking strategy killing your SEO and SERP’s?
Nice blog. Great insightful post. I have always liked quora for the benefit it offers. But I wan’t aware of their partner program. Thanks for sharing this info. Very useful and informative.
Dexter Roona
Thanks. Do you use Quora?
Dexter Roona recently posted…Instagram Restaurant Marketing – Getting Started
Lisa Sicard
Hi Dexter, wow, now I know why you ask so many questions! I didn’t know about that half of it. I just answer questions there and occassionally ask them. Now I understand it much better.
It does drive a lot of traffic to my site too but it took 6 months of being there daily. I do like the site a lot.
I’m glad I finally had a few minutes to read this and learn how else to use it. I didn’t even know about the parnter program, very interesting. Thank you Dexter!
Lisa Sicard recently posted…Is The Twitter Like Button Too Easy On Twitter For Us?
Dexter Roona
My last payment was over $200 😉
Lisa Sicard
Hi Dexter, How do you link your own to others on Quora? and don’t you have to be careful not to link to your site too often? I saw Neil Patel was banned a few years ago for that so I’m careful not to link often. Thank you Dexter.
Lisa Sicard recently posted…Is The Twitter Like Button Too Easy On Twitter For Us?
Dexter Roona
I watch a video from Neil on Quora and I remember him saying that he was cutting and pasting his content and that led to the ban.
He explained it was his content and was played to continue.
I don’t link everything but if I get involved in a SEO post or something else I will just say something at the end like this article I wrote will help or just sign off and say related reading etc etc or maybe link to a related question I have written.
Interesting post about Quora Dexter! I’ll have to give Quora another go I think. Like Lisa above, I’d be interested to know how often you think you can link to your site there without getting banned.
Justin recently posted…25 Productivity Tips From Experienced Bloggers
Dexter Roona
I think as long as your links are relevant to the question you are answering your fine but you must answer the question well.
Thanks Dexter – I did a bit of Googling and it seems like Quora is more likely to ban you than Medium. Do you know if your traffic driving trick works on Medium as well? (Haven’t tried them out yet myself.) Interesting discussion here:
Justin recently posted…25 Productivity Tips From Experienced Bloggers
Dexter Roona
It will work on Medium but not nearly as well and here is why:
1 Quora is a question and answers site so by it’s nature your questions get way more activity than a blog on Medium because all you have to do is read the Question and not a long blog.
2 Quora allows you to request answers from up to 25 members per day (members not just followers)
Both are great platforms but I think Quora is better for traffic and a SEO boost.
Dexter Roona
I had a look at that Medium post and yes you can get called on all of those and alot more.
The thing to note is that a lot of those are automated moderation messages. For example if your quest is badly written within seconds your get a message saying that perhaps your question is poorly written and you should take another look. There is a lot of automation working inside Quora.
They are against self promotion so just offering links is not a good idea but offering a good long reply to a question and then linking into your Mr someone else’s is a good idea or at least that is my experience. And that is why I would like more bloggers like you and Lisa more active so that we can all mention each other in answers so it is more about offering qualifiers rather than just offering your own solution.
Ok thanks Dexter! I’ve put in a couple of questions so I’ll see how it goes in the coming weeks as I add a few more. Any productivity tips? 🙂
Justin recently posted…25 Productivity Tips From Experienced Bloggers
Dexter Roona
I would say make your question titles keyword based and be the first to answer your question even if it is a line or two, you can always go back and edit it. That way you will always be in control of the question and seen first and I think I am right in saying that the meta description for the question is taken from the first answer, I need to check more but that would make sense as to how it works.
In other words, think about SEO when you compose and answer questions.
And finally, make sure your questions are as unique as they can be otherwise they will be merged into other questions.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Drive traffic to your site with Reddit
Dexter Roona
I replied to your question. Are we following each other on Quora? It is not showing me on my laptop view.
Dexter Roona recently posted…15 SEO Tips to Improve Your Rankings
Shilpy Jain
Hello Dexter,
Thanks for sharing valuable information with us. I will definitely implement the above techniques on my website to improve its ranking. I haven’t targeted Quora yet but surely try this. Keep it up Dexter.
Dexter Roona
You should you may even then get an invite to their Partner Program.
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Mandy Fard
I was just invited as a Quora Partner. I am new to Quora, but the questions I have answered have been popular. Frankly, I didn’t know the benefits of Quora Partnership… So, I searched online and your instructions seemed to be most interesting. I read about 3/4 of what is offered… I see that all this has to do with linking, linking again, and more linking…. I also noted that other people have spent time on Quora, became partners, mis-used the system and were revoked… 🙁 Sad…
I am going to follow all your instructions and learn from you. I will do what you have shared and I will report back here to let you know how I did. In the meantime, if I have questions, guess who I am going to go to… “You” 🙂
Dexter Roona
Hi Mandy, congratulations on being accepted onto the Partner Program.
I’m happy to answer any questions you have and would love to hear how you’re getting on.
To get started just ask interesting questions that will engage members. When you get views your revenues rise, how much? depends on how well your questions do.
It is worth before adding a question to search to see if your question has already been asked because questions that are very similar get merged and merged questions don’t qualify for the Partner Program nor do asking questions about Quora.
So yeah just ask questions via the comments here if you feel they will also help others. If you need to ask anything that you want to keep private then use my Contact Form here on the site, that is probably the best way.
Regards Dexter
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Dexter Roona
Are we following each other on Quora?
Dexter Roona recently posted…Drive traffic to your site with Reddit
albert sagan
I love using Quora but I don’t do 10 answers per day YET. I used to do one or three. I’ll have to try to increase that. I also didn’t know NOT to stick with a niche. I have spread my niche out there a little but I will make it larger. It certainly does draw traffic to my blog and I don’t link back often to mine with answers for fear of being penalized. I once saw Neil Patel penalized there. Scared me
I recently got a note from them about my spamming and when I wrote back they (at Quora) apologized that I was caught up in spam bots!) .
Thanks for all these great tips
David Lee
What a fantastic post! This is so chock full of useful information. I can’t wait to dig deep and start utilizing the resources you have given me.
wahoo, will surely try this out. Hope to get more traffic applying the discovery.
Thanks a bunch
foskaayforum recently posted…Do agree that every time you clean something, you make something else dirty?
Great to share this information thanks. I am really happy to say it’s an interesting post to read. I learn new information from your blog.
Shaheer Farooq
Quora is the best Question and Answer Website on the internet today. I definitely implement the technique you mentioned above. Let’s see it will drive traffic to my website or not.
Thanks for sharing such a useful post with us. Expecting more good stuff like that in the future.
Keep it up!
Great Work.
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manju nair
Hi Dexter,
It was really a great and surprise news for me that we can earn through Quora. I’m active in Quora and i’m following you , i’m answering the questions and waiting for my turn to come the partner request from them.
keep posting like this.
Yuvraj Kishor kore
Where is the direct link to join quora partner program?
Dexter Roona
There isn’t one.
Seems Quora is gradually changing and applying this might take more than before to get the result. Any info on their latest updates?
QuestionUnanswered recently posted…what are basic job interview questions
This is great, I never knew quora is this powerful. thanks for sharing
Frut Lei
Thank you for your review. This is what I have been looking for. I have only been accepted a week as a quora partner. And during that time, I’ve asked 120 questions. But my income is only USD. .78.I ask you: How to make expensive paid queries on quora partner program???””Sorry if my English is not good. I’m from Indonesia”
Frut Lei recently posted…What is the Quora Partnership Program | How Much Money Can You Make?
Duttaji Technical
good, This is great, I never knew quora is this powerful. thanks for sharing
Hi Dexter
I have an account on Quora but I did not get the traffic on my website . This post will help me to get the benefit of quora . Thanks for sharing this information.
Great post I am also a Quora Partner, and I am also a new blog owner. I’m always trying to figure how to grow my following. Quite stressful lol, but fun at the same time.
Daisy Den
You shared such useful information. Quora is indeed one of the best in giving referral traffic to our website. Such powerful it is!
Shazia Khan
Incredible to share this data much appreciated. I am extremely glad to express it’s a fascinating post to peruse. I take in new data from your blog.
Sudhir Gaonkar
Nice blog post, about how we can drive traffic to our website by creating questions and answers in to quora by doing SEO we can promote it on google.
mohsin k
Quora is getting very popular now a days even google shows questions and answers results in search engines
Pleasant blog entry, about how we can direct people to our site by making questions and replies in to quora by doing SEO we can advance it on google.
Aniket Saha
Nice Post. Never knew that Quora can be used to make money. Thanks
ovais mirza
Using Quora to drive traffic and earn through the Partner Program is a smart strategy! This article highlights the power of SEO-friendly questions and valuable answers for boosting site authority and income.
Monetizing well-performing questions while building traffic makes Quora a goldmine for bloggers. The detailed example shows how consistency and thoughtful content creation can yield impressive results.