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Quora Blog SEO – How to SEO optimize Quora Blogs

Quora Blog Seo

A Quora blog is a useful tool to help expand the authority and brand of your main blog.

And so Quora Blog SEO is important because the more Quora pages that you can get seen on Google that all point at your main event the better.

The more these pages are seen the more you main blog is seen as you increase your chances of clickthrough traffic from Quora

Here are some tips to optimize your Quora SEO settings for blog posts 

If you are using Quora to boost the presence of your main blog then a newly created Quora Blog should carry the branding of your main blog.

So for Infobunny, we have set up as Infobunny as the title and then the description as Infobunny – Social Media Guides, Tutorials and Articles.

The strategy of the Infobunny Quora Blog is to support Infobunny and not to outrank Infobunny.

For this reason, we concentrate on creating shorter posts and cut-down articles of posts we publish on Infobunny.

If you know anything about on page SEO then it is good time to tell you what you can’t do with Quora Search Engine Optimisation so that you are not scratching your head thinking “how do I do that”

Quora Blog SEO what you can’t do

The permalink of any Quora blog page that you create is defined by the title of the post.

So if you create a post titled Quora Blog SEO – How to SEO optimize Quora Blogs then that phrase becomes the permalink.

Unfortunately, you can’t edit the permalink like you can on WordPress so think long and hard about your title. 

You may not be able to edit a permalink but there is a fix for this so that you can still have a permalink that is just a couple of keywords, for example, Quora SEO (more about this on the what you can do section below) and then still also have a much longer SEO keyword based title

What else can’t you do?

You cannot assign H1, H2, H3, H4 to the title or any subtitles.

There is also no way of assigning a meta description.

The meta description, therefore, comes from the first 160 characters of any post that you make.

You also, unfortunately, cannot assign alt image text to images.

Quora Blog SEO what you can do AND SHOULD DO

So I have left you hanging long enough on the permalink issue

The permalink of any Quora blog page that you create is defined by the title of the post.

So if you create a post titled Quora Blog SEO – How to SEO optimise Quora Blogs then that phrase becomes the permalink.

Unfortunately you can’t edit the permalink like you can on WordPress so think long and hard about your title.

You may not be able to edit a permalink but there is a fix for this so that you can have a permalink that is just a couple of keywords, for example…

Here is how you fix the problem and make a permalink that is just a couple of keywords.

The simple answer is you make the blog title the keyword phrase and save the blog post.

Then you edit the title and make it what you want it to be the permalink will not change and will remain the same from your initial save.

So just to clarify

  1. If you want your permalink to be “Quora Blog SEO” then make your title “Quora Blog SEO” and save.
  2. Then click edit post and change the post title to the longer title that you want.

Does that make sense?

Meta Description and Keywords

So if you want a meta description that carries your keyword phrases then add your keyword phrase into the first 160 word of posts. Google will then grab a meta description snippet for their search results.

You must then of course further optimize your post by adding your keyword phrase into your title. Then use related keywords and phrases and variations on your main keywords within the body of the post. just like you would if you were optimizing your own WordPress blog.

Optimize for multiple keywords and phrases

Creating long-form content gives you the opportunity to optimize for multiple keywords.

There are just more occasions to be able to use related phrases within your posts when they are long-form.

Anything from 1500 – 2000 words would be a great length for a post.

Outbound Links

Link out to a couple of authority sites that are the same niche to improve your Quora blog authority.

By default, these links will be nofollow but it is still a worthwhile practice to link out.


You may not be able to add alt image text to images but they are still very important.

Add relevant images for a visual effect.

They keep visitors on your pages longer and just make you look more professional. And remember when you social share or are shared the social sites draw take one of the images that you use in the post for the share with a text snippet and link back.

Quora Blog Seo

Keep your readers on your page for longer

Do everything you can to keep people on your page for longer. Long-form content although great for SEO can appear wordy so keeping people on your page will involve some strategy when it comes to the layout of your post.

Keep sentences and paragraphs short with breaks between lines. Break text up with images.

Use lots of sub-titles for those readers that like to skim pages and use some clever Bucket Brigades to help lead your readers forward.

For more ideas on keeping your readers on your page please refer to my Pac Article called Keep people on your blog in 2018 – 7 Quick Tips To Keep Readers Engaged

Now it is time to promote

When you publish your finished article share it.

Do a round of social sharing on all other social platforms that you are a member.

This is easy if you are using the Chrome browser and have added share buttons to the top of the browser.

WordPress has a built-in ping service that pings new posts out when published. Quora doesn’t, so just go somewhere like PingFarm and just add your article URL and ping it out.

Here is how my cutdown of this article looks on my Quora Blog

Quora Blog cutdown example

Quora Blog SEO – Takeaways

SEO ranking techniques can be applied to just about anywhere that you create content.

If you want to get the most out of your SEO optimization on any given site you must first understand how that site works in relation to SEO.

With any blogging social that uses the title as the permalink you just have to save your title first as your keyword phrase then edit it to create your finished title.

Understanding that when you don’t specify a meta-description Google will simply create one from the first 160 characters or so tells you that if you optimize the first 160 character of your post with keywords will then give you an optimized meta-description.

Understanding how to optimize for SEO and then understanding how the site works you are posting on gives you big clues on what you need to do to SEO content when you have limitations on what you can do.

SEO Optimization on blogging socials is all about looking for smart solutions. You know what you need to do but how do you actually do it?

That is all for now!

I hope you found this Quora Blog SEO Article useful.

If you have any questions then leave a comment below and I will come back to you.

Regards Dexter

You can join me on Quora Here


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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

6 Responses

  1. Denise
    | Reply

    Thank you for this article. It is easier to see how it is structured and its used when spelled out so simply. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to always point me in the right direction!

  2. Lydia Brown
    | Reply

    Thank you Dexter, I have answered a few questions on Quora but haven’t used the blog section. Appreciate your advise.

  3. Loretta
    | Reply

    I’ll confess, I just don’t get Quora. I’ve looked at it a few times while doing topic research, but I’ve just never been drawn to the platform for anything else. Looking over some of the information here and in your other blog posts about it, I’m definitely starting to understand it better and see how it can be a more useful tool than I was giving it credit for.

    • Dexter Roona

      Hi Loretta here is an example of how i have just used it for some free hits. Im looking to update the theme for HowTo8App.com so my question on Quora reads like this

      Im looking for a new contemporary WordPress theme for HowTo8App.com .. any suggestions?

      The outcome is suggestions and traffic as Quora members check the sites current look and feel so to then offer suggestions.

  4. SEO Services in Gurgaon
    | Reply

    This is a very unique article. Such a good knowledgable post. Thanks for sharing.

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