Can You Really Make Free Money Online With Tsu?
So can you really make money online with Tsu? Well the answer is YES, and if you are reading this article then you are probably looking for the the inside scoop on Tsu or you are looking for ways to make money online or for an easy way to make money online.
Well Tsu is definitely an easy way to make money online and its a free way to make money online.
The great thing about Tsu is that you are probably doing everything you need to do already to make money online, you are just doing it on the wrong site, you just need to shift to Tsu and then you will have a very easy way to make money online at your fingertips
So What Is Tsu?
Tsu is a new social media site that pays it’s members for simply using the Tsu Platform, so when i said that you were already doing everything that you need to be doing to make money online i was referring to you using and posting content on other social media sites like Facebook or Twitter or any of the other popular social media sites. And to start to make FREE money online all you have to do is join Tsu and use Tsu and you get paid.
So How Do You Get Started With Tsu
Firstly you will need a Private Invite for Tsu. You cannot join Tsu without an invite from an existing member, when you invite members and they join your family tree you get rewarded, you get paid royalties for their activity, so basically Tsu is all about members inviting members and about you getting paid for your activity and your downline activity.
I have already written a full getting started Tsu Review and Guide, here is a snippet of that article, just click read more to visit the full article.
Introducing Tsu
So what exactly is Tsu?
Well Tsu is a brand new social media site that shares it’s advertising revenue with its members, and with thisMyLeadSystemPro article im going to drill down and show you how to use Tsu to both make money online and to generate leads and make new contacts for MyLeadSystemPro and Networking Superstars and any opportunity you are working.
Tsu is really hot news currently with articles on some very big blog sites, they have even been featured on Fox Newswhere Founder TSU Founder Sebastian Sobczak Talks Everything Tsu
Tsu is one of the best ways to make money online.
We get paid just for using and bringing people to the Tsu Social Media Platform
- For every $1.00 your child earns you earn $0.66
- For every $1.00 your grandchild earns you earn $0.22
- For every $1.00 your great grandchild earns you earn $0.07
Child refers to your Level 1 Refferals (Direct Referrals), Grandchild is Level 2 and Great Grandchild is Level 3
An Easy Way Make Money Online With Tsu – Conclusion
Is Tsu an easy way to make money online? Yes ….. is Tsu a free way to make money online? ….. Yes …… yeah but i have seen sites like this before, they come and go and are generally poor quality sites ….. WRONG!
Don’t get me wrong as i write this article Tsu is something like 10 days old, so there are no guarantees with this, we don’t even know if they will pay so there is a certain amount of blind faith being given here by me, but what i do know is that the site is very, very, very good once you get inside so forget about $$$$ for a second and look at Tsu as being just a really good new social media site. I love all forms of social media and when a new site launches and its really good off the bat then im in.
I see Tsu as a very exciting new site that i can use to promote my opportunities with. I can build a following very quickly because people are joining and this allows me to grow an established account in a very short period of time, that i can then use to further build my social media reach my Klout score and much more.
Add in the financial side and when they pay, well i don’t think i will get rich but i will certainly have some free smile $$$$ that i can use to pay a few site related costs.
My best advice join Tsu…. focus on using this great site and building your friends and followers, use it to generate leads to your other opportunities and just see how this develops.
You may just be very happy in 6 months time that you did 😉
To your continued success!
regards Dexter Roona
Below is a really awesome tip that will help you get tons more views and hits to everything that you post on Tsu, just social share to unlock this awesome content!
[sociallocker id=”4727″]
Kyle Holcomb
Hello Dexter,
TSU is a great way to make a little extra cash on the side. It is not likely that you are going to make millions off of it, but a solid $100, $500, or $1000 a year is definitely not a bad thing from a free social media site! One of the best concepts about it is that you get a ton of leads from it and you get paid for getting them. Thank you for inviting me to it and sharing this content with us!
Kyle Holcomb recently posted…TSU Review
Dexter Roona
You are right Kyle it’s Free money
Dexter Roona recently posted…Tsu Guide Tutorial And Review – Make Money Online
but i believe if it gets more popular people will understand that a family tree is also important – lets say you invite 5 friends and every single one of them invites one and so on – you could really expect to make that 0.27 a day for being social, to get that 100 $ in a year.
David Merrill 101
Good suggestion, Dexter, to focus on lead generation and not an actual income from your Tsu activity.
As you point out, it’s a new platform and this is a great time to get started with it, and grow with it.
David Merrill 101 recently posted…Building An Online Business
Dexter Roona
Yeah already i have 600+ followers and going up fast because i focus on sharing value and engaging and as a result my earnings go up as well so its win win.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Tsu Guide Tutorial And Review – Make Money Online
Thanks Dexter Roona, I’ll do your tips every day and get money with Tsu
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Keith Wigdor
Dear Dexter, My name is Keith Wigdor, I am an Artist and TSUART promoter here in TSU, I have a huge following and many friends, can you please add me to your list, I am very active in Art Promotion and Promoting TSU!
Sincerely, Keith Wigdor @kwigdor
NT Izuchi
I just started to share content to this platform. Excited about actually getting paid to make other websites interesting. Great perspective here and great site overall in my opinion!
NT Izuchi recently posted…Why Online Marketing Videos Convert Like Crazy!
So yes this Tsu might make you some pennys but i searched the internet to find a good ways to make some extra cash witch i added them in my blog:
ofcourse this is not free ad thing, i guess we all here to learn more in less time.
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earnings talk
Yes, this post is very helpful. Please keep it up your writing, hope that we will get more articles like this.
A powerful and best guide on make money online.Thanks for sharing such kind of nice article with us very helpful for me us.