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Shopify SEO 2021: The Complete E-Commerce Beginner’s Guide

posted in: E-Commerce, SEO 19

In this new InfoBunny article we drill down on some really cool Shopify SEO tips for 2019 for those of you looking to rank your web stores higher on search.

Let’s get started!

Shopify SEO 2019

Shopify SEO, a must-have guide for Shopify e-commerce sites!

Now every product brand is looking to expand in the online market.

The reason is obvious!

If they don’t grow in the online market, they will be out of market soon.

For such a reason, now apart from their physical existence, they are growing their business through an e-commerce site.

In this competitive world, having an online store is a necessity for retailers to let their customers find them easily so that they can generate a good amount of revenue.

Since a large number of e-commerce stores are available these days, there is a major challenge to attract the right kind of people to an online store.

So how will you ensure that your Shopify e-commerce store will rank on the top among organic results for the relevant keywords for your brand?

That’s what optimizing for Shopify SEO is all about and that is what Shopify SEO does for you!

It ensures that your e-commerce store will not go out of the eyes of your target customer who is searching online

Hello everyone, today I’m here with lots of strategies and useful information that help you in dealing with Shopify SEO and e-commerce SEO.


What is Shopify SEO?

If you are going to establish your brand identity as an online store on the Shopify E-commerce Platform, a need arises to make it visible to those who are searching for products like yours on the search engines.

To do this, you must ensure that every product page of your Shopify e-commerce store ranks high among organic search results.

Shopify SEO is crucial for this to happen.

In order to grow your online store at Shopify organically, you have to employ Shopify SEO techniques properly.

Thus, Shopify SEO is:

“The process of using SEO techniques for boosting product pages on your Shopify e-commerce store.”

Needless to say, it is very important to incorporate proper SEO strategies to grow an e-commerce store.


Why Is Your Store Not On Organic Search Results?

Consider yourself as an online retailer having a Shopify e-commerce store.

You are selling Yoga Mats on your web store.

But, are you the only one who is making efforts to push sales up of yoga mats in the online market?

No, many of your competitors are there to ensure their product ranks first in front of the potential customers.

So, how will you manage to make your product page rank above your competitor’s page on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo?

Optimizing for Shopify SEO can help you gain this traffic to your site and grow your organic sales.

This allows you to present your product brand in a better way in search results.

So, summing it up, we may say that performing SEO techniques for your Shopify store is necessary for the following reasons:

  • To make your online store clearly visible to your target market for the relevant search queries.
  • To generate a good amount of traffic on your online store and to convert them in your loyal customers.
  • As a way to make your online store visible at the right time to your right customers.
  • To optimize your product pages to rank high among organic search results.

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A powerful Shopify SEO Strategy For Your Store

Let’s get to know how to do SEO of your Shopify store.


1/ Keyword Research

Keyword research focuses on identifying and analyzing all those search queries that that comes under your niche and your potential customers are using to search the products like yours on search engines.

Basically, there are three types of keywords that your potential customers are using to find products on search engines.

  1. Product Based Keywords
  2. Informative Keywords
  3. Review Keywords

Let’s break them down

Product-based Keywords

When your potential customers are searching for products directly, the search terms they use in such a case come under the category of product-based keywords. Therefore, the search terms like hair dryers, t-shirts, makeup brush, Lakme eyeconic Kajal etc.

These are product based keywords as they are the specific product names.

Informative Keywords

Apart from using product-based keywords, there are some people who try to find out details regarding a particular product.

Their main purpose is to explore the detailed information on a particular product.

For example, the search terms like “how to use bridal makeup 2019”, “top makeup brands 2019”, “how to apply eyeshadow primer” etc. come under the category of informative keywords.

Review Keywords

There are certain search terms that an individual uses to explore or find out the best product.

Your potential customer may also search these terms to know the past experiences of customers for a particular product.

Therefore, the search terms like “best eyeshadow primer”, “best makeup brushes” etc. come under the category of review keywords.

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The Best Ways To Find The Right Keywords

Check out the following 4 ways that provide you with valuable insights related to your target keywords-

  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. Amazon.com
  3. AHREF
  4. SEMrush
  5. UberSuggest


2/ Create Quality Content

Content plays an important role in optimizing your product page.

It gives your customer a reason why should they land on your e-commerce store.

So, what are the requirements that you must fulfil in creating a quality content that works like a magnet for your target customers?

Don’t know the answer?

Have a look at the following points that describe how can you ensure quality in your content-

  • Never use duplicate content on your site.
  • Include the right keywords in the tile of your product pages.
  • Make sure that only right keywords are included in the meta description of product pages.
  • Furthermore, include keywords in the alt text of all the product images.
  • Powerpage is the best way to create links for your product pages.


3/ Technical Shopify SEO 2021

Next, you need to focus on technical SEO of your website.

Keep in mind, if your website is having technical issues, the chances are high that you may miss out your potential customers.

Obviously, you don’t want such things to happen for your product pages.

Therefore, it’s a good practice and also required to perform technical SEO of your e-commerce store.

Here are some useful and result-oriented tips that you should follow to do make the product pages of your e-commerce website technically optimized.

Optimize URL Structure Of Your Product Pages

Ensure that the URL structure of each product page reflects the relevant categorization of your product categories.

Try to customize it and make it short and keyword-rich.

Optimize Website Structure

If your website structure is properly optimized, it will appear in search results in an effective way.

For example, see the below image that shows how Google presents Flipkart in search results:



Reduce Page Loading Time

Unoptimized product images.

The size of website files are factors that adversely affect the web page loading time and so image optimization is key for Shopify SEO because you are going to have so many images of all your products.

Make sure that unoptimized product images is not a problem in your store with your online store.

You can use the Pingdom Speed Test tool to monitor your web stores speed and if you do need to speed up your load times then check out the Infobunny Mobile SEO Guide 2021

Make It Mobile Friendly

The latest Google Algorithms says that your website must be mobile responsive to capture the micro-moments of your customers.

This is because nowadays everyone is using smartphones to explore the internet.

Hence, it is necessary that your site complies with this norm.

Make It User-friendly

The better the user experience, the higher the amount of traffic.

Ensure the checkout process is not complicated and the user can easily navigate throughout your website.

We will recommend you to buy Shopify themes for your store from the official Shopify site.

Add Schema Markup For Product Pages

Show the important product information right up front in organic search results by adding Schema Markup.

Use different variants like product categories, blog posts, ratings, etc. for your products.

Add Customer Reviews

Before taking the purchase decision, the customer will first see the past experience of your previous customers.

Therefore, Add reviews in your e-commerce site to show how your previous customers are loving your products.


4/ On-Page Optimization

So far you have learned how to employ technical SEO techniques to improve the site visibility of your product pages.

Now it’s time to understand some important strategies that define how you may make your website and product pages more effective and attractive.

On-page optimization strategies will help you in presenting your online store at the right time in front of your customers for the relevant search terms.

Presenting four bonus strategies that allow your product pages rank better among organic search results-

  1. Home Page Optimization
  2. Product Page Optimization
  3. Blog Post Optimization
  4. Product Collection

Home Page Optimization

The very first point you should consider is your store name.

Set up a compelling store name and include keywords in its Meta Description.

Think about your broad niche and place all those keywords on the homepage that allure and convince the visitor to get down into your sales funnel.

Product Page Optimization

Customize the permalinks of each product page.

Include relevant keyword in the permalinks.

Customize it in such a manner that it presents your store name, your product name, and their other subcategories of your product pages.

Add product title and meta description on every product page and also ensure that titles and product descriptions contain the relevant search terms.

Collection Page Optimization

Sometimes, your potential customers are searching for product categories instead of a particular product.

For example, they may search for “best collection of make brushes 2019”, etc.

Therefore, optimize your collection pages by using such collection keyword phrases.

Include keywords in the permalinks to make it clear to your customer what category is this all about.

Blog Post Optimization

For blog post optimization, informative keywords are important.

Your customer may search like “how to use nail art”, “how to use eyeshadow primer”, etc.

Thus you need to include such informative keywords in your blog posts.

Here too, you have to customize the permalinks for each blog post by including the relevant keywords in them.


5/ Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design is the lifeblood for each company which is expanding its business in the online market.

It means that your website design should be such that it responds in real-time, to the size of the device and screen.

Your customers will find it difficult to explore and engage with your website if your website is not responsive to their devices.

Thus, while purchasing a Shopify theme, ensure its design and layout is consistent.

Apart from that, the navigation menu should not complex, rather it should be easy to explore.


6/ Creating Power Page

A power page is a page that consists of informative content related to the products that you are selling through your e-commerce store.

For example, if one of your products is a handbag, you may create a blog post like “Top 10 brands of handbag that you must carry with yourself”.

Since you can’t link your product pages with others directly, creating a power page is of great importance to drive traffic to your product page.

Using power pages means you can easily create links that redirect your customers to the relevant product pages.

Thus, these power pages can ultimately help in boosting the product page authority.


7/ Link Building

To increase the website authority of your online store and to rank your product pages among organic search results, you have to earn good quality links.

You may use the Powerpage technique to outreach high-quality links for your product pages.


Ideas to get Links flowing to your Shopify store

Guest Posting – Write guest posts on relevant and high-quality guest posting sites to build the reputation and authority of your site.

Thes backlinks will gain you more traffic and more exposure and improve your search rank.


Press release – Expand the reach of your company, build up the brand and gain publicity by outreaching high-quality PR sites to build quality links.


Google News Site – Create quality links for your online store from Google News Site that has high authority.


Directory submission – Directory submission provides a diverse link profile.

And gives qualified referral traffic and trustworthy authority signals for your Shopify e-commerce store.

Link building it’s not an easy task, but when done in a proper way, it leads to a higher amount of conversions to the online store.


Shopify SEO in 2019

That’s all for now!

Apply all these Shopify SEO strategies in 2019 for your online store and you will boost your product page rank and give yourself a competitive edge.

Shopify SEO is not really any different to everyday SEO.

All the same, rules apply.

Think of your product pages as very small blogs that give all the information on your products and just optimize them as you do a blog.

For more details on how to optimize for SEO please refer to Infobunnys SEO Guide 2021, it bears at least 95% relevance to Shopify SEO




Do you have a Shopify or E-Commerce store?

Do you SEO optimize your website?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Make sure that you subscribe to the comments so that you are notified when we reply!


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Shopify SEO, a must-have guide for Shopify e-commerce sites
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Shopify SEO, a must-have guide for Shopify e-commerce sites
In this new Infobunny article we drill down on some really cool Shopify SEO tips for 2019 for those of you looking to rank your web stores higher on search.
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Follow M.Akram:
I am a professional SEO Expert having more than 5+ yrs of experience in the field of SEO and Social Media Marketing. I founded LiquidDo, the best SEO agency, to help people grow who are struggling with online marketing. I have helped many enterprises by providing effective and result-oriented SEO services.

19 Responses

  1. Lesly Federici
    | Reply

    As usual, informative article! I don’t use Shopify … but I know where to get the info I’ll need if I do … 🙂 Thanks

  2. Soumyadip Dutta
    | Reply

    I am following the same method. As I know the keyword is the main key to rank any article.

  3. Soumyadip Dutta
    | Reply

    Nice Article Brother
    Soumyadip Dutta recently posted…Rank Website For Free: Blog, E-Commerce Step-By-Step (2019)My Profile

  4. Amrinder Singh
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing such a nice blog post.

  5. Amrinder Singh
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing such an interesting and useful blog post.

  6. Easy Web Plans
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing such an interesting post. As a Beginner in the web development industry, this post is very helpful for me.

  7. Easy Web
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing such an interesting blog post.

  8. Mansi Rana
    | Reply

    I want to thank you for this lovely and informative article. I read your complete article, really it’s a well-written post and complete guide for Shopify e-commerce sites. Keep sharing.

  9. Digital Aroma
    | Reply

    Shopify SEO 2019: The Complete E-Commerce Beginner’s Guide
    – Helpful article.

  10. Digital Aroma
    | Reply

    Thank You for sharing this article.

  11. Neil Dimapilis
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us, shopify is an untapped platform and majority of the population overlooks it’s usage

  12. Yasar Arafath
    | Reply

    I have too many products in the store to sell. I used to try different methods and getting sales. My long time wish was to learn Shopify and sell in the platform. I will do save the post and will use it for my future reference when I get to start Shopify.
    Yasar Arafath recently posted…Must Follow Guidelines on How to Become a Successful Reseller in IndiaMy Profile

  13. Michel Joachim
    | Reply

    I have been doing SEO for my client’s eCommerce website but didn’t know that before thanking you for sharing this helpful guide about Shopify SEO.

    Great job.

  14. Explosionweb Solutions
    | Reply

    Hey, Also I’m working for Shopify SEO and I got more knowledge from your Article. It’s really great article for readers and learners. so I’m going to share it with my friends. Thank you so much for this help.

  15. Dricki
    | Reply

    For this lovely and insightful post, I want to thank you. I read your full paper, it’s really a well-written post and a complete Shopify e-commerce sites guide. Continue to share.
    Dricki recently posted…Ecommerce SEO: 8 Ways to Handle Out of Stock ProductsMy Profile

  16. David H
    | Reply

    This is a beautifully explained article. Thanks for a lot of things I got to know here that I didn’t know before.

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