Leverage Your Google Plus Followers To Make Your Content Trend On Google?
So if you have visited my InfoBunny Blog before then your probably aware of my Google Plus Guide and Tutorial.
Im a big advocate of Google Plus and all it does to help Bloggers and Marketers get seen and the advantages it gives us all with search results.
If your not familiar with my guide then you can just go Here
So in this post i wanted to drill down and evolve a strategy on how to leverage the power of Google Plus and your Google Plus Followers to get more engagement to your content.
Leverage The Power Of Your Google Plus Followers
Now before i start to reveal my big idea let me point out that this strategy can really be used on any social site, in fact my Facebook and Google Friend Lesly Federici is doing something very similar on Facebook with her Facebook Fan Page Blitz and i guess some of the inspiration for this strategy subliminally comes from what she is currently doing there.
Ok so this Google Plus Strategy is going to leverage the power of your Google Plus Followers to bring you more engagement and conversation
It is a strategy that you will probably have to adapt. You are really going to have to think out side of the box if your going to apply this to what you do.
So Here Is How It Works And What You Need
Your going to need some Google Plus Followers, now don’t worry if you don’t, as i said before, think outside of the box, there is solution. There is no reason why Google Plus Engagement members cannot just replicate what im showing you here.
If you do work this strategy outside of our community then a mention would be appreciated for the initial idea and a follow on Google 😉
So like i have already said im going to be using my Google Plus Engagement Community for this strategy and leverage the power of the members and and my Google Plus Followers
I will make a post or posts and share them to the Google Plus Engagement Page and then to the Google Plus Engagement community. We will call them Engagement Share Posts
These Engagement Share Posts will mention the previous Share Posts engagers in the body of the new post.
Members who want to be added to the next Engagement Share Post and be mentioned just need to reply to the most recent share post, share the post and plu1. They must also comment on this InfoBunny article to get involved.
There are limitations on the number of people we will be able to mention on each new post so it is really a first come first served process so comment and engage early to get on the list early.
This article is really the foundation for me to share this idea with the web.
So Here Is The Post To Build Participants
Here are the qualifications to get involved.
More Engagement, more +1s, more comments. Well then read on as we are going make whole groups of members trend at the same time!
I started the Google Plus Engagement Community with the idea that we could build a community together that would have the power to be able to send members posts viral and to the Whats Hot Section on Google Plus and effectively be trending. Now this is happening to some extent, i myself have had multiple community posts trending on What’s Hot.
Now i believe we are in position to help groups of community members all at the same time with Featured community posts.
If you would like to be involved in this the here is what you have to do
1/ Comment on this post that you would like to be involved, make it a real meaningful comment that i can reply to so we can keep the engagement moving along
2/ Plus 1 this post
3/ Re – Share this post making sure that you add in a little on what we are doing in the re-share box
4/ You MUST comment on the InfoBunny – How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus blog post as a WordPress comment. Make your comment meaningful, perhaps you have a question to ask, please don’t just post comments like Add me or anything else like that. We want engagement and conversation and discussion.
5/ If your not already a member of the Google Plus Engagement Community then please join
6/ Follow
And that is it!
All members will be added to the main body of the next Share Post so that for every re share that is made you will get a mention. Everyone who then completes the qualifications on the next Share Post will then be added to the next post.
There are limitations on the number of people we will be able to mention on each new post so it is really a first come first served process so comment and engage early to get on the list early to avoid diasapointment.
Are you in?
Remember you must comment, plus 1, re-share and you MUST add a WordPress comment on this blog article
Regards +InfoBunny
That is it for now, i will update this post once we have enough community members involved and give details of the post that we will attempt to send viral for all participants, who knows the call to action post above may well go viral as well 😉
Featured Post Images Below… the Biggest Being The Current Image
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To your continued Success!
Regards Dexter Roona
Roman Rams
Hi Dexter Roona,
just came over to your Blogpost the 3rd time today. I needed to re-read this post, to get the TOP value over and over again in front of my eyes. I am very glad that you share some great content with the world and i love the plan for more engagement to UP-TREND Google+ Profils, Pages and Communities. I gained 179 new Followers on my G+ Profile and 16 new Follower on my G+ Page. It was all because of you effort and i am very thankful for that. I would love to join every project you START in the future, so put me to your list and count me on your new projects. Thank you and have a great weekend.
Dexter Roona
Awesome Roman that is really great to hear that your growing your followers as a result of following what i am doing…… i do have something coming up very soon i will send you details when i have it all set up …. you will be the number 1 mention on the share post when it goes live cause your the first to comment.
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Brendon Kent
Hi Dexter,this sounds like an awesome idea!Following your strategies so far ( in a a few months!)I have added over 1000 followers(apart from the ones in other circles!) and was regularly having 10,000 views per day on my profile page.What can i say but thank you!Trending is a great idea and if anyone can pull it off it will be you that’s for sure!I also would like to commend you on your ‘personal touch’.You really do make it feel like one big family,i look forward to the next installments.
Warm regards,
Dexter Roona
Brendon your very welcome, add an avatar to your WordPress posts, its prob a good idea to join Gravatar is a free site that lets you add your image so that when you post on other sites your pic appears, great for branding yourself and getting recognised….. Great to have you onboard!!
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Roman Rams
I can’t even wait to see this mention on your post. I am damn sure, that this will be the next goldbar. Not a golden nugget – sharing killer content for free – is like throwing goldbars around… 😀 to help people leveraging their content. If you are going to produce more content like this, i keep my number 1 mention position forever by being the 1st who complete the steps. Thank you again. Talk to ya soon.
Greetings Roman
Dexter Roona
I hope so… we will see, i need to come up with a cool name for this whole idea…. InfoBunny Page Blitz or Google Blitz or something maybe Google will mae it easier for members o do this and pay me a $10000000 for the idea lol…… You gotta dream big Roman 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…Generating Traffic With Google Plus Shared Circles
Eliz Frank
How fortuitous that I joined the group on the day you launched this effort! I’ve read the directives and I think this can become an exciting way to get people talking and sharing. How do we get other pages we manage included in this effort?
Dexter Roona
If your talking about other Google Plus Pages it is simple just go through the process again under your page name so for example as +dexterroona i would comment share +1 and then wordpress comment and then do the same for +Infobunny. The Mention list will be drawn from the Google Plus comments with circloscope
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…Circloscope Guide And Tutorial
Robert Edwards
Dexter, I’ll be sharing this post in my community to help my Members grow their followings! Looking forward to some Awesome Engagement!
Dexter Roona
Awesome Robert this is going to rock!
Dexter Roona recently posted…Generating Traffic With Google Plus Shared Circles
Robert Edwards
Sharing this with my Community! I know they are all going to Love this.
Let’s Rock!
Dexter Roona
Keep sharing !!
Dexter Roona recently posted…Boost Social Media Sharing With Social Locker
Neil Sonneveld
This is such a brilliant idea. Can’t wait to be a part if this and make it to What’s Hot.
Google Plus is such a powerful method of reaching people if it’s done the right way. I look forward to seeing the results.
Thanks for letting me be a part if it.
Neil Sonneveld recently posted…Starting an online business
Dexter Roona
I can’t wait to see the results either, the biggest challenge with have is Time Zones, we need everyone to react as fast as possible to get this blasted when we do it and the Time Zones is the sticking point, so we do need as many participants to be involved…… it will work 😉
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Christo Everhart
I’m usually hesitant about things like this – but tonight your post struck a nerve to just go big or go home! 🙂 and – who doesn’t want more exposure? Thanks for taking the time to arrange this attempt – can’t wait to experience the results!
Dexter Roona
Christo dream big my friend!!!
Yeah it is a a great idea but the idea only works with you guys involved and so you deserve as much credit for this as i do.
This is gonna rock we can turn heads with this idea!!!
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Love your work my friend!
I am still a little overwhelmed by the whole google thing but you have put together some awesome info that is easy to follow so I thank you for that.
I look forward to being a part of what you have created here Dexter. You Rock!
Sonia recently posted…Pinterest Ninja Pinner
Dexter Roona
Thanks Sonia just read the guide i created, i broke it down into sections you get there, just ask if there is anything you don’t understand.
Dexter Roona recently posted…Circloscope Guide And Tutorial
Paul Tovey
Thanks for the opportunity Dexter. Your posts on Google+ are amazing and I hope we can get some really great results from this. Looking forward to it.
Thank you!
Paul Tovey recently posted…How to Optimise Client Sites
Dexter Roona
Paul im quietly confident this is going to work very well 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Justin Iskandar
Hello Dexter,
Such an interesting topic on Google+.
I have never really focus on this platform but I definitely see the power to connect with people on G+. You have great content and thanks for sharing. Will return to visit your blog.
Justin Iskandar recently posted…How to Increase LinkedIn Engagement
Dexter Roona
Hi Justin have a look at my Google Plus Guide that will really fast track you!
Dexter Roona recently posted…Boost Social Media Sharing With Social Locker
C Easley
Hello to you Dexter Roona! Thanks for all the great info. Engaging in this community and resharing has really connected me with more people on Google+. I have joined the Google+ Engagement Community Blog Regards to +InfoBunny. Enjoy this Experience Everyone! 🙂
Dexter Roona
Awesome C Easley welcome on board this is gonna be fun to see how this all works.
Regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Build Social Media Engagement And Social Signals
Dr. F. Gianmichael Salvato
Terrific approach, and a valuable post. I recommend that anyone just getting started on G+ take a look at the “complete Guide to Google+”.
Dr. F. Gianmichael Salvato recently posted…Prosperity. Reinvented.
Dexter Roona
Thanks for the positive words, i appreciate it!
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Tonya Dundas
Huge learning curve for sure
Tonya Dundas recently posted…Proven Methods For Tapping Into The Cold Market For The Newbie
Dexter Roona
That’s why i broke my Google Plus Guide down into bite site chunks 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…Generating Traffic With Google Plus Shared Circles
Ray Gotoman
Hi, dexter ronona. I really appreciate for inviting and sharing this awesome idea. Awesome to be involve in this journey of yours. I am thrill to be involve so it will be a new adventure for me and learning experience. Thanks
Dexter Roona
Great thanks Ray we will create our first Featured Post very soon and see how it all goes regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…Circloscope Guide And Tutorial
Enz F
Hi Dexter, I’ve read your very interesting article. Are you open to any platform, including blogger.com? Please continue adding me in the loop. Have a great time!
Dexter Roona
How do you mean open? we add in Google Plus members not links so if your blogger has a google page then just comment your page name for that blogger and it can get added, you will need to comment here and on the google + thread 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Hello Dexter,
I am a member of your google engagement community. I am always looking for communities that have more engagement because that is kind of hard these days to find. So, when I was invited I gladly accepted. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Maketta recently posted…Why You Need To Learn Internet Marketing If You’re A Blogger
Dexter Roona
thanks Maketta happy to have you with us.
Enz F
Ok, I got it. Thank you! 🙂
Dexter Roona
Ok cool the first post is live on the community have you seen it?
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Michelle Medina
Okay I think I found it I’m hoping I’m doing this right
Thank You My Friend 😉
Dexter Roona
Welcome Michelle 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…Generating Traffic With Google Plus Shared Circles
I’m going to try this and see what happens. I’ve been a member of the community for a long while already
Dexter Roona
Ok awesome the first featured post is now live in the community go comment on that to get added.
I’m a huge fan of Google+ for interacting with readers, so I’m in. Big fan of anything that can win engagement there. I’m curious what your personal view is of what makes G+ unique, it’s particular pluses and minuses compared to other networks?
Dexter Roona
That’s a very good question, well for me the big pull is that it is extremely visual, and you won’t be surprised that i also like Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/dexterroona
I love the whole idea of Circles but the big pull is the huge benefits to bloggers with regards to getting seen on search and the seo benefits offered.
Work on getting followers that is my advice
regards Dexter
Mishelle Bookout
Ooo! Search presence is something I had not yet considered! That is a definite boon to using Google +.
Dexter Roona
absolutely and is even more powerful when you build your google plus followers 😉
Ashish Kejriwal
I think it great to be part of a community and meet others who are serious about engaging in a meaningful way. I would love explore possibilities and maybe have many of us join hands and do collaborative work and find success in our pursuits together.
Dexter Roona
Good to have you with us Ashish…. have you read my Google Plus Guide?
Eddie mars
Great idea Dexter! Count me in. I look forward to more sharing and engagement. It’s exciting to think about the potential that this team has.
Eddie Mars
Great idea Dexter! I’m looking forward to being a part of this movement.I think this is going to be the next big thing for many of us!
Eddie Mars recently posted…Home Backup Power for Critical Medical Care
Dexter Roona
Thanks Eddie this article is so good you commented twice lol, good to have you here…. do you have any questions on our social media project?
Mishelle Bookout
This is a fantastic idea! I’m really starting to get into this social media networking movement. It really allows for much more visibility than you could achieve locally!
Dexter Roona
Mishelle yeah i love social media and what it can do for you in an instant, you just have to learn the basics and stick with it….. the basics are really just about being engaging enough for others to take notice ….. for example you left a great comment if i just say thanks then your say your welcome and that’s the end, but if i go that bit further and give you some value with my reply then the chances are we get a good conversation going that is of benefit to you, me and everyone else reading 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Mishelle Bookout
Engaging, value added content. Think of it like learning to have a face to face conversation. If you just reply with short, concise sentences, the conversation will be over quickly. But if you add interesting facts, or a fascinating story or even a joke, it keeps the conversation going.
For example: What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?
Eric Bryant
This is an awesome article. Dexter….as I mentioned before I’ve learned more about Google+ from your site than any other resource. I will be implementing a lot of what I’ve learned from you. Thank you!!
Eric Bryant recently posted…Hidden Costs in Free Offers
Dexter Roona
Eric Bryant that is great news, have you downloaded Circloscope yet the Google Plus Circle Management Tool, thats a direction you should definitely move in, we have a guide for the use of the tool, there is a free version that you can use as well. Regards Dexter
Looking to seeing how this works. Glad to be involved.
Dexter Roona
Happy to have you with us Simon
Lillian De Jesus
Hi Dexter,
Awesome post! Thanks so much for helping everyone out with your ideas for engagement. I’m totally in!
Take care,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted…5 Easy Tips On How To Get Your Blog Noticed
Dexter Roona
Thanks Lillian this is going to work well, i have a few challenges to over come but we will get there regards Dexter
This is a really lovely blog post, and thank you Dexter for taking the time to manage this group.
Dexter Roona
your welcome Sarah this is going to work well, but its not without its challenges as you can probably tell.
Eddie Mars
Gaining new followers at a much quicker pace! Thanks Dexter!
Eddie Mars recently posted…Safe Backup Generator Operation Saves Lives and Property
Dexter Roona
great your seeing results that’s what this is all about are you using Circloscope yet?
Ray Gotoman
Dexter roona. When I click share, could I share it to other community that I am in. Example, I join Google plus business community. Thank you very much for this great ideas. Have a awesome day.
Dexter Roona
Hi Ray yeah you can share it anywhere you want as long as your allowed to do so.
I’m a fairly new user to Google+ (3’ish weeks), but I can already say that it’s one of my favorites. I can see the potential in boosting my business by using this system, too! Referrals and word of mouth are best for expanding, so what better place to start than here! Love the site and already added to the favorites!
Dexter Roona
it will really boost your search results if your consistent…. work on posting quality and gaining followers, have you read my Google Plus Guide yet?
Lillian De Jesus
Hey Dexter,
This is working out nicely! Having more engagement is awesome. Thanks for doing what you do.
Take care,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted…How to Use Networking & Social Sites to Get Your Blog Viral – Part 1
Dexter Roona
Thanks Lillian your welcome it is really all about being consistent and posting quality thats really it.
Eddie Mars
Cool! my followers are growing at a steady rate. I see this working to leverage the power of community!
Eddie Mars recently posted…Safe Backup Generator Operation Saves Lives and Property
Dexter Roona
Great to hear Eddie, they will if you follow the guides and are consistent in what you do…. it really does work
Dexter Roona recently posted…How To Leverage The Power Of Google Plus Followers
Willena Flewelling
I love the thoroughness of your posts, Dexter! Value and clear instructions in one place. I’d like to be more active in Google+, but not yet. Too many other things in the works. But when I do, I know where to go to find out the best way to go about it! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Willena Flewelling recently posted…A Bundle of Twigs
Dexter Roona
Willena when your ready come find me i can show you a few tips that will really advance your learning incredibly quickly…. Thanks for taking the time to comment
regards Dexter
Dexter Roona recently posted…Why MLSP MyLeadSystemPro
Kyle Holcomb
I like this post. It is a good idea to try to leverage your Google+ account and use your methods and strategies. Thank you for sharing!
Dexter Roona
Thanks Kyle yeah it works a treat just check the activity around this post 😉
Dexter Roona recently posted…IboToolBox Link Funneling Strategy
Jenni Ryan
Another great way for everyone to pool together and create social influence and awareness for our brands.
Jenni Ryan recently posted…Top 3 Network Marketing Objections
Andy Lockhart
Great information, getting your information out there is so important.
Thanks Andy
Andy Lockhart recently posted…Become a Writer – 4 Quick Tips to Help You