So are you making money online with social media?
Well, I am assuming that a good number who read this article want to get paid to post on social media? You may already be making some money with the social platforms that you use by using them to drive traffic. The money itself comes from AdSense ads when blogging for money or from promoting a business with social media.
It is your work effort and content and your social brand that drives traffic on social media to what you are selling, promoting or writing about.
Pretty Cool yes? … Well no not really because you should also be getting paid to post on your social channels.
Because you see the social sites that you use to drive traffic, the sites you create your content, well I’m sorry to say you are really just working for them. AND WORKING FOR FREE!
[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]Now EVERYONE can get paid to share on #Facebook, #Twitter, #Instagram, #YouTube and @The8App rt @dexterroona[/tweetthis] NOW EVERYONE CAN GET PAID TO POST ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE AND THE8APP!
The big social sites are very good at leveraging members to make money
All social sites carry ads that they wrap around our content, often selling products that we don’t even endorse or like. And we don’t have a say about this because it is not our platform. We are users and use the platforms for free and this is our benefit. But is that enough? Well no… 92 Billion in social media advertising revenue is currently sliding into the pockets of just a handful of companies in silicon valley. Enormous profits are being made. And it is only the sites that are making money and not the everyday users, who populate them and make them what they are.
The argument for not rewarding members.
The argument is that sites like Facebook obviously have running costs and it is expensive to create a happy and healthy social environment. But this argument doesn’t really wash with me especially with the Death Star of social sites Facebook. They have a business plan that squeezes users and steals their views and then prompts them to pay Facebook to get what is stolen back… genius!!! and some members do pay, particularly marketers who want to put what they sell in front of those looking to buy. I have a real problem with ads that say things like
“Are you earning 5-6 figures on Facebook well now you can” well what the ad should say is “Help me earn 5-6 figures from Facebook while you are lucky to make $50 after you have sold all that product you have to buy. If you sell any at all. Cause let’s face it no one wants the product they are just hunting the promised residual income”
Some people are very successful at making money with MLM businesses. But it is more than likely at the expensive of someone who wants the dream but unfortunately, ends up paying to realize someone else’s dream.
So what is the answer?
Well, firstly you have to realize that what you create and share on social media has true value. It certainly is valuable to online advertisers.
When a song is played on the radio the artist or producer, the record company, they all get paid in the form of a royalty payment. The radio station uses the music to produce programming and so pays.
Why is social media different? Our content (the music) is used to create a social environment designed to entertain and inform visitors and to produce income for the site owner. But how well does the site owner do if we just stop creating?
We the content creators should be rewarded for what we do in the same way as royalties are paid for the use of music and video. And content creators are starting to wake up to this idea.
Renowned Artist Suzanne Heintz recently closed her YouTube Channel in favour of The8App. I recently interviewed Suzanne for an article on Here is a snippet of what she had to say…
Why did you join The8App?
For growth and support. I joined because The8App is fundamentally different than any other social media site. They are fair. They’re reason for being is to support Creators, not solely to line their own pockets with ad revenue and selling our data.
My work went viral twice. I was click-bait for every periodical out there. And who made the revenue off of all those clicks? Not me. So when I found out that The8App was trying to turn that all around, you bet I jumped. I jumped in with both feet. My man-hours are worth something. I need to get paid, just as much as anyone else. I need support to keep my work up. You can’t live off of Passion alone.
The other reason I joined is because it’s built on inspiration and positivity. People think I’m inspiring. Sometimes the Inspiring need inspiration too. I need to feed my mind, in order to keep my work evolving.
The good news is that content creators are now starting to get rewarded for the content that they produce.
But you can get paid to post on Instagram. The idea of being rewarded is nothing new!
Yes and no. Yes, you can get paid to post on Instagram. But it is not Instagram who pays you. It is outside sponsorship deals that pay the lucky members. I’m talking about being paid directly by social sites because payments for sponsorship deals on Instagram come directly from sponsors and not Instagram, so there is no reward from the social site. And it is members with big followings who receive sponsorship payments because they have a greater social reach.
[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]Forget the Instagram Millionaires, I’m going to be an 8App millionaire and you can too rt @dexterroona #socialmedia[/tweetthis]FORGET THE INSTAGRAM MILLIONAIRES,I’M GOING TO BE AN 8APP MILLIONAIRE. AND YOU CAN TOO!
So I need a big following?
YES, to get paid to post on Instagram you will. And there lies the problem with sponsorship deals for regular members as it is virtually impossible to get a big following on Instagram now. Why? because everyone is trying to do the same and get paid to post and so playing the Instagram followers game to build a following.
The Instagram followers game is where members follow members on mass in the hope of getting followed back. Then they just unfollow cause they are just not interested in your content. Instagram is the only social I know where you can get 50 new followers one day and on the next, lose 60. It’s just crazy. Don’t get me wrong it is possible to get a big following if you work night and day. But if you are playing the following game, well, that way madness lies.
Now you can make money on social media with the SOCIAL FEED
The8App is a social app and platform that I have written about before on many occasions. And I am penning another article because something very special has just landed.
The8App does what all social sites do, they wrap our content in ads to generate income. The difference is that they then give 80% of the sites advertising revenue back to the content creators. This is based on the views that we receive to the ads around our content. They are paying members in a very similar way that the Radio Station pays for music. But it gets even better than this.
Get paid to post on Instagram
We have touched on how you can get offered sponsorship deals and get paid to post on Instagram and make money with Instagram. But it is not Instagram paying you and of course, you need a big following.
The8App has taken the whole get paid to post on Instagram idea and changed it with a unique 8App feature.
Introducing the Sponsor Feed
The clue is in the title, Sponsor. Now with The8App you can receive sponsorship offers and paid to post deals within The8App.
Here is how it works
The8App has built a social media marketplace that connects brands directly with social influencers and customers. The Cloud 8 system enables brands to track and manage this at scale.
The8App gives brands the framework to engage with influencers and customers, manage campaigns and drive performance and ROI.
8 gives people the tools to monetize their creativity and influence across all their social networks.
Here is How
1/ People receive brand sponsorships directly into their personal marketplace on their 8 app that rewards them for their influence across ALL social platforms
2/ They own and control their personal brand inside The8App social network
3/ People receive 80% of all ad revenue that runs against their posts on The8App social network
Influencer UX – 8 Steps to make money with Social Media
The8App provides influencers and users with a simple, user-friendly social app experience to receive offers from brands
Here is how to setup if you are joining as a new member.
The Sponsor Feed replaces the Chat Tab on the main navigation bar of the app.
1/ CREATE YOUR PROFILE – Add a cool profile picture and background. If you are present on other social networks then continue your brand from those socials to The8App.
2/ POST YOUR CONTENT – Your pictures, selfies, what ever it is that you like to share with your audience
3/ REGISTER ON SPONSOR FEED – Under Personal Info add your name and all the infomation required in the boxs provided. If you are a Webmaster you can add any links to sites you own. You can also add links to other social channels not currently available. Select the types of offers you are willing to accept. Select Cash, Code Offers offering discounts and Product Offers sent direct to your door. You can also select your offer price and brands that you do not wish to recieve offers from. You can also connect your Facebook account, Twitter and your YouTube accounts
7/ GET PAID (now that is how to make money with social media 😉 )
8/ PAY IT FORWARD – Keep the money or donate it to one of the many 8App charities within the platform
If you are already a member of The8App then
1/ REGISTER ON THE SPORSOR FEED – Under Personal Info add your name and all the infomation required in the boxs provided. If you are a Webmaster you can add any links to sites you own. You can also add links to other social channels not currently available. Instagram would be a good example for this
2/ OTHER PREFERENCES – Select the types of offers you are willing to accept. You can select Cash, Code Offers offering discounts and Product Offers sent direct to your door. You can also select your ofer price and brands that you do not wish to recieve offers from.
3/ CONNECT SOCIAL ACCOUNTS – You can currently connect your Facebook account, your Twitter and your YouTube
4/ OFFERS – On entering the Sponsor Feed you are presented with 3 tabs… NEW OFFERS – IN PROGRESS -COMPLETED. Here you can track what is on offer, review the progress of accepted offers and those completed.
Brands Send Sponsorship Deals To Influencers
The Sponsor Feed on The8App is the first marketplace to facilitate a direct transaction between brands and people. You can send offers to influencers and reach their audience across ALL their social platforms and pay them directly.
Sponsor Feed Experience for an Individual
When a brand makes you an offer, you may accept, decline, or make a counter offer. The8App manages the simple approval process for each post. Once the offer is accepted, you post to The8App and across all your social accounts.
The8App Sponsor Feed system tracks an influencer’s performance across all their social platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube… so you get a full picture of your sponsorship reach. You are able to add the links to your personal sites and blogs that you own.
Please note Instagram connectivity not available currently!
[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]Get paid to post on #Facebook, #Instagram,#Twitter and #The8App rt @dexterroona #infobunny [/tweetthis] GET PAID TO POST ON FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND THE8APP
Get Paid To Post – Conclusion
The8App Sponsor Feed is a giant step forward in how we use social media. Now everyone can claim a share of the advertising money that their brand and content generates. Not everyone is comfortable making money online. The Sponsor Feed really challenges the norm and the way we all think about and see social media. What I would say to you guys is take a step outside the box. This “get paid to post idea” is all free. You have nothing to lose in getting involved. And if you are uncomfortable earning from your social sites then just Pay It Forward. There are a stack of 8Apps adopted charities. I know they will be extremely grateful.
If you have any questions then leave a comment below.
See you on The8App
Regards DexterRoona
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Great post! The8app is full of potential. The sponsorhub is live and more great things are coming…we just have to wait a little more! Despite that there are many alternatives of 8, the8app for me is the best without a doubt!
Dexter Roona
Agreed, im very impressed with the Sponsor Feed. It really is just a matter of time before this gets adopted, remember where you read about it first 😉
Well I just came to know about this platform and I think its pretty cool website to get sponsor ads and get paid. I have few social media accounts which has good amount of followers and I’d certainly try this site.
Tag me as @dexterroona when you join so I get notified. I will then tag a few friends in.
Dexterroona recently posted…Making Your First Sponsored Post On The8App Sponsor Feed
The 8 App has a lot of potential. But it is not as easy as making a profile and poof you are getting sponsors.
It takes work, you need to have a certain something that people want to follow and makes sponsors look at you and say “hey that is unique and they have many follower/subs”. Sponsors want mass numbers to get their message out to. It is called “influencer marketing” companies target specific key individuals rather than the target market as a whole. They identifies individuals that have “influence” over a potential buyers.
Again I do think The 8 app can do good things down the road. It will take time. I think the one main thing missing and this is for many companies these days is communication with the creators there is a great amount of information that could be shared with the creators on the App how things specifically work when it comes to their way of doing things.
A great example of Influencer marketing.
Casey Neistat, when he was given a boosted board and showed it off on his channel sales of the boards when through the roof. He showed it off to his followers and influenced them that with out saying go buy one he just shows it was the “next best thing since sliced bread.”
One you have this kind of following this is when Sponsors are tripping over you to have their products on the specific social media that you use.
I had a good conversation with a marketing manager for a quite well know company. We were discussing youtube subs and amounts. It is coming to a point where it used to 10k subs to do reviews of products it has now risen to 100k and more per channel.
Dexter Roona
Yeah requirements to qualify have gone up in YouTube, i don;t think that is the case on Instagram, and this is why 8 is so refreshing, with the Sponsor Feed you just have to be a member and be active to qualify. Plus you earn from the ads.
This is a truly helpful article. I had questions on how the sponsor hub would work and the selection process. Would they be big or small sponsors? Waiting is the hardest game, but, in my opinion, it will be worth the wait.
Dexter Roona
I have been waiting for something like this for what seems like a lifetime. It is small steps currently, and im ok with that. You can’t run until you can walk.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Get Paid To Post On Social Media
Uwe Lang
Hey Dexter – you know that I love the concept, adore the staff and still think there is a lot potential. Rewarding creators for content gets always my votes. The sponsor hub is a great new way. Personally I hope the user interface (search functionality, how to view comments below posts, better organisation of your moments feed e.g. switch between posts you shared and posts you created on your won to name a few) and loading speed gets better moving forward, also app and desktop version should go more hand in hand. The8app has a great CEO and a great team behind which is working 24/7 – appreciate their work.
Great post, great summary for everyone to get started.
Thanks Uwe yes, it’s all a work in progress, the App is the focus because that’s where the market is now, but yes I would love the desktop version to be brought up to match the app, and Sue mentioned in a thread that should start in 5 months or so when the app is solid stable and working, we are breaking new ground here with the8app and when we start to get traction everyone will take notice.
DexterRoona recently posted…Making Your First Sponsored Post On The8App Sponsor Feed
Hi Dexterroona
How many brands are there so far?
Dexter Roona
I don’t know, it is still setting up, but i know there will be lot’s 😉
Janice Wald
On Twitter I see the hashtag #DeathStar which you mentioned. What is that? Found you in the PAC linky.
Dexter Roona
The Death Star was the giant space station in Star Wars that the Empire created to rule the galaxy. That’s how I see Facebook. I wrote about it here
Hi Dexter,
If possible then please create a video for this all process/stuff. I will sure follow you on the8app or on YouTube where you will upload this new video.
This is very much that I never expect from social media.
Many many thanks for this great article..!
Dexter Roona
Have you joined us on The8App?
OMG Such a lovely article very informative thanks for share such kind of nice information
Neil Dimapilis
These kinds of work are the types that don’t need a corporate or office setting. a co-working or virtual office will suffice for client meetings
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