In this new article, we are talking about how you can evaluate content relevance to give yourself a boost in the SERP’s.
Lets’s get started!
Evaluate Content Relevance
We always try to evaluate content relevance whenever we write an article. We need to know that what we write hits the mark for our chosen keyword phrase. It is easy to optimize your SEO for a keyword phrase but then not so easy to optimize the relevance, against all the other word phrases and combinations that you offer up in your articles.
I have over the recent months moved the content on my InfoBunny blog over to work more with content relevance rather than just optimizing for keywords. I still SEO optimize my articles for keywords but I am more and more mindful to make sure that we evaluate content relevance. And that is the premise of the Google Hummingbird algorithm changes.
So what exactly is content relevance and how will Hummingbird change what we do?
Well in simple terms content relevance is about making your article as relevant as possible to a users search.
Before with keywords, you could optimise for example the keyword phrase “search engine optimization“, and your SEO plugin would be very happy, but the phrase “search engine optimization” may not be the relevant words in your article because you will probably also of added terms related like “SEO Optimized”. Suddenly the content relevance is no longer on the phrase “search engine optimization” because you have used related words more.
Hummingbird takes into account the precise number of times a specific word is used.
This means when you search the term “search engine optimization” the most relevant phrase in your article could be something else.
An article that has the exact matching content relevance, (search engine optimization), is going to rank better than yours.
Of course, it’s not quite as simple as this. There are many other on-site factors that will also aid and hinder results.
Here are a couple of articles that I found that will help you get a fuller understanding of Google Hummingbird and how to evaluate content relevance.
Google is now changing the SEO playing field again as it continues its quest for perfect search engine results for end-users. For a very long time, search results have been as mentioned keyword-based, which often led to not bad results but not the perfect results the user wanted.
Now with Hummingbird, we see Google pushing us to evaluate content relevance. The evaluation of the total words of the article against the phrase searched. Is this a big deal? You bet it is, we have had algorithm updates in the form of Panda and Penguin but not since 2001 have we had a completely new algorithm. Hold onto your hats this is going to be big.
Google ‘Hummingbird’ algorithm to elevate niche websites
Google’s new Hummingbird Content Relevance Algorithm could create a more even playing field for ‘the long tail’ of website publishers, and help Google to rival Apple Siri in voice search, says Ovum analyst Gerry Brown.
And you can read more relevant Google Hummingbird information in this article.
Google Hummingbird, and what it means for Online Marketers & SEO
On Inside Search, Google shared their 15th birthday with the world, announcing changes to their search algorithm and search experience. This was celebrated at a press conference held on September 26th 2013, where they discussed the launch of a new search algorithm, code named Hummingbird.
The launch of a new algorithm shocked the online marketing world. Especially as this algorithm has already been live on for at least 30 days. So what do we know about this new algorithm, Hummingbird?
Evaluating content relevance is a very simple change to incorporate into our online marketing efforts. It is just about striking up a balance of words. I’m, sure there will be a flood of new WordPress plugins and online tools for us to use in the coming months to help us set up content relevance, and it may be time to revisit some of your older article posts and make some content relevance changes.
Regards Dexter Roona
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