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Looking for a social blogging medium – Medium could be your platform

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 The Medium social blogging Platform - Medium could be your platform


Medium is a blogging social media platform that was initially started by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams back in 2012. The idea was to provide a platform for Twitter users to have a place to express themselves in more than 140 characters. Anyone can contribute to Medium though you just make an account using your Twitter, Facebook or Google social profile or you can register with an email.

Medium has now become a platform for not only writing content, but it’s also a publisher promoting the best stories from around its network.

Medium connects people, stories, and ideas that matter to you

This statement highlights Medium’s social component, through which you can follow what interests you and share your content with people who care about your topics. The value of the platform becomes apparent when you start to create content and connect and engage with users who’s content you are interested in. You are provided with a window to express yourself and the potential audience who are interested in your thoughts and opinions. You just have to join the dots.

The Infobunny rule where you focus your efforts on social blogging sites to that of creating shorter articles and content that supports your own blog site is still in force with medium

[tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]How does Medium Social Blogging Site compare with other blogging sites? rt @DEXTERROONA #socialmedia #blogging[/tweetthis] HOW DOES THE MEDIUM SOCIAL BLOGGING PLATFORM COMPARE WITH OTHER SOCIAL BLOGGING SITES?

Medium has a very slick magazine style. You can recommend others content by following them It has a better visual blog editor than both Quora and Steemit particularly with images where you can resize to make your articles look professional. There is also the ability to captions.

Medium Blog SEO

The Blog SEO side of Medium is very good. Titles are H1 tags and subtitles are H3 by default. All links that you add to a Medium post are nofollow which is the same as the Quora set up. Steemit has an advantage here because their links are dofollow. Like both Steemit and Quora don’t allow permalink editing but just like Steemit and Quora you can save your title as a keyword or keyword phrase to lock in the permalink and then just edit the title to one that you want.

So who wins the battle of the blogging social, Steemit, Quora or the Medium Social Blogging Platform?

Well, it all depends on the user and what you want to achieve. They are all great when it comes to being able to add on page SEO to your articles. Both Medium and Quora offer a slick design and then Quora also adds that question and answer element. And then again Steemit offers income for popular posts.

So which platform do I think is the best?

Well, I use all 3 as support blogging socials to Infobunny. All socials that rank pages in the SERPS are incredibly valuable. They move up a level when you can apply SEO elements to help you rank higher.

Better than WordPress?

No, because although they are great blogging socials they are owned by someone else and not by you. You really can’t beat being in control 100% when it comes to blogging.

Are you using the Medium Social Blogging Platform or one of the others?. Do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments below.

Regards DexterRoona

Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

2 Responses

  1. Bluetechno
    | Reply

    Wow the next generation of twitter. Great post! Thank you for informing us for the new tech trends once again!

    • Dexterroona

      Your welcome Bluetechno, not so new really, started around 2012 but evolving well.
      Dexterroona recently posted…8App ChallengesMy Profile

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