There is no doubt that school and college can be a stressful time in our lives and finding ways to manage stress in college can be challenging particularly now that the world has paused for the Covid-19 Pandemic.
In this new article, we offer you some healthy tips that will you manage stress and college, school, work and everyday life.
Let’s get started.
The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Stress at College
College students are exceptionally vulnerable when it comes to stress, depression, and anxiety.
Various factors influence their physical, psychological, and emotional health.
The inability to accomplish homework at the right time, problems learning the material, the anticipation of the complicated exam, and other experiences can considerably enhance the level of stress, leading to abnormal nervousness, irritability, severe health impairments, and decreased academic success.
Is there a way to manage stress and achieve the desired educational success without harm to your body?
Following simple tips and recommendations, you will get an opportunity to eliminate stress, stay reserved, and get desired grades.
A little time, some effort, and much planning can make wonders.
Why you need to manage stress!
Negative Impact of Stress
Before you start the fight with stress it is essential to understand its nature.
In fact, it is nothing else than the response of your body to emotional and mental pressure. In some cases, stress can cause a positive impact, stimulating the better functioning of the brain and maximizing problem-solving skills.
However, in the vast majority of instances, unmanaged stress leads to serious health problems that may end up in depression.
Keep in mind that the effects of stress on the human body are immense.
Immune System
Generally, stress enhances the functioning of the immune system, which can be beneficial for immediate problems and dangerous for a long-term perspective.
The stimulating work of the immune system can help to heal wounds and eliminate infections.
However, if you are under prolonged stress, it can work the opposite way, reducing the body response to the invaders and making you susceptible to specific types of infections.
Cardiovascular Health
The continued levels of stress can promote adverse reactions on the heart functioning.
Stress hormones make the heart pump and blood vessels constrict fast.
As a result, you may get more energy and strength to accomplish some tasks, but also increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Respiratory System
Your breathing depends on heart functioning.
Therefore, advanced heartbeat triggers faster breathing.
The consequences may be life-threatening, especially for people, who are already diagnosed with breathing disorders, such as emphysema, asthma, or similar.
Central Nervous System
The central nervous system works in tight relation to the brain, telling the adrenal glands to promote the release of stress hormones.
They trigger increased heartbeat and faster blood circulation to the muscles, heart, and a range of other important organs.
Once the irritant is gone, the central nervous system will go back to normal.
However, continuous exposure to stress may cause more significant health disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia, alcohol or drug addiction, and social withdrawal.
Musculoskeletal System
Stress also activates the protective functions of muscles.
Your muscles are likely to release tension, but if you are frequently under stress, there may be no chance for them to relax.
Consequently, you may experience severe headache, shoulder or back pain, as well as other body aches.
Digestive System
Increased number of hormones, faster breathing, and enhanced heart rates can cause the upset of the digestive system.
Besides, under stress, the liver tends to produce more glucose, which boosts energy.
Chronic stress, in turn, may result in abnormal levels of blood sugar, leading to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Heartburn, ulcers, acid reflux, diarrhoea, constipation, stomachache, and similar problems may bother people, who are constantly under stress.
Reproductive System
Stress is a devastating condition that impairs not only the body but also the mind.
According to the results of studies, it is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, decreased sexual drive, low libido, and similar abnormalities.
Stress may be exhausting for both men and women.
While males may experience problems with their sexual functioning, females may have problems with the menstrual cycle.
Anxiety, dizziness, irritability, sleep disorders, headaches, depression, and panic attacks are other signs of chronic stress.
Apart from the devastating influence, the condition triggers the body functioning, it may impair the relationships with fellow students, friends, and family.
It is also necessary to mention the unwanted impact on the mood and general well-being of the student.
Ways to Reduce Study-Induced Stress
While no one is immune to stress, college students are exceptionally vulnerable.
From the very time they have to part from their family and friends, start a new life and make an overwhelming number of choices, stress becomes a part of a daily routine.
Stress usually occurs when the levels of tension exceed the levels of energy.
Such condition is typical for students, who are tired of the endless list of college assignments.
How often do you say, “I need help with my math homework, as I am exhausted after long days studying?”
Well-developed time-management skills, side assistance, and similar options may be the best ways to cope with such problems, stay healthy, and be the best student in the class.
Follow simple, but efficient stress-management tips to reduce pressure, avoid anxiety, and stay academically successful.
Get Enough Rest
Adventures, parties, and exciting trips are the essential parts of student life you cannot miss.
It can sometimes become a common practice to go to bed at 4 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m.
However, the lack of profound sleep and rest may increase the stress level of the student.
Additionally, insufficient rest can enhance the risk of serious health impairments, such as depression, diabetes, and eating disorders.
Despite it may be hard to find 8-9 hours for nighttime rest, it is the only way to eliminate stress and stay healthy.
Search for qualified academic help services that can help you stay successful without harm to your body and mind.
If you need to stay up late, avoid scheduling morning classes.
Remember that quality sleep may help you stay active, avoid stress, and become the best student.
Create a Schedule
Self-discipline is one of the essential ways to manage stress.
Planning the day, the students get time for extra activities.
Despite it may be challenging to follow a schedule, it is exceptionally effective for stress management.
As a college student, you need to stay organized in order to eliminate all-nighters and other struggles.
In this way, you will not only keep track of all the activities, but will have time to study, work, rest, sleep, and even party.
Additionally, following a schedule, you will not just avoid confusing and stressful situations but will get a chance to stay healthier.
Eat Healthily
A steady diet of junk and fast food can reduce energy levels, and decrease the threshold for stress.
Such types of food are frequently cheap and convenient, but make sure you always have fresh fruit and vegetables in your dorm.
Healthy snacks and high protein meals will help you active throughout the day, giving you energy and enthusiasm for the completion of different tasks.
Despite the importance of a healthy diet is usually underestimated, it plays a crucial role in the life of the student.
In this new article, we offer you some healthy tips that will you manage stress and college, school, work and everyday life.Click To TweetExercise to help manage stress
When you find yourself depressed or stressed, sport is the last thing you take into account.
However, according to the medical information, 30 minutes of regular physical activity a day can considerably reduce the levels of stress, improve the functioning of both your body and mind.
Sport is also a dependable way to forget about frustration, anxiety, and obesity.
Find something you enjoy, like yoga or swimming, and do
not force yourself to do some complicated things.
If you make physical activity a habit during your college years, it will serve you for the rest of your life.
What is student life about?
If you do not take into account long hours studying and doing homework, college life is about friends, talks, interactions, and parties.
Support and the helping hand of a fellow student or a roommate may be the indispensable parts of life.
It is inevitable to set connections and make friends right from the very first day at college.
It will help you avoid loneliness and homesickness.
Besides, you will not feel alone, when everything seems overwhelming.
Socializing is a key to a balanced physical and emotional health of a student.
Do Not Drink Alcohol
The relaxing properties of alcohol cannot be denied, so, several beers after a hard day at college may seem pretty logical.
In fact, the level of your stress and anxiety will be even higher the moment the buzz subsides.
Besides, it is important to remember about possible side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and similar hangover feelings.
Students, who find themselves drinking regularly, should remember about the prospects for the future.
Daily consumption of alcohol may trigger dependence and addiction.
Thus, alcohol may be a great option for a party of romantic dinner, but not an everyday experience.
Get Emotional Support
If you are a fresher, adjusting to a completely new reality may be emotionally complicated.
As a student, you need the constant support of a trusted and loyal friend who will always encourage you and give you the necessary advice.
Do not collect negative emotions as they cause stress and depression. Instead, spend a fun time sharing your feelings with the best listener.
f your family and friends are too busy, or far away to take this role, you can search for the help of a qualified psychologist.
Have a Hobby
Are you passionate about art or music, but you have too many activities at college?
Even if your schedule is filled with study groups, lectures, and other kinds of work, it is not a reason to give up your hobby.
Stay active and find some time every week to relax and enjoy what you really love.
In fact, college life is about opportunities, not only professional but personal.
Kickboxing classes, art groups, salsa dancing, and other kinds of activities may become your ways to reduce stress and stay healthy.
Anyway, find your passion, follow it and you will notice the difference.
For ideas on the perfect hobby check out what our friends over at LifeHack have to say:
Hobbies are Good for You: How to Find One That Fits Your Personality
Get Massage
Tight and knotted muscles can cause painful feelings that may lead to stress and depression.
At this point, the help of a professional and experienced massage therapist is a must.
Qualified assistance will result in relieving stress and better overall well-being. It is inevitable to find a knowledgeable and trusted therapy who
knows what kind of help you need.
Do Not Overload Yourself
Classes, extracurricular activities, physical activity, and sometimes even a job can be too much for a single student.
Multitasking is not the solution here, so you will have to spend all your free time accomplishing some tasks.
As a result, you get tired, fail to be effective, become irritated, and stressed. Is there a way out?
Do not forget about the schedule you need to follow.
Use it to estimate how much time you can spend on certain activities.
Care for yourself and try not to get overloaded with different stuff.
Avoid Energy Drinks to help manage your stress
Do you have to stay late to accomplish some important tasks?
Artificial stimulants, such as prescription meds and caffeine drinks may help you stay awake throughout the night.
But have you ever thought about the outcomes of high grades earned this way?
Putting off the body’s need to rest will result in unavoidable energy crush. It means that you will become exceptionally susceptible to stress.
Stay Connected with the Family
Homesickness is one of the most common reasons of stress among students.
If you have just moved into a dorm, and you have a hard time making friends stay connected with your family.
Nowadays, there are a plethora of innovative technologies that help people stay close even if they are far away from one another.
Phone calls, emails, video conferencing, and similar options can simplify your task, reduce
stress, and give you energy and enthusiasm for studying.
Join the conversation - The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Stress at College Click To TweetBreathe
Even though it may sound strange and unusual for some people, but deep-breathing exercises can help you decrease tension and eliminate stress.
Just concentrate on your breathing, inhale slowly through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Repeat several times, until you feel concentrated, relaxed, and calm.
That’s all for now.
Are you someone that struggles from stress and anxiety?
How do you manage your day to day life?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Regards Dexter
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Yes, I agree that 30 minutes of regular physical activity a day can considerably reduce the levels of stress and also helps to keep our body fit as well.
Thanks for sharing a great article.
NavigateLifeCoach recently posted…Finding Your Creative Spark
I agree that 30 minutes of regular physical activity a day can considerably reduce the levels of stress and also helps to keep our body fit as well.
Thanks for sharing a great article