In this new article, we are talking about how to write great blog comments, showing you what you should aim to do and what you should definitely avoid doing.
We will be covering:
- Why does blog commenting get such a bad press?
- Great content doesn’t guarantee comments
- Is blog commenting bad for SEO?
- How to write great blog comments
and so much more.
Let’s get started
How To Write Great Blog Comments
Blog commenting tends to get some very bad press but in this article, we are going to give you the positive side of blog commenting and show you how to write great blog comments
Commenting is often seen as a spammy practice and of course, it is if you happen to be a spammer.
But the flip side of the negativity that surrounds blog commenting is some serious upside in traffic, engagement, and new connections.
In this article, we will be showing how to write great blog comments that STAND OUT and help you build click-through traffic to your own site all whilst making new blogging friends in the process.
So why does blog commenting get such a bad press?
Well, as mentioned above it mainly comes down to comment spam.
Spam can be a major problem for a blog if unchecked, It makes a page look untidy, it confuses the article and it can even make a page look abandoned. And there can be some serious SEO problems if the situation is not dealt with.
But help is at hand, there are some very good plugins that can help you with this problem.
Akisimet seems to be every blogger go to plugin with a million-plus installs.
Akismet checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database of spam to protect you and your site from malicious content.
Our friends over at WPBeginner have a great set-up guide for Akismet that you should check out
What is Akismet and Why You Should Start Using it Right Away
And even with Akismet, comment spam can still be so bad that some blogs don’t even allow blog commenting on their sites.
It will only weed out the very worst of the offenders, you still get the very short commenters and for some, it is just not worth the time to build an engaging comment section.
For me, this is a missed opportunity to grow the conversation around what you have written.
A healthy active blog conversation at the end of an article that you have spent a long time writing is a good indication that you have done a very good job.
But great content doesn’t guarantee comments
If you’re not getting any comments then there are a couple of reasons why:
1/ Your content is not appealing and difficult to read
The fix for this is to use headlines, to space your text adding in negative space.
Careful use of bucket brigades to guide readers on and further breaking up text with images and video
2/ You are just not being seen
The fix for not being seen is social media. Social media is the fastest way to put your blog in front of potential readers who will then appreciate what you have written. These are the guys who are going to write you great blog comments.
And then the long-term fix is SEO.
For some reason, SEO scares the living daylights out of some bloggers when in fact it is very easy to do SEO yourself.
Or they just manage to master a platform like Pinterest to generate traffic and then just abandon SEO altogether.
The reality is that you should master SEO and social media.
Just like you are always looking for multiple streams of income you should be looking for multiple traffic streams.
Join the conversation - We are talking blog commenting. Is it good for your site? Is it worth your time to comment? Some say commenting can be bad for SEO, What do you think? Click To TweetIs blog commenting bad for SEO?
There could be SEO problems ahead if you don’t manage your comments, but these SEO problems should never arise because you should always be paying attention to what readers are adding or attempting to add to your comment section.
Some quick questions to consider!
Do you allow very short meaningless blog comments like “great post” or “I like your post”?
Do you allow links under the add comment site option (shown below) that are just not related to your niche or link to products or sales pages or worse?
If you do then your comment section is not going to look great in Googles eyes.
But if the comments you receive are high quality, 200-300 words long.
If they ask questions, give opinions and just add value then they can only be good for SEO and your SERP’s
Good blog comments continue the conversation, they keep the buzz of a new post alive.
They engage other readers.
And if you reply to comments then you also get valuable repeat visits.
If a comment that you add to another webmasters site is great then you pick up clickthrough traffic and reciprocal comments to your own site and maybe even organic backlinks.
Blog commenting when done correctly is good for your sites SEO but only if your write good blog comments and only accept good blog comments.
There are also so big SEO ranking factors like Dwell Time and Time On Page to consider.
When your readers are taking the time to write good blog comments then your dwell time and time on page gets better.
If visitors are staying on your site then it is a good SEO ranking signal to Google that your content is good and so that is reflected in the search results.
Broken Links
One thing that you do need to keep an eye on for SEO is to keep a check on broken links.
As time passes from when comments are made we often find that some of the links that get added into the site option section when making a comment become broken, meaning that they no longer link to the destination.
Sites do close and shutdown, pages get removed but if those sites and pages are being linked to in your comments section then those links appear as broken.
And as we know broken links do not deliver the best user experience.
They affect SEO negatively so they need to be removed when found.
The good news is that broken links are relatively painless to find and fix.
There are some good online sites that can help you with this Online Broken Link Checker is a useful site and Dead Link Checker is also a popular option.
There are also plugins that you can add to WordPress such as Broken Link Checker with over 600k downloads.
So the question now is how do you write great blog comments that stand out from the crowd?
Here are some useful tips that will help you write great comments.
How to write great blog comments
1/ Read the post that you are commenting on
How can you possibly know what to write if you do not know what the article is about?
Just reading the title is not enough for you to know what to write. Just skimming the article does not give you enough information to write a great blog comment.
2/ Read the comments that have already been made
There is a chance that within a healthy blog comment conversation that what you want to ask may already have been said and covered
If you know what has already been covered then that affects what your comment should be about.
Read the comments so that you can add new, fresh ideas and opinions to those already added.
3/ Grammar and punctuation
Everyone is busy and often with blog commenting we let the grammar and punctuation slide.
And yes I am guilty of this.
Keep the standards up.
Some webmasters are very strict and don’t allow comments with bad grammar and punctuation.
So don’t let a great comment be refused over a spelling mistake or a miss-placed apostrophe.
If grammar and punctuation is not your thing then you are in luck, download the Grammarly Chrome extension (no affiliation) and you’re be told instantly of errors and shown the corrections needed.
4/ Be helpful
Reply to questions where appropriate and give answers
5/ Don’t over-promote yourself
Remember you are not leaving your comment to promote yourself.
You are simply adding value to the conversation.
If your comment is great then you will receive traffic and comments from others.
If you have a link to offer as a good resource that will help and qualify then ask if you can add the link.
Just dropping the link is not a good idea, it will probably be picked up by spam protection and your comment may never see the light of day.
6/ You can disagree
There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion but just be mindful that you don’t get into an argument.
You may be right about something but how you translate that to a comment matters.
7/ Comment early
The earlier you comment the more likely your comment is going to be read and the more traffic and clicks it will generate.
8/ Use the writer’s name when commenting
Hey, Dexter great post but what do you when XYZ happens?
Using names and making comments more personal helps them standout
6 Costly blog commenting mistakes to avoid
1/ Not adding your real name
A big commenting mistake is the misuse of the name section when leaving a comment.
The name section is for exactly that, “your name”.
It is not for your product name, it is certainly not for a keyword that you are trying to rank for.
I would even go as far to say that you shouldn’t use a business name either if you are looking for real engagement.
Your site link goes into the comment section under “your site” and that is all you need to promote your business.
2/ Adding an invalid or inactive email address
Some people don’t like sharing their email address. They think that they are opening themselves up to endless update emails.
But the question is how to do engage with other commenters if you have no contact present.
Readers who comment cannot directly contact you via email because it is hidden but when you subscribe to comments then you do receive updates when someone replies.
If you are worried by the number of comments that you will receive then the solution is to make an email address just for when you comment and then your primary email won’t ever to affected.
3/ Not Branding yourself with Gravatar
Gravatar is an avatar service that connects to blogs. When you comment the avatar that you add to your account appears every time that you comment.
This is a great asset when it comes to branding yourself or your site.
A list of your recent comments are also logged on the Gravatar site as well,
4/ Leaving comments on non-related blogs
Why would you comment on a non-related blog then link back in the site section to your blog?
If you genuinely want to comment on a non-related site to your niche then don’t use it as an opportunity to link to your site and I would also recommend using a different email to the one that you use for your site.
5/ Leaving irrelevant short comments
As mentioned earlier your comment needs to serve a purpose.
It needs to ask a related question, given an opinion, it needs to add value and it certainly needs to be on-topic and not be a waste of text space.
No one engages with irrelevant comments if they even make it into the comment section.
Leaving irrelevant short comments is a big blog commenting mistake that you should avoid.
6/ Allowing Do-Follow links in comments
You need to be very careful about what you link to.
It is my SEO strategy to only link to known, trusted, authoritative sites.
Linking into bad domains is just going to kill your SEO dead.
How to write great blog comments – examples
So before we finish up with this article I think it would be a good idea to give you a few examples of what I consider to be good blog comments and why.
I will link you into each post so you can follow the conversation as it happened.
The first is a comment that I made on Justin Penrose’s post entitled 9 blog design mistakes to avoid in 2018
Blog commenting example 1
Very useful article. Yes everyone scans and most how a very low attention span.
Have you come across “Bucket Brigades” it is where you add very short scannable lines to lead the reader on to keep them on the page.They are bold so easily picked up on the initial scan
“Here is the answer”
“Keep reading for the answer”
Would you be surprised to know that Justin’s post ranks No 1 on Google for the search term “blog design mistakes to avoid” and No 2 on page 1 for “blog design mistakes”?
I’m not.
The comments section on this post is pretty special with quality and value-added all the way down the page.
How important are the comments in helping this article rank, well we don’t really know but they certainly didn’t do the dwell time and time on page any harm.
Blog commenting example 2
My second example is by Enstine Muki taken from my Guest Blogging Opportunities post
Hey Dexter,
Good to be here again today.
You probably have touched on every point about guest posting here.I like your point on long-form content to discourage link mongers.
But I think most link seekers are getting it all wrong.
If they produce long-form guest content, it will help their SEO if these get linked to by others or picked up by search engine.
I submitted about 3 guest posts recently and the shortest was over 1.5k words.
I was accepting guest content with 800 words but the latest 3 I have from my readers are over 2k words each.
Now I’m going to step up the word count limit just after this comment.
Thanks for the beautiful post
Blog commenting example 3
My 3rd and final blog commenting example comes from Ryan Biddulph on my What is the best way to pin for Pinterest Traffic? post
I’ve found Dexter how Pinning other folk’s stuff is the quickest way to gain traction on the network.
This approach works well in any site, with any niche.
Foolproof way to see more traffic thru Pinterest is to help other folks get traffic by Pinning their post.
Of course, I need to Pin your rocking post bro
Thanks for sharing!
What do you notice about these 3 blog comment examples?
The big thing for me is that they all have something to say and they all add value.
And that is the secret, you have to have something to say on the subject.
There is very little point commenting just for the sake of commenting.
Give your opinion, you can agree or disagree but be open to what others say even if you believe you are right.
But you can’t do any of this if you haven’t first read the post and followed the conversation.
How to write great blog comments – Takeaways
Blog commenting, when done correctly, is a great method to build traffic and engagement on your own site.
There is nothing negative about blog commenting if you write great blog comments and only accept good comments that inform, question and add value to what you have written about.
A good engaging comment section at the bottom of any post or page only sends good signals to Google and it positive for time on your page and your dwell time.
Are links to unrelated sites an SEO problem? Well,
I don’t consider them a big issue as long as they are nofollowed and if someone has taken the time to write a great comment and get involved and it is not just for self-promotion or some SEO benefit then I have no problem passing traffic onto them.
That’s all for now.
Do you allow comments on your blog?
Do you have a blog commenting strategy?
Let me know in the comments section below, make sure that you subscribe to comments so that you are notified of my reply
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Do you allow comments on your blog?
Yes. I view it as additional feedback. If the commenter happens to mention something I talked about or otherwise sounds like they knew what I was reading, I find that to be a good sign I was able to get my message across.
Do you have a blog commenting strategy?
Yes. I try to provide value to the site I’m commenting on – maybe repeat some things or use keywords to potentially help with their SEO. I won’t post if I don’t have anything to say – like those typical simple “great post” comments. That’s not to say I won’t also say great post, but I want to add something more than those two words.
Dexter Roona
Hi Joe, thanks for stopping by. It sounds like we are on the same page.
If you keep a good comments section that is clean and not spammy then your only going to be helping your site in the long run.
regards Dexter
jo Ann lawery
Hi Dexter. I do allow comments on my blog and I do get some comments back , other times, no. I also do comment on the blogs that I read as well. I’m not sure about this SEO thingy so I don’t notice it that much.
Dexter Roona
It’s just about accepting quality comments only and not letting links through that are not related.
Janice Wald
Wow! Is one word a poor blog comment? LOL!
What can I say Dexter? So many valuable points I should have taken notes.
Seriously– an amazingly comprehensive guide to how to comment, how not to comment with examples.
I use Akismet. I am suspicious if they don’t have a gravatar. If they don’t have a gravatar and they write a generic comment, they are gone.
Google likes comments: They add to the word count. If they contain the keyword, more the better. Comments show Google we have active blogs. Your post showed people how to write comments that Google will like and that people will like.
Dexter Roona
Thanks, Janice, we know you don’t need a lesson in commenting. I don’t worry too much about the avatar front. I pay more attention to what they are saying and what they are linking too. Most of my broken links come from the username in blog comments so I often clean them up before i am notified to clean them up 😉
Gaurav Kumar
Hi Dexter,
As long as you are a genuine visitor the comment you will make will become genuine. A person always comment on something that he find interesting or something that triggers questions in his mind.
Posting spam comments will make you lose reputation also it makes others to stop caring about what you comment or want to say.
When writing a comment keep focus on the topic of the article and add some extra value to the experience of the readers.
Dexter Roona
Exactly it is about authenticity, that is what counts when posting great comments that will get noticed.
Ryan Biddulph
Thanks for the shout buddy! I used to write longer comments but had to shift toward more blog posts these days. At that though, I still intend to be genuine, to add a thought or 2 for reader’s benefits.
I advise; set an alarm for a few minutes while commenting. Literally, it takes 2-3 minutes of your day to post 1 genuine, thoughtful comment that leads to so many stunning benefits.
Tweeted for you.
Dexter Roona
Thanks Ryan
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Hi, Very nice article. I hope you will publish again such type of post.
Thank you!
This is pretty great post. I´ve been thinking of starting a blog on this subject myself.
Hello Dexter,
Thank you for this wonderful article. Nobody really tells you how commenting should be done properly and that is why people think leaving a simple ‘great post’ comment will get them backlinks. Such comments get approved most of the time, but as you said, they have no real meaning. I don’t have any special strategy when it comes to blog commenting – I usually comment on posts that interest me and where I feel like I can add value. I thought it would be useful to suggest How to find websites for blog commenting article since it’s closely related to your post. Keep up the good work!
Dexter Roona
Thanks for the related article suggestion I will take a look, is this written by you?
Yes, it is. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read it, Dexter.
John Wick
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This article is very informative, updated and transparent. Can I expect you will post this type of another article in near future?
Thank you for such a great article. I understood that how to write a great blog comment. before that i was using my own way to increase my website rank but it was not working, now few week ago i follow your instruction and my website rank is increasing that’s great.
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Sathish Arumugam
Blog commenting is the one big thing that most blogger and internet marketing will do regularly and it is a great source of the backlink as well it will bring up the good source of traffic to the blog. Writing a blog comment is really an art this article has really bring up the importance of blog commenting for creating the real-life relationship and drive decent traffic to the blog.
That’s a great post for the newbie who is trying to build quality backlinks for website/blog. Thanks a lot for the nice details content.
Ross Alisha
Wonderful post! We are linking to this great article on our site. Keep up the great writing.
Nice post and I really appreciate your hard work. Blog commenting is also a best medium to share our views.Nice article you have shared.
I don’t understand if blogger open comment section then why you people make it nofollow, BTW nice article for commenting knowledge
Dexter Roona
Comments are nofollow to stop spammers dropping comment links and to stop them from linking to unrelated content. All of which is bad for a site and its SEO.
Today many people work in blogging and interested to build career there. we do face some problem to do that. we often make some mistake and this content and tips will help us a lot to do that.
Great Extra tip and thank you for sharing
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Clarke Watson
Blogging commenting I believe is a secret weapon many bloggers do not consider. I think am one of the culprits. This post has uncovered hidden treasures on blog commenting. As a matter fact am going to take it very seriously. It is also a way of putting yourself out there and not afraid of expressing your opinion. Actually, I also have an aim to earn handsome income via niche blogging that’s why I’m searching some informative sites only for this purpose just like yours.
Megan Taylor
Almost every blog will have a simple form that appears when you click on “say something about this post” or “add comment” where you can enter your email address and your name, and sometimes your own blog/website, together with your comment. However, some will require you to sign up to services like WordPress, Gravatar or Disqus to leave comments.
Signing up is usually a simple process of entering the above details (and sometimes add an image of some kind) when prompted.
If you’re planning to do a lot of commenting this can be useful, because in future if you’re signed in to these services it’ll automatically recognize you, and you’ll only have to enter your comment.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Enstine Muki
Hey Dexter,
We haven’t been in touch for the past couple of months and that isn’t good for a healthy relationship 😉
That said… I knew I was finally going to be on this post to say something and here I’m on mobile, which isn’t my way though.
In any case, if there is an activity in blogging that’s like honey, it’s commenting for connection. I stopped commenting for SEO when I sensed a dark end to this.
Folks have missed the point and most desperate and lazy SEOs are punishing themselves and ruining completely their future with useless spammy comments.
Commentluv, which you have here is good for SEO comments but hey… This has let to loss of over 2k backlinks to my blog.
Why ?
I was a addicted to commenting on commentluv enabled blogs. But as it has gone for years without update, most of these blogs are kicking it away. That’s how the links disappear daily. So commentluv is dying with its links or what ? What’s the future ?
If we comment for the sake of connecting with others and maintaining good relationships, it will really add value and Google will love it. If we run after links, we will face a negative update.
The point you made about dwell time is so strong and I thing that’s the positive SEO point for blog commenting.
Thanks for the shout-out man. Hope you are having a great week
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Dexter Roona
Good to hear from you. CommentLuv was recently updated so we are all up to date.
I don’t seek out CommentLuv articles and I often refuse commentLuv comments on my site by just removing the Luv. I find that around 95% of broken links come from dead links in comments so when I’m reviewing comments to publish I often just remove links if I fell they don’t match the topic or I feel that its a comment just for a link.
David Cross
Thanks for the great information for us.
Thanks for sharing such a good blog!
Mod Juice
This is a useful article. The Way of writing is good. By reading this, I surely can enrich my knowledge. Your idea is really outstanding. Thank’s to share us such an important thing.
Udit khanna
good information about how to write great blog comments thank you so much sharing this
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post, blog comments really help us grow because we are building relationship with others and also it help us build SEO and also comments makes our blog alive and google also index comments. I would appreciate if you include my blog to your list of blog commenting sites,
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Alisha Ross
This is such as great list! thank you so much 🙂 I was really looking for a dofollow blog list for quite sometime and this came just in time.
For my fellow bloggers who are looking for dofollow backlinks, we should always remember that we don’t only need dofollow links to boost our ranking in search engine. A good balance between nofollow and dofollow backlinks is important for Google to recognize our sites.
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Jack Connor
Hey Admin,
What a fantastic post! This is so chock full of useful information I can’t wait to dig deep and start utilizing the resources you have given me. Your exuberance is refreshing.
Rajendra Timalsina
very niche article about how do we blog commenting is the one big thing that most blogger and internet marketing will do it regularly and now i feel it is a great source of the back link as well it will bring up the good source of traffic to the blog. Writing a blog comment is really an ability to perform art this article has vast information of blog commenting for creating the real-life relationship and apply traffic to the blog.
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Joshua Evans
Thank you for the article. It is not enough just to write an article and put it on the Internet. After publication, she begins to live her network life. I am talking about the reaction of the public and first of all about the comments. Be sure to thank for the comment and note the indifference to the topic. Listen to the recommendations. Write an essay is a more difficult task.
Nihal SIngh
Thank you for this wonderful article. Nobody really tells you how commenting should be done properly but you have taken immense care to explain the process of commenting. Your article has given me the knowledge and thought me the importance of blog commenting. Being a writer from Top Assignment For All, I always search for knowledge over the internet every day. And today I’m satisfied after the reading this great literature from you Roona.
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I am really appreciating your ideas regarding doing blog commenting this is genuine way to optimize our blog/website. i am running small online business i have digital marketing team i would like to share this post they can follow all the ways you have mentioned above.
smart sniper
Hi Dexter. I do allow comments on my blog and I do get some comments back, other times, no. I also do comment on the blogs that I read as well. I’m not sure about this SEO thingy so I don’t notice it that much!
John Davies
This is such as article! thank you so much for sharing this wonderful article I was really searching for the same blog. As we ranking on google first page there is need to do follow and no follow back links. A lot of thanks to you creating this content i would love to share with my friends and family. Keep it up.
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Shweta rishabh jain
Hello Dexter,
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Hi Dexter Roona,
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Writing is basic skills, I am also a writer but I am so glad to read your tips to write a blog and comment about any post, thanks for sharing ..
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Great topics to discuss which most of the SEOs ignore. Thanks for bringing this up.
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The post is interesting. The content lets you know how to write great blog comments. Do you have any idea about how to write great blog comments? If you don’t know, you should go through the post and it will help you understand it. There are some important points that you should keep in mind when writing a comment to the blog articles and it will help you to make the blog comments look professional.
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Here’s my simple way of writing comment. You just need to read the whole topic and type on the comment area whatever opinion or ideas you have on your mind about what you read. But bear in mind that comment should always be related to the topic.
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Jennifer Langford
I just express my feeling when I read any blog if mostly I comment on attractive and informative content. But you describe in great and tell us the best method to write good blog comments.
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Thank you so much. At last, I found an article which I am looking for a long time. I hope that it will help me too.
One to All Marketing
Great topics to discuss which most of the SEOs ignore. Thanks for bringing this up.
Blog Commenting is not as easy as it seems. It requires creativity and good communication skills. I will follow these tips for commenting on blogs for sure.
Lisa Sicard
Hi Dexter, I love blog comments and I’m glad you still have them open here at InfoBunny. I’ve been noticing more and more bloggers closing their comments this past year 🙁
I just installed Grammarly after all these years and am loving it. I thought it was only a premium edition but the free one works well. I may upgrade in the near future.
I find I get to know my readers better from blog comments, they are a great way to build relationships. Have a great day and week ahead Dexter!
Hello Dexter
I just arrived at this article through Google Search. This is one of the best articles on commenting. I enjoyed it a lot. Carry on writing such useful stuff.
Thank you and bye for now.
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I think a good blog comment motivated a writer very much.
At last , I found an article about blog commenting which I am looking for a long time. I hope that it will help me too.
Thank you so much.
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Hello Dexter
I just arrived at this article through Google Search. This is one of the best articles on commenting. I enjoyed it a lot. Carry on writing such useful stuff.
Thank you and bye for now.
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