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How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social Signals

posted in: Social Media 7

Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging are all about social engagement and interaction between people. If there is no interaction or engagement with your content then there are just no affiliate sales, no one is reading your articles there is just nothing happening, period.

As an active blogger i have always been looking to make connections with other bloggers and article writers, via social media and engaging with their content by writing good quality comments that add value to the blog authors articles.

How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social Signals - infobunny

My main avenue to boost engagement and interaction is social media with Google Plus being my social media platform of choice, for countless reasons, and i do this by being incredibly active with my social sharing and engaging with the content that i re-share.

But me being me i have taken it a step or two further and have created two Google Plus Communities that just bring masses of engagement to member content.

Google Plus Engagement Community

Read any Google Plus Guide that explains how to grow your Google Plus followers and circle members and they will all say that you should join niche communities, why because these are groups of members who like what you like, are interested in the same or similar content that you are sharing so it makes total sense that these communities would be just a fantastic source of engagement to what you post and so drastically boost your social signals.

So knowing this i made a couple of Google Plus Communities specifically targeted to produce engagement  to the content i share and more importantly engagement to members content.

The Google Plus Engagement Community is pretty big part of my Google Plus Community Strategy now, with close to 7000 members and it is just 3 or so months old. Im quite staggered as to how quickly this community has grown and just blows away any statements you read that Google Plus is a Ghost Town, all social media sites are ghost towns if you have no followers and don’t know how to use them.

Google Plus Engagement Community - Infobunny

I created the community not for any particular niche market, i kept it quite broad on purpose to boost my future social signals, not for the content i was posting at the time. 

How It Works

The idea is very simple,you add content to the community for members to engage with, making sure that you write a good intro to what you post if the content subject allows that. This then brings in engagement as members reply to your to what you post. You then have to take a keen interest in other members posts, it is members helping members.

There are various categories you can add content to ranging from your blog articles, to animated gifs to anything within reason, it is basically just an exstention of a members own social feed with one major difference, you have a targeted engaging audience.

When you join Google Plus or any other social media site, as explained earlier it is a bit of a Ghost Town your finding your feet, not sure what to post etc etc and no one is really following you so your options for engagement and building your social signals are initially limited.

If however your a member of the Google Plus Engagement Community then basically you have almost 7000 followers (and growing) of your own, and like you these are members looking to get hits, +1s, shares and comments. They join for engagement.

So What Does This Mean?

The Google Plus Engagement Community provides you with 10x the normal engagement you get if you just post public. I worked it out that you need around 1000 followers of your own to get 10+1s on average to a post, depending on the content. In the community members with 100 members are getting 10, 20, 30 plus 1s, lots of re-shares and comments.

Now i don’t know about you but i think that is a pretty good return on your time spent. But that is not all, i decided that i wanted to bring more value to the community so i created the Google Plus Engagement Brand Page and set about growing the followers to that page, i currently have 5400 or so. The idea around this Brand Page is to share the most engaging content from the community on the page because it is the best content from the community the stats are even better.

The page is now a place for quality engaging content and so easily gets 100+1s per post on average. But it gets even better still, some of this content then also gets shared on my profile cause it just brings in so much engagement and the social signals go off the chart.

Before we move onto the next community i just want to now pop back to a statement i made earlier and explain a bit more

I created the community not for any particular niche market, i kept it quite broad on purpose to boost my future social signals, not for the content i was posting at the time. 

I knew that if i built a niche targeted community it would struggle, i had nothing behind me to help it grow. Now it is different i have a pretty decent follower base on Google Plus which means that i can post, what for some is the most mundane boring content and i still get masses of +1s and re-shares and comments. So in other words the Google Plus Engagement Community is nothing more than a stepping stone for members to get the engagement and interaction and the results they are looking for.

Google Plus Engagement Blog Club

I bet you can’t guess the idea around the Google Plus Engagement Blog Club Community 🙂

Again it is pretty similar but this time it is just all about blogs.

The idea is for bloggers to add their blog posts for reciprocal comments and re-shares and +1s in exchange for adding value to other member posts.

This community is very much a work in progress and will be a much smaller affair so as to concentrate on quality and to maintain that it does in fact fulfill what it is designed to do. 

And again there is a Engagement Blog Club Brand Page for re-shares and again some of this content does get re-shared onto my profile and content that is good and engaging and valuable also gets added to my InfoBunny Brand Page.

That is about all for now but before i finish this article i would like to just give a quick mention to the  Power Blogging And Affiliate Community on Facebook and particularly the owner Lesly Federici

Lesly has created a community which is pretty much what im about people helping people, bloggers helping bloggers.



To your continued success 

Regards Dexter Roona

Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

7 Responses

  1. Adelina
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing! Great information!!

  2. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    Thanks Ryan i appreciate that 😉
    Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social SignalsMy Profile

  3. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    Thanks Lesly it is very kind of you to say,perhaps we will see you in my communities?
    regards Dexter
    Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social SignalsMy Profile

  4. Sue Bride
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter, sorry I was sure I’d commented on this last week. I certainly intended to. I know you are busy with a couple of projects I’m involved in too but I shouldn’t forget the important things, like commenting on friend’s posts and adding content to your won popular Google groups. I know you make time for this however busy you are.
    Sue Bride recently posted…Coming Soon Team Site TrafficMy Profile

  5. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    Hi Sue i see that your Team Site Traffic article is ranking well, congrats on that, im looking forward to getting my hands on that product and seeing where it takes me.
    Dexter Roona recently posted…Does You’re Klout Score Carry Any KloutMy Profile

  6. Justin Iskandar
    | Reply

    Hey Dexter,

    Great info. Good new stuff that I am learning here about Google+. I shall take a look at the community. Currently I use Facebook as my primary social media strategy. Thanks for sharing this.
    Justin Iskandar recently posted…Why Testing and Tracking Your Online Business is ImportantMy Profile

  7. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    Justin hope it proves useful to you, Google Plus is a great site to get involved with.
    Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social SignalsMy Profile

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