It would seem that Pinterest is becoming a big player in Social media.
It has always been there, just on the edge, seen as more of a niche kind of site, dare I say even a feminine site geared more for women than men. Catering for interior design and fashion trends niches amongst others.

Today it was reported on the Pinterest blog by Evan Sharp that Pinterest has now passed 200 Million monthly active members.
Celebrating the 200 million people of Pinterest
When we launched Pinterest in 2010, we were floored by how many people flocked to the site to find new ideas for their lives. As it turns out, curiosity and the desire to try new things are universal. Every year, more and more people come to Pinterest to explore their unique interests and tastes. Now people from all walks of life and all corners of the world use it to discover and do what they love.
Check out the Pinterest stats below
The big HEADLINE Pinterest passes 200 million monthly active users
- Pinterest passes 200 million monthly active users
- 100 Billion+ pins
- 85%+ of all Pinterest searches are now on mobile
- 75%+ of all signups come from outside of the U.S.
- 50%+ of all members are from outside of the U.S.
Pinterest has grown almost 40% in the last year. Ben Silbermann, Pinterest co-founder, and CEO, exclusively told USA TODAY on Wednesday.
“As the smartphone has become a consumer’s companion, we have enhanced our search and organizational tools on mobile”
And as a result, 85% of all Pinterest searches now come via mobile.
In addition to the very impressive stats above, Evan Sharp shed some light on Pinterest’s new “board sections” feature that members can expect to see in the coming weeks.
“Soon you’ll be able to add sections to your boards, making it easy to organize Pins the way you want to. This means you can save all your ideas to a single board, organize into sections, and easily find them later,”
Pinterest also launched recently it’s “Pinch to zoom” feature allowing you to zoom in on anything you see in a Pin. So the next time you spot a pair of shoes you love, pinch to zoom in on all the details, like texture and color.

So what do we think here at Infobunny about Pinterest?
Well, we love any social site that challenges the dominance of Facebook. As we know Facebook is losing members in its battle with Snapchat. I don’t know that a visual image sharing site will further impact on Facebooks losses but it may well cause Facebook owned Instagram to raise its eyebrows.
We have championed Pinterest for a long time, we have an Infobunny Pinterest Board where we pin all our images that we add to our articles, hence one of the reasons why our blog articles tend to be very visual. And we have written articles about Pinterest before covering how to pin images from Facebook to Pinterest, for some unknown reason Facebook blocks you from pinning images. We show you how with How to pin images to Pinterest with Shotpin. We also covered Pinterest Article Pins back in 2013 along with other articles about Pinterest. So we love Pinterest here on Infobunny. We find optimizing images with hashtags within the WordPress image title attribute is a great strategy. When you then pin your images your tags are carried over to Pinterest without the need to edit any pins that you make.
Pinterest passes 200 million monthly active users – So now it is over to you
Pinterest has grown nearly 40% in the last year which is impressive. Is this growth sustainable? Will Pinterest go on to challenge Facebook and Instagram? Are we looking at world dominance here?
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
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Mandy Allen
Hey, Dexter, great post and some really interesting facts and figures here too. I haven’t used Pinterest too much myself. I find a lot of social media a bit too glitzy for me and there are parts of Pinterest that I really don’t understand too well. But that’s some attendance there!
Enjoy the journey!
Dexter Roona
Yes the Board Sections will be a good feature, will cut down the need for so many boards.
Joy Healey
Hi Dexter,
Those are amazing statistics about the number of Pinterest users – I had no idea how popular it is.
I like Pinterest, but don’t spend a lot of time there – it’s easy to get caught up with it all and waste a lot of time LOL.
The new features sound good – will look forward to those. Thanks for pointing them out.
Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark
Dexter Roona
They are racking up the stats now.
katerina zacharopoulou
Really interesting and helpful figures great work keep it up looking forward for the next article