The 8 App – a social media platform that brings all the functionality of other platforms together in one place, whilst empowering users by giving them ownership of their content and 80 percent of the revenue
The 8 App is a new mobile social application and website that allows you to create and tell stories through your content. You can share your photo’s and videos, or discuss the day’s events with friends and get rewarded.
8 is the vision of “data and media entrepreneur”Sue Fennessy. Originally from Australia, Sue spent 4 years in China building the largest foreign-owned sports, an entertainment company in the country. She was the driving force behind the evolution of musical theatre, negotiated the first World Cup television rights deal in China and created 5 large sponsor driven television series.
Sue built the largest sponsorship agency in Australia and managed the sponsorship strategies and portfolios for over 30 large corporate brands including brokering 8 of the Olympic deals. After 11 years and with a team of 100 people, she sold the company to BBDO in 2000.
Sue’s current mission is to migrate the 92 billion dollars in Advertising revenue currently going to Silicon Valley, to those who are creating the content – the people.
She believes that there is a fundamentally unfair dynamic in social media that is rarely discussed: The members of social sites create the content but only the platform makes the money. Sue believes this is wrong and has set about creating social change so that the content creator is financially rewarded.
Paying socials have been tried before and have failed, but could The 8 App be the social app/site that really succeeds and makes a difference?
8 App is already backed by some very, very big brands and celebrities putting 8 streets ahead of the competition and showing the sites that have come and gone just where they got it so badly wrong.
[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]So how does The 8 App work? Here is your getting started guide rt@dexterroona #socialmedia #socialapp #infobunny[/tweetthis] SO HOW DOES THE 8 APP WORK? HERE IS YOUR GETTING STARTED GUIDE TO 8
The 8 App consists of a series of social feeds, Daily, Lol, Pop, Style and so on. These are curated feeds where The 8 App team position the best, most relevant niche content. It is on these feeds that the big brands hang out and sponsor member content. You are paid against your social influence and the quality of your content.
As well as the feeds highlighted above you also have your own social feed. This is where your content appears along with the content of the members you follow.
There are 2 ways to add content to The 8 App. Moments are stand alone post that is shown on your feed.
While moments are a one time deal adding a story is a little different. Stories is a very clever feature that allows you to add images, videos or text as a story and then continue to add to that story. It is kind of like a sub feed that holds content you have curated, or a folder keeping everything together. The first image that you add to a story is the cover shot of the story and every time you add to the story the cover shot reappears in your feed.
8 APP STORY TIP – When creating a story make the first image you add isKILLER!
Make it your best shot as it reappears every time you add to the story!
Adding content to a Story shows differently to how Moments appear on your feed. As a result of coming across a story in your 8 page, you will see a swipe left icon on the post. Just swipe left to reveal more content that the user has added. This feature is great for grouping images from a recent holiday/vacation that you would like to keep together or perhaps to show your friends what happened on a day out or at a party or celebration.
Creating A Moments Post
If you’re familiar with other social apps then The 8 App will be very easy for you to use. To make a post all you have to do is to click the + as highlighted in the 1st image below. You can then select between posting Text, Images or Videos. In the screen capture below I selected images.
You are then given the option to take a new picture or to load one from your gallery. Select the image you want to use. You can select multiples if you want to add more than one image (If you select multiples then the post automatically becomes an unnamed story). You are then presented with options to edit your image. It’s time to get creative, resize your picture Change the brightness or color. You can add stickers and emoji’s, and you can add a text description and some #hashtags to help get you seen and you can add a caption. Then you are ready to publish.
Creating A Story Post
1/ Open your camera roll as illustrated in the image below
2/ Select your chosen image or take a new picture
3/ Edit your Story image
4/ Create a Title add a description and or caption and click post
5/ Wait for the image to be uploaded
6/ The Story appears in your feed. Remember the first image you add to the story becomes a cover image and is shown everytime you add to the story.
Image taken from
How to add a Caption and Description
1/ To add a Caption (Text) click the Text Tool and type in the required message then hit NEXT.
2/ To add a Description click Caption and add your Description (Caption).
How to add Captions and Descriptions to multiple image uploads
1/ To add a Caption (Text) click the Text Tool and type in the required message.
2/ The Caption Button is next to the Fun Button for multiple uploads. Click Caption to add your description. When you are ready click next and either post to share your content or select an existing Story to share to.
The 8 App gives us a very good insight as to how our content is viewed on 8. We are able to see the total views we have received. And then break them down in percentage terms between moments and stories. The analytics pages let us see the counties that our follower’s hail from. We can view the total of Likes etc, etc. It really is quite an extensive insight.
Understanding The 8 App feed screen
When viewing a post you see 5 different icons on the right of the text.
Like – Click “Like” to like a post. The number next to the icon is the number of likes the post has received
Re-post – The 8 on its side (infinity symbol) is “Repost”. Click this button to repost the content you are viewing to your feed
Share – Click the share button to send the content off to other social channels
Comment – The comment button is gold dust. Drive engagement by making relevant comments
Report – Report, the button we really don’t want to use, but it is there should you encounter any problems
Let’s Talk Monetisation
The 8 App monetization program will be switched on in 2 months time or earlier if we can help 8 reach 500k daily users. Members will be rewarded for the views they receive to their ads. (The 8 App gives 80% of the advertising revenue back to members). And also be able to accept sponsorship offers from the big brands via the Sponsor Feed.
The Sponsor Feed will be open to all members not just celebrities and internet stars. Have you seen the Instagram influencers making $100s of dollars a day? Well, The 8 App has levelled the field and given the same opportunity to all members.
[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]UPDATE – #The8App Sponsor Feed is LIVE rt @dexterroona @the8app #socialmedia #sponsorfeed[/tweetthis] UPDATE 21/03/2017 –THE8APP SPONSOR FEED IS LIVE!
You can place ads before your videos play or between stories and set your ad price. If you don’t want to show ads from a certain brand you can set up your blacklist. You can even pay your payments forward to charities withing the platform like Charity Water or the Lighthouse Foundation
The 8 Rules of The 8 App
1/SHARE – We share 80% of our profit with you. In return we ask that you share what you create on 8 with each other inside 8. It’s then good to share it out on other social media as well. Most importantly, 8 is intended to be a home where everyone should share their love for one another.
2/DON’T STEAL – We will never take ownership in what you create and post on 8. We ask that you not copy or take what other people create.
If we repost what you create or if your creations get posted in 8’s feeds, your profile will stay linked so you get the traffic and profit share.
When you share anything outside of 8, please leave the profile picture and username in place. That way the creator fairly gets the credit for their work.
3/ BE FREE– Express yourself freely. We won’t judge you for expressing your opinions and we will respect you for what makes you unique.
4/DON’T BE MEAN– Respect each other for who they are. If you are not nice to each other, we will ask you to leave.
5/ BE SMART – Use good judgement. Our community is open to anyone over the age of 4 so don’t do things that are inappropriate or offensive. If you are not sure if something might be offensive, don’t post it publicly and only share it with your friends.
6/TRUST US – Because this is our company, we get to decide the rules. If someone isn’t following these rules, we will warn them. If they keep breaking the rules we will ask them to leave.
We will also do everything we can to pay people their fair share of the profits.
We are going to make mistakes but trust us to do our best to be fair. Please give us a chance to correct our mistakes before getting angry.
7/NO LAWYERS (PLEASE)– We wrote this list of rules without asking our lawyers because we know they will make us post a 10-page “End User License Agreement” that nobody ever reads.
We don’t want lawyers’ fees to come out of the profits we will be sharing.
In return, please don’t sue us. We are good, hard-working people trying to build a fun place for everyone. If you have a problem with us, call us or email us. We will do our best to be reasonable and fair. For any true legal disputes that arise, you agree to use binding arbitration because courts suck.
Social sites and apps that reward members are not a new idea. We have seen the likes of Tsu recently go blackand close down. While we have sites such a Rabaddaba and Fliiby still with us. But The 8 App really does offer us something not seen before. The Sponsor Feed. The place where big brands can sponsor our content.
The 8 App is not about posting 20, 30 posts a day and making your engagement a job. It is really about posting content that is thought provoking and engaging. It is not about quantity, it is about quality and standing out from the crowd. Stand out and you will gain followers and the brands will notice you.
So what would I do if I was you?
Well, I would head over to your app store and download 8. Start to build a following because the party of all social parties has already started.
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.
Been a long time between visits to your site and I am still impressed by the information you provide!
I am currently installing the8app and look forward to seeing what it holds.
I have tried another ‘monetized’ social media before – a couple actually – and have been disappointed in both, one more than the other.
Hi Sonia great to have you on board…. I will introduce you to Sue Fennessy the CEO, she is a fellow Aussie….. my add is @Dexterroona Dexter Roona recently posted…The 8 App – Introduction and Getting Started Guide
Even though I have been with 8 for a while, there are some aspects that I didn’t quite understand. Reading your well-put-together articles, i had no problem finding meaning to my questions within the context The bonus is that the InfoBunny is always updating and keeping me in the loop.Thank you for that.
Every time I try to accept a sponsorship, I get to where I submit and I get a connection error message. How can this be fixed? This has been going in for 3 days
Sonia Freer
Been a long time between visits to your site and I am still impressed by the information you provide!
I am currently installing the8app and look forward to seeing what it holds.
I have tried another ‘monetized’ social media before – a couple actually – and have been disappointed in both, one more than the other.
I’ll see you inside Dexter!
Dexter Roona
Hi Sonia great to have you on board…. I will introduce you to Sue Fennessy the CEO, she is a fellow Aussie….. my add is @Dexterroona
Dexter Roona recently posted…The 8 App – Introduction and Getting Started Guide
Great @Dexterroona Dexter thnks!!! I read this articole and i uderstand more!
Awesome then my job is complete 😉
Dexterroona recently posted…Social Engagement – Understanding Likes, Comments and Shares
Even though I have been with 8 for a while, there are some aspects that I didn’t quite understand. Reading your well-put-together articles, i had no problem finding meaning to my questions within the context The bonus is that the InfoBunny is always updating and keeping me in the loop.Thank you for that.
Dexter Roona
I’m always updating it, it is one of the ways that you keep Google interested 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…Instagram compared against The8App
Every time I try to accept a sponsorship, I get to where I submit and I get a connection error message. How can this be fixed? This has been going in for 3 days
Dexter Roona
Hi Jenny you will need to send In a support ticket.