In this new article, we are delving into the ever-growing world of social media and offer you our 9 marketing etiquette social media rules.
Let’s get started!
Social Media Marketing Etiquette
When Tweeting or sharing on Google +1 and Facebook there are certain guidelines when it comes to building your social brand or promoting online home-based business programs. When people don’t follow proper marketing etiquette, the results suffer.
Here are 9 Social Media rules that will if applied correctly and consistently really help your marketing etiquette.
9 Social Media Rules To Improve Your Marketing Etiquette
1 – Always add value
This is an absolute must. Everything you share should add value to those who are reading. It doesn’t matter if your Tweeting or Google +1 sharing.
It doesn’t matter which social media platform you are working the rule applies to all the social media platforms. The adding real value rule applies especially to promoting your online home-based business or your favourite money-making site or any products that you promote.
Your posts must add value and needs to be as personable as possible. Just sharing a string of headlines and links can appear as spam to readers. Your share needs to be something that someone really wants to read.
Join the conversation - 9 Social Media Rules To Improve Your Marketing EtiquetteClick To Tweet2 – Don’t Overuse HashTags or make your Title too long
Social media sharing often gives you a limited posting character length, particularly with platforms like Twitter. Use your character length to get your message across and add the value element outlined in rule number 1.
Check out my guide to Hashtags here – My Simple Guide To Hashtags
UPDATE 15/11/2017 – Hashtags were implemented onto Pinterest back in Sept here is Everything you need to know about Pinterest HashTags
3 – Getting Added to Circles Or Followed Back is good but not essential
It’s not a bad idea to follow and add people who are adding value to their posts and those who are getting masses of comments. This is is your chance to get into the mix and build relationships. Don’t feel you need to follow or add everyone who adds you.
4 – Social Media Rule Number 4 – Don’t just Tweet Headlines and Links
It is obviously easier to just send out a headline of a relevant article with a link from a share button, but if you really want to add value, add some content from your post that will engage the reader. Use up all the character space you’re allowed to use.
5 – Make sure the people you Add or Follow are relevant to your niche
Make sure particularly on Twitter that the people you follow are relevant to you or you just going to see a lot of posts that mean nothing to you and it will devalue what you’re trying to achieve.
Stick with those who can bring value to you. For example, you are promoting a home-based business and you have someone who adds you who is promoting a different home-based business, so your niche market is the same. That would be a good reciprocal add, whereas someone who is tweeting or sharing recipes is not such a good reciprocal add. You can also set up some niche Twitter lists to categorize your followers to produce niche feeds
6 – Avoid automation if possible
This is a tricky one because we want to work smart and automation helps you. Avoid if possible. But if you do use automation then make sure your posts appear as human as possible
7 – Avoid negativity at all cost
Keep it positive, and you’ll never have a problem. Go negative, and not much good will happen. Remember what you say represents you. Here is a snippet of an article that I wrote on this subject.
Don’t get involved in social media drama
Social Media is full of opinions good ones and bad ones. These can sometimes lead to conflict and argument. If you are looking to use social media correctly then there is no room for social media drama with other site members you have never met and are never likely to. And there is certainly no place on social media for real life drama, the kind that you see on Facebook-driven by those who can’t break the Facebook habit. The social media rule to deal with strong opinions and drama is to consider all the options as to why what has been said has been said. And then if you still disagree or don’t like what you read JUST WALK AWAY!
8 – Never Spam or Hijack
If you’re going to interact with other members of a social site then do not hijack other members’ posts, don’t jump and add your own link. And definitely, do not spam. That includes posting in multiple groups, you may only be posting once in each group but that is spamming and other members will see it and blacklist you. Spamming and hijacking is the worst kind of marketing etiquette to adopt.
We Left The Best To Last
RULE 9 – Have Fun With It
Regards Dexter
Pinterest Traffic Generation Guide – How To Leverage Your Content
Pinterest Board Sections have launched

Marilyn Jones
Some great tips there on what and what not to do when marketing, tweeting and following. I need to go now and check if all the people I am following are relevant to the niche I am involved in.
Pierce Meyers
Wonderful post about social activity online. I am not much of a social media user but these ideas transfer to so many other areas we are in. Being polite, civilized and of relevance to the topics and niche’s are very important. Thanks for the information, I enjoyed it.
Janie Marshall
Great tips for the newcomer and the older marketer. Some times the obvious slips our minds.
Dexter Roona
Thanks for your comment Janie
Great tips for anyone getting started with social marketing. Number one is always the most important, if you add value you get value back 😉
Thanks Loretta yes it’s all about value.
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