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The Easiest Way To Increase Your Pinterest Views And Followers

the easiest way yo increase your Pinterest views and followers

The easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers is written in this article and it’s how I’ve gone from 2.1k views per month to over 36.6k in less than 3 weeks.Why should you listen to me? My name is Richard Monssen and I am a digital marketing specialist and I am currently researching social networks for my clients.

Before I tell you how I’ve done this I’ll first prove that this very simple method works to increase your exposure and influence on Pinterest.

In the 2 pictures below I show you the last few days of the easiest way to increase your Pinterest views.

In the 2 pictures below I show you the last few days of the easiest way to increase your Pinterest views.

That’s an increase of nearly 4k in as many days! Now if you notice aside from my monthly viewers increase you’ll see that my pins have grown by roughly 100. This is your first clue as to what I’ve been doing to easily increase my Pinterest views and followers. Below I will show you some of my Pinterest Analytics screenshots to show you some more evidence.

See how the easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers has affected my analytics.

In this first picture you can clearly see that on the 19th of Nov I was only getting 2,096 views on average with only 48 people engaged. Today is the 9 of December so it’s been less than 3 weeks to see these results!

The easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers - Analytics and stats

Now in the picture below you can see my stats up until the 7th of December. At this point, I’m now averaging 36,591 viewers but I also now engage 965 people! How is that for growth?

Pinterest Stats

The screenshot below shows you my overall growth, bearing in mind that these were only a fraction of that less than 3 weeks ago! Imagine if I had been doing this for a year and the amount of exposure is huge!

easiest way to increase your pinterest views and followers

This simple method does grow your followers easily as well. My followers we sitting at around 100 and that has grown to 116 in this time frame as well. I haven’t added people to collaborate on boards, I haven’t paid for any advertising either, in fact, this method is completely free and so simple a child can do it!

So What Is The Easiest Way To Increase Your Pinterest Views And Followers Then?

The easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers is outlined in the few simple steps I have listed below.

First, ensure all of your boards are optimized by following Dexters Guide on Pinterest Board Cover Images and also his Pinterest Traffic Generation Guide to help get you started. This next will help make it easier for you to get new followers and also visitors to your website or blog.

Now to increase your pin views and therefore exposure on Pinterest so people will actually follow your boards.

  1. Go to Pinterest.com
  2. Choose up to a dozen of the first most colorful and attractive pins you see related to your boards.
  3. Pin them appropriately to your related boards.
  4. Rinse and repeat 4+ times per day or more.

That’s it! That’s all there is to it – very simple right? Right now you might be thinking this can’t be all there is to it – but I assure you there is nothing else! There is no guide to SEO  guide to optimizing your pins or anything else required except being active!

Why Is This The Easiest Way To Increase Your Pinterest Views & Followers?

So why does this work then? People often forget that like ALL other social websites it’s about being active and sharing. Pinterest is no different – the more active you are with attractive pins to your board the more exposure you will get.


Pinterest Traffic Stats Now

I wrote this article over a 1 week period, just to show it’s not some strange one day fluke. Here are my latest views.

In the last week, I’ve added several new followers and more traffic to my site when I pin an image from it. Below I’ll share one last tip with you that may or may not be helping with my increase in Pinterest viewers.


TIP: Install the Pinterest toolbar badge and use it to pin images from your social media profiles. I pin images from my Twitter profile as I quite often find some good ones to share.    

The easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers

This is virtually a no-fail guide to increasing your Pinterest views and followers

I would love to hear some comments on your success when getting active on Pinterest.

Wishing you every success!

Richard Monssen

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Richard Monssen
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The Easiest Way Increase Your Pinterest Views And Followers Case Study
The easiest way to increase your Pinterest views and followers. This is how I've gone from 2.1k views per month to over 36.6k in less than 3 weeks
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Digital Marketing Specialist

Digital Marketing Specialist | SEO Expert | Blogger | Futurist

16 Responses

  1. Dexter Roona
    | Reply

    It takes constant activity throughout the day and a commitment to be consistent. Everything else, SEO, optimizing images, setting up profiles etc just speeds up the process.
    Dexter Roona recently posted…Leverage your content marketing strategy to generate trafficMy Profile

  2. Tech Is Must
    | Reply

    An amazing quality article, It’s very hard to find a website like this.

  3. Tom
    | Reply

    Really well written article with some very helpful tips and advice, I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  4. Donna Merrill
    | Reply

    Hi Richard,

    It’s great to read your post. I was busy with my projects, that’s the reason I was inactive a bit, specially reading & commenting was completely off.

    Anyways, I completely agree with your points, Pinterest Branding is important these days, so I appreciate your efforts for giving these tips. Great work.

    ~ Donna
    Donna Merrill recently posted…Top 7 Best Electric Griddles for Pancakes 2018My Profile

  5. Asad
    | Reply

    🙂 Richard. If you read above the 3 points you shared to implement, a man really becomes happy. You have shared very briefly the whole story. Great. I sometimes become surprised thinking how some people share all their best findings on a single page with unknown visitors. A thumbs up for you.
    Asad recently posted…A Design Review of HP Elite X3My Profile

  6. Richard Monssen
    | Reply

    Hey Everyone,

    Thank you for the great feed back! The whole process I have written about is something I discovered quite by accident, but since it works so well I just had to share 😉

    I’ll be adding many more posts here so stay tuned as they will only get better 😉

  7. Richard Monssen
    | Reply

    Pinterest has made a recent change to the way it determines your monthly viewers which appears to have affected this method. Overnight my monthly viewers has gone! It shows up in analytics still though, it just doesn’t readily display the same figure as reflected in my first to pics of my stats. However saying that it appears my followers has continued to increase maybe even better since the change that Pinterest made.

    I’ll be back with another hack to awesome growth on Pinterest or another social network soon 😉

  8. Richard Monssen
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter,

    Well I was panicked over nothing as all my stats are now back after the update has finished taking affect. So everything I’ve mentioned in this guide is still current and works like a charm 🙂

  9. irfan
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing such a great tips
    irfan recently posted…Best Books for UPPSC Exam PreparationMy Profile

  10. Richard Monssen
    | Reply

    Just stopping by to give you an update 🙂

    For around 15 mins per day I’m averaging about 10 new followers per week.

    My monthly views now fluctuate around 45k to 55k

    I get around 200+ repins per week

  11. best of shopping
    | Reply

    thank this is good method help me to get more followers

  12. Nagesh
    | Reply

    Nice information, I have got good information from this article keep update new possibilities.

    Thank you

  13. deal
    | Reply

    thanks great method

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