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Twitter is making it easier to get verified

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It just became a little easier to get the blue verified check mark on Twitter – Twitter is making it easier to get verified

Twitter is making the verification process easier for its users. On Tuesday 19th the company announced that they are opening applications for users to apply to become verified on the platform.

Request To Be Verified On Twitter

The blue verified badge on Twitter lets people know that an account of public interest is authentic.

We approve account types maintained by users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, and other key interest areas. If you believe your account is of public interest and should be verified, this article outlines information about submitting a request.

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(Link disabled – Please see the update below for more information)

Being verified lets users know that the account that they are viewing is authentic. The verified check mark until now has been reserved for celebrities, athletes, journalists, and any other high profile users who are likely to be impersonated. You don’t want to be following Taylor Swift and actually be following someone else. Verification is a way for us to know who is who on Twitter.

Being verified on Twitter doesn’t really change the user experience. But does afford you more followers because of the status it gives, your find users will follow you.

Around 0.6 percent of Twitter users are currently verified, that’s 187,000 members of the 310 million active monthly users.

It just got easier to get a verified Twitter account -Twitter is making it easier to get verified

To apply to be verified you will need to provide the following information

  • Provide a verified phone number
  • Provide a verified email address
  • Have a profile picture
  • Have a profile background
  • A completed bio description
  • State your birthday
  • Provide a link to your website

You will also be asked to tell them why you should receive the verified check mark.

The move to open up the verification process is a step to discover the content creators and social influencer’s who deserve be recognized.

Request to verify a Twitter account - Twitter is making it easier to get verified


Users can apply to be verified Here Request to verify a Twitter account

Twitter is making it easier to get verified – UPDATE 4/12/2017

The request form to verify an account has now been disabled and here is why.


Twitter halts ‘broken’ verified-profile system


Twitter has suspended its verified-profile scheme and described it as “broken”, following complaints over the type of accounts being verified.

Typically, prominent people, including musicians, journalists and company executives, get a blue icon on their profile after proving their identity.

However, some far-right and white-supremacist accounts have now also been verified.

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said the scheme would now be “reconsidered”.




So, we now suggest that you request via Twitter and use the new Twitter character limit increase to your advantage. You can see how to do it here – Request to be verified on Twitter

Twitter is making it easier to get verified

That’s all for now. I hope to see you all on Twitter very soon with your little blue check marks.

regards Dexter Roona

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Twitter is making it a whole lot easier to get verified - UPDATED 4/12/2017
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Twitter is making it a whole lot easier to get verified - UPDATED 4/12/2017
It just became a little easier to get the blue verified check mark on Twitter. Twitter has just announced that they are opening applications for users to ...
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Follow Dexter Roona:
Social Media Expert and Blogger. I love all elements of social media and my InfoBunny Blog is now really just about providing help for those looking to build their Social Media Authority.

5 Responses

  1. Jean-Christophe
    | Reply

    I just submitted my profile for verification 🙂
    I’m not sure I’ll get accepted since I did not really work on the arguments about why they should add me, but we’ll see.
    Jean-Christophe recently posted…How to run AB experiments with Google Analytics – Step by Step tutorialMy Profile

  2. Ike Paz
    | Reply

    exactly what i was looking for!

    I want to get verified on Twitter

    This is great!

  3. Nirmal Kumar
    | Reply

    Looks like Twitter has not fixed them till now. Still no way to get verified on Twitter

  4. Franca Whyte
    | Reply

    That is true. I think I need to get my Twitter account verified now. Thank you for sharing this guide with us.
    Franca Whyte recently posted…Twitter Sign In – Sign In to Twitter – Twitter Account CreationMy Profile

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