Looking to boost your Facebook engagement and breath life back into your page? In this article, we share 7 user-friendly tips with you that will work now and into 2018.
If you’re a Facebook user with a Brand Page then you are probably already aware of the decline in engagement to your brand page. We highlighted it recently in an article that we wrote called Facebook Engagement Falling For Big Brands and Publishers
The long and short of it is that the more money Facebook makes from brands and influencers advertising the less real content we see. There is a limit to what the Facebook algorithm can show us and the more advertising posts created or the more Facebook pages given a boost means we see less of what we really want to see. It is not only the regular everyday members who use Facebook who are seeing fewer likes comments and shares, advertisers are also seeing less engagement than before. And it is just really down to competition within the feed.
So what is the answer to boosting your Facebook engagement organically?
Well if you are a brand or influencer who pays then you are going to have to continue to pay and pay more to get to get the same levels of engagement you were getting just 6 short months ago. If you are an everyday user, sharing what you like, promoting an opportunity then you are going to continue to see a decline, unless you decide to move your life onto Facebook and be glued to your laptop or mobile.
If after knowing all of this Facebook brand pages are still your thing then here are some tips to boost your Facebook engagement.
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How to boost your Facebook engagement
Here are 7 tips to help boost your social engagement to your brand page or posts
1/ Share content your audience will love, not just what you like
Business’s think that they should only share niche related content. This is not always the case. You need to keep things interesting and expand the type of content that you share. Niche related yes, but don’t don’t just posts statistics and company updates. Post success stories, tips on how to do things, news within the niche. Don’t just post about your business, you need to provide more social value than that. If for example, you are an online pet store, rather than just sharing the price of products, why not post reviews, or perhaps dog training tips.
2/ Ask Questions
Questions are a great way to seriously boost your Facebook engagement and Likes. Visitors feel compelled to answer especially when the conversation starts to develop. “Fill in the blanks” posts are great for this, just make you question appeal to your target audience. Your question can be text based, but it is much better if it is backed up by an image. A really cool image accompanying a question results in more shares pointing back to you.
You will also pick up shares to other sites. Don’t forget you can very easily use the images you create and add them to your other social channels as well.
3/ Images
Optimize the images that you create so that they display correctly. You don’t want them to be cut off or to display incorrectly. Here are the optimal image sizes for Facebook.
- Facebook Cover photo size: 820 x 312 desktop / 640 x 360 mobile
- Facebook Profile photo size: upload 170 x 170
- Link preview size: min. 600 x 314
- Photo post size: on the wall, 476 x varied height, larger gives better quality.
- Group Cover photo size: 1602 x 500
- Event Cover photo size: 1920 x 1080
Check out Louise Myers Social Media Cheat Sheet 2017: Must-Have Image Sizes! for Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram It is a pretty comprehensive guide, it even has details on how to optimize for both desktop and mobile versions.
4/ Always reply to engagement
You are looking to boost your engagement to Facebook so it only makes sense that you should also take the time to reply to their comments to further drove and boost the engagement.Don’t just post content and forget. Engage your audience in conversation. Reply and make them feel appreciated and they will come back time and again. You will get people who just want to force their opinion or cause drama. We have covered this subject here How to avoid social media drama
5/ Keep your content short
Facebook is not a blog site. Your audience doesn’t want to read great long articles. Keep your content short and to the point. Treat your posts like headlines. If you need to add chunky text make sure you have a cool image with your text, in fact where possible always add an image.
6/ Talk to your audience directly
When you create content, keep in mind who your top engagers were on previous posts. It may be worth dropping them a mention as a comment on the post to bring them in to see your new content. This will really help boost your Facebook engagement.
7/ Be consistent
Nothing will make engagement decline faster than visitors returning and there is no new updates or new posts. Consistently post and engage, you are the driving force of your page.
As you can see there is an awful lot of work in keeping a brand page active. And you are never going to see the kind of engagement that your page or posts deserve unless you pay to play. And the more that pay to play the bigger the decrease in Facebook engagement. If you are going to use Facebook for your business or to promote a product then creating a community is a far better option than to put countless hours into a brand page. Community members opt into notifications by default so a well-run community will always out perform a Facebook brand page.
Do you persist with a brand page, or do you agree with Infobunny that Facebook communities are a far better option?
How do you boost your Facebook engagement?
Let me know in the comments below!
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Amber Harrop
Great advice I am trying to implement all of it and see if things will improve on my page – thank you.
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Dexter Roona
Your welcome, I would focus more on having a group, you get more engagement and then at least you can refer members to the page for likes etc and then make unique brand page content and share to the group for click-throughs. Hope this helps
Marquita Herald
I have such mixed feelings about Facebook pages. I have one but will fully admit that lately it’s been a struggle to invest time on it. You are right about the images. I’ve always gotten a good response, and even occasionally boosting a post helps, but overall I’m not impressed with the ROI on this feature. More and more I’m leaning toward giving up the page to focus on Facebook groups because they are so much more dynamic. Hum, well, I think you’ve given us good advice here so I’ll give it one more run before I decide. Thanks!
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Dexter Roona
Groups beat pages hands down
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Mandy Allen
I don’t really agree, I have both a brand page and communities and both work in different ways for me. I do agree with your points though, and short and sweet has always been my way of opperating! Don’t bore the pants off your audience!
Enjoy the journey!
Dexter Roona
And your brand page has seen no decline?
Louise Myers
Thanks for the nod! Glad you liked my cheat sheet.
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Dexter Roona
Your welcome, happy to send my visitors to useful content 😉
Lisa Smith
Hi Dexter Roona,
Great thanks for such an informative post! This is true that to get maximumly engaged in a post, the image size is most important. So we should keep the accurate size of an image which Facebook recommended.
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Dexter Roona
Yes, just check out what is trending to give you clues about what works best.
Lisa Smith
Oh yeah! Thanks Roona.
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Richard Monssen
Great article! I’ve just started building a Facebook page so this’ll help get it going 🙂
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Chandana Roy
I am a regular visitor of this blog but never left any comment before today.
Recently I have started a small business and I was not getting enough response in social media.
Then I planned to follow your guidelines for increasing my Facebook fan and I am wondering that
I am getting too many clients via Facebook. Thanks for sharing some important tips.
Susan Laura
WOW, such a nice content I have learned more knowledge about facebook engagement. I’m also searching for the same for my business website
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