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Top 8 Ways To Build Brand Trust Online

In this new article we are talking about brand trust and how you can build brand trust online.

Lets get started

Around 62% of Americans feel that the lack of a brand’s trust in customers’ hearts leads to the corruption cycle.

As a brand, you need to know how to build brand trust online as most businesses are taking online e-commerce over the outdated brick and mortar stores.

However, it might seem like an uphill task, to begin with, but it is not impossible as well.

All you need is constant dedication, commitment, and the know-how to veer into this industry and not get your hands dirty.

Here, in this blog, we will walk you through eight golden rules to ensure that your brand’s trust stays

intact. Let us delve deeper.

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Top 8 Ways To Build Brand Trust Online

The 8 rules to building brand trust are!

  1. Let your Content do all the Talking
  2. Maintain consistency
  3. Check your External Links and Backlinks
  4. Ensure social responsibility as a Brand
  5. Say Yes to an SSL Certificate
  6. Testimonials and Positive Feedback
  7. Go for Live Video-based Events
  8. Imbibe Two-way Conversations, always!

Let’s look at them one by one.


Let Your Content Do All The Talking To Build Trust Online

One of the most steadfast approaches to promote your brand in a positive light is by letting your content speak for itself.

Never underestimate the power of well-written, quality content that does a lot for your business.

Whether it is your Home Page, your resource page segmenting blogs, or be it your social media channels, a good content strategy will always keep you in the spotlight.

Before you begin to create quality content, you must back yourself up with thorough research on how to pull out a great piece of content.

Be sure that you check on your competitors’ activity – is there anything good or inspiring that your client base might switch to?

On that note, introduce elements of creativity and create content that bridges the gap in between.

Also, try to build brand trust online; make sure that your content should is mostly non-promotional.

It should not be all about playing plaudits around your brand.

Note that this line of difference should be thin.

Of course, you must promote your brand, but put it out in a rather subtle manner that eases the customer’s mindset.


Maintain Consistency To Build Your Brands Trust

As a brand, all your pages, messages, and content, in general, should go out with a consistent tone.

From your brand logo to your tonality to your products’ personality, each of these must professionally scream consistency.

Nothing puts off a customer more than seeing a brand that is inconsistent and has no systematic approach in its marketing spree.

So what can be done to preserve this consistent recipe?

Well, to begin with, start with a brand playbook.

This can help you with maintaining the right voice.

You will find many online brand management tools that can assist you in helping your documents and content looking similar at all times.

Such tools will ensure that your final piece of content comes out consistently, which aligns with your brand.

Also, make sure there is always a reason why you should be consistent as a brand.

When consistent, people will come to recognize your brand’s unique selling point.

Further, this will raise your brand awareness quotient, and people will recognize you by your brand’s personality and style.


Check Your External Links And Backlinks

It is a given that the links that you put up on your site are an essential asset for any brand.

Especially when you wish to showcase your business with the online market; however, before you hyperlink a site just yet, know the requisite dos and don’ts.

For starters, whichever link you are sharing, make sure you link it to a reputed site.

Aim for the industry favorites and check whether the links are relevant to your curated content.

On similar tracks, avoid linking back to any of your competitor’s sites.

And always try to use branded links on your social channels.

This will let your followers and fans gather an idea of what they are clicking on.

The thing about reputed links is that they are built out of custom domain names, followed by a keyword.

As and when you add a link with your given brand name, your customers will find out that it is not something spam-like, and it is, in fact, you behind the link name.

This will enhance the trust quotient and raise the click-through rates as well.

This is again one of the best ways to build brand trust online.

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Ensure Social Responsibility As A Brand

Today, the millennials feel strongly about a trending change and want to see your stance as a responsible brand.

They want you to act out diligently and expect you to take up social responsibilities as and when the need arises.

According to a report by Forbes, it is stated that millennials are deeply affected by social changes and want a brand to come up with a firm standpoint.

For instance, you as a brand have incorporated steps in manufacturing that reduce the pollution level, or you have taken an eco-friendly approach to deal with the environmental hazards – it is more than necessary to showcase this point in front of your target audience.

This will create your image as a trustworthy brand, and a customer might take forever from churning away from you.

Now your initiative could be in any shade.

Even if you are taking a step in ensuring gender equality or contributing a large chunk of your profits to a charity, it is time to broadcast the news on-air and let your customers know how socially responsible you are as a citizen of this country.

This enhances the trust factor of your customers in a significant way.


Say Yes To An SSL Certificate

All of these points can go unnoticed until and unless you haven’t secured your site with an SSL Certificate.

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, and it is a stamp of trust to your customers that shows that you are an authenticated site.

An SSL-certified site ensures that none of your customer’s private data – be it their card credentials or their shopping history can be tracked by a third-party hacker.

Also, all your data is safe and unhackable from a professional cybercriminal.

So, how do you know that your site is SSL certified or not?

Well, it is simple.

Just look for the padlock sign on the top of the domain name.

graphic showing the ssl certificate padlock


This padlock suggests to the users that you are a trusted site and that shopping with you will not harm their security at any cost.

Further, an SSL-certified site will have an HTTPS domain annotation over an HTTP one.

The extra ‘S’ stands for secure.

With this, your clients will augment their trust element and come back to do more business with you, given the intact trust factor in place.


Testimonials And Positive Feedback

A positive review or a testimonial goes a long way in building brand trust.

Some customers are drawn to your site only based on great reviews of your product.

These testimonials provide them with the much-needed assurance to go ahead and click on “buy now”.

On that note, people know how difficult it can be for a business to bring genuine customer-centric reviews to their site.

But, it would help if you looked at it healthily.

To succeed, you need to social proof your online reputation for being a certified trusted website.

Negative reviews can quickly damage your online brand in a fraction of a second.

They drive away your customers. Simply put, a single negative review can cost you your business.

In such cases, reach out to these clients and see what you can do to fix the situation.

Moreover, dedicate a single page on your site solely for reviews and testimonials.

Reviews are an excellent way to show your customers the kind of impact you have showered on your target audience for an extended period.


Go For Live Video-Based Events

One of the best ways to build brand trust online is by connecting with your audience at regular intervals.

For this, you may incorporate a free webinar on your website or put up a Q&A session on Instagram to connect with your followers.

Additionally, a live demo on your products or an interactive session will also work to build trust.

Although it might demand a lot from you, planning-wisely and being time-wise will help in ensuring that you can reach your audience.

As these live video-based events go uncut and raw, there is a unique charm and added trust factor that a customer sees and likes.

Further, when they get a chance to engage proactively and ask any question when they are into the events, it triggers their interest in your brand, and they will always take a backseat from turning away later.

Video-based events are something that customers look forward to and can significantly enhance their trust in your brand as a whole.

Therefore, try to connect with them on a live video streaming platform as and when required.


Imbibe Two-Way Conversations, Always!

Even if you do whatever it takes to rev up your revenue bar, it will simmer down into nothingness when you do not have an engaged customer base.

Just like you wish to build an engaging relationship with a customer, they want to do that for you too.

One of the easiest ways of doing this is by taking to the social channels.

Revert and respond to your customers as fast as you can and reach out to them when you see that they need your assistance.

You never know how a delighted customer has the power to go about playing plaudits about your brand, thereby increasing your customer experience quotient.

Connect with them regularly and monitor their comments, complaints, or queries on the social front.

If possible, have someone on your team who can look into this social aspect alone.

Be responsive about what you post and say.

It should not be the case that some of your customers found your post offensive, and they retaliate with an even more extensive base to oppose your services. On that note, try and see if you can offer them various avenues for interacting with you.

The more the channels, the better their engagement with you is.

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Top 8 Ways To Build Brand Trust Online – Takeaways

Think of it in this way, your brand is not merely what you make it, but it is a mirror reflection of your customer’s love and trust in your products and services.

Realize the fact that it will need constant planning and nurturing, and this is not an easy task to maintain.

A well-furnished site with all the checks of a stellar marketing strategy can cultivate a lasting relationship that will help build brand loyalty and has the power to take your business way higher in the future to come.

On that note, you must admit to the fact that your business thrives on your customers solely.

Your customers’ happiness determines whether or not you move ahead in this rat race or will be stuck behind.

Hopefully, these eight vital tips would have highlighted the dos and don’ts you must follow if you wish to build brand trust online.

In the end, do whatever pleases your customers.

Because only then you will be able to climb higher in the industry experts list and make a mark for yourself.


Now it’s over to you.

If you have any questions or branding tips of your own then you can add them to our comments section below.

Make sure that you subscribe to the comments so that you are notified when we reply

Regards Dexter

Top 8 Ways To Build Brand Trust Online
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Top 8 Ways To Build Brand Trust Online
In this new article we are talking about brand trust and how you can build brand trust online. Here are 8 key ways to build your brands trust.
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

4 Responses

  1. Anant Vijay Soni
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter,

    Thanks for sharing these ultimate tips to build online trust. It’s a really great help for my shopping store. Thanks!
    Anant Vijay Soni recently posted…300+ Motivational Quotes to Reach Your Potential Each DayMy Profile

  2. Roger Howard
    | Reply

    Hi, Great post, you have mentioned the right ways to gain trust online. Testimonials and positive feedback are some of the major factors to gain trust about your product or services. Your posts are always amazing, keep posting!

  3. Junaid Ahmed
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter,
    This is a very amazing and informative article. You have mentioned all the tiny thing that makes a huge impact on building brand trust for any online business.

    Junaid Ahmed
    Junaid Ahmed recently posted…Everything you need to know about sciaticaMy Profile

  4. Munim Hamid
    | Reply

    Hi Dexter, thanks for such an amazing post. you have mentioned all the points, which must be considered to build brand trust online. I have seen many marketers don’t show customer reviews to their visitors. Actually, it helps visitors to make a buying decision. Keep posting!

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